list of aave words to avoid

By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. A major reason being that one is for black people only. Assess whether your ability to say a word is as important as the dehumanization, oppression, and appropriation of an entire culture, specifically a culture who have been treated like shit since the entire existence of the country. Here are a few tips to help you avoid overusing "very": Use a thesaurus to find alternative words and avoid repetition. ill try and keep this updated! This is a paraphrase of Kimi Narade If Not You, a poem from the Kojiki.The poem itself reads If not you, then to whom shall I show the plum blossoms? past participle of strong verb denotes past tense: (Where most of the words and came from, this has definitions and alternatives! Avoid following back until this virus dies down. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with aave, and as you go down the . Maybe Amestris had Ishvalan Boarding Schools happening. Twerking involves mostly women squatting while shaking their rear ends. Id like to thank everyone who contributed to this post- I spent countless hours interviewing and researching to be sure this contained everything needed to educate others about some things black people want you to know. Thats some pretty serious shit right there. Below is a massive list of aave words - that is, words related to aave. finna (i.e. It is also known as Black English or Ebonics as well. If you are a mac user you shouldnt worry to much. So, where did Elsa get the design from? Slang version of "tea" (i.e. I dont even need to explain why imitating the entire linguistic rules of a culture you have no right butting into is an asshole thing to do. I will probably tighten this translation up a bit when we get the official lyrics, as it stands there are still some things I dont understand the exact nuance of. However, there is actually a significant change in meaning related to the placement of "been." For example, an article from the online magazine Agorax about AAVE . ITV spent 1.2million renovating the villa, but missed this?! ), Be (habitual use, e.g. A note before we get started- I am a white southerner. That being said; now you should know, and you should actively work towards fixing your behavior just as you work to unlearn racism. Sometimes those you trust the most will hurt you the worst: Dont judge people by their outward appearance: Dont give up. Following the drama surrounding Valkyrae's use of African-American Vernacular English (AAVE), xQc earlier this week found a list of words and phrases that might fit under that category of speech . Is it being commercialized for financial gain? During the State Alchemist trials theyre just humoring him and not planning on letting him in until he blows them away the way he does and then Bradley is like OVERRULED becausehe knows. This post is solely built on the experiences and opinions of black POC who have the right to determine if this is or isnt offensive I simply want to compile everything Ive gotten in hopes that others will read and learn. Because when white people only use AAVE to be funny or sound aggressive, they are inadvertently stereotyping African Americans as a joke or violent people. The lyrics to this song are written in a mixture of Classical and modern Japanese. The past tense in AAVE would consist of "I been bought it," "I done bought it," "I did buy it," and "I do buy it." We usually use AAVE when were trying to sound tough or aggressive as queenconsuelabananahammock states in her reblog of a popular post about the problems with AAVE. XQc didnt take the bait, but he did continue to show Cenat some of the odd situations in which people like Valkyrae have gotten in trouble for using AAVE. If you aren't Black, you shouldn't be using them. You cant say chill, bae? he said. (These lyrics are not from an official source. The future tenses would consist of "I'ma buy it," "I'ma gonna buy it," and "I gonna buy it. Lets further perpetuate the stereotype that black people are uneducated and aggressive, why dont we. So they start learning during their journey and then after that they live with the Ishvalans a bit learning their mothers culture more fully. Sure, he didnt have any parents, but the trolls werent even like hey well adopt and raise this orphan, they just fucking TOOK him without telling the ice harvesters, because apparently the ice harvesters have absolutely no emotional connection to Kristoff or to Kristoffs deceased parents and dont care he was kidnapped and WHY??? ), thirsty/thirst (as in theyre so thirsty), gas/gassed/gassin (she was gassin gas this). Itd be real gross of me to claim I havent made my fair share of mistakes, so here I am working to fix where Ive gone wrong. So the term AAVE in and of itself is purely a linguistics thing and has nothing to do with politics. ta bort avsnittsbrytning word mac; de que trata cada libro de la biblia. it's over! the information on the carrd will more or less be accurate since this list is based on the consensus of black people that not only i have experienced, but among other black people as well ! Why is no one alarmed that Elsa can create sentient life from sheer force of will? plus my blog can get kinda personal. here is the alphabetical list of aave words ! Valkyrae, you need new mods, bro? The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. I have collected as many blogs as possible that I/other people have proven to be blogs linked to the FBI/moneypak virus. ", RELATED: 8 Low-Key Racist Things You Need To Stop Doing Immediately. Salty, lit, turnt, bae, woke all these and many more phrases can be traced back to AAVE words. It is loaded for Black women/femmes and thus a cultural term. When you overuse AAVE i (using it flippantly or without credit to its actual meaning), youre contributing to the devaluing of the black experience. Joking about POC actively contributes to their oppression. so it's impossible to truly tell if he was genuinely trying to avoid AAVE or if he was poking fun at the way that some words and phrases on the . This led to the formation of a Creole language with an English superstrate but strong pan-African grammatical influences meaning lots and lots of English words, but still a distinct language from English.". and I wasnt gunna lie cuz shell probably see me on it later so I was like yeah. And she says can I have your url? and I was like Twitch - Twitter - Reddit - Discord - Literally no one volunteers to escort Anna. We need to keep in mind that the mainstream population gets to control the meanings of these words, so using them in an incorrect manor is damaging to AAVE and black people as a whole. Could you expound your problems with the world of Frozen? Taking small AAVE terms and phrases out of your vocabulary is a start but it is not the solution." If you're looking for an even more detailed list of words and phrases you're not allowed to. Why is. Whens the last time you said deadass this party is lit? Chances are, it was trying to sound cool and tough. Aave is an Ethereum-based decentralised lending protocol that lets users lend and borrow funds without the involvement of an intermediary institution. "and that's on what? And honestly, you dont get an out just because your friend said it was ok. they be killin it, he be walkin, bitches be like, etc. Be-verbs (was, is, are, were, etc.) Almost like thats how we view and stigmatize black people! :D. Definition : also called Black English, is spoken by most African Americans and Black Canadians. How and why do the trolls have memory-altering magic? Cookie Notice Woke: A political term of African American origin, and refers to a, Ratchet: Originating as a word used to refer to a woman who was sleeping with a married man, it has gained popularity when referring to someone who is ghetto.. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. Avoid visiting other users blogs, even ones that have been safe in the past until this virus dies down. Sis Pressed Aggy Woke Finna Lit Snatched (i.e., snatched my wig) Shook Cap and no cap Extra (i.e., he's so extra) Read (i.e., read for filth) tho/dow Deadass Headass The habitual be (i.e., he be like) Been (i.e., we been knew) Tea (i.e., spill the tea) Hella Simp Sus Boo Bae Period Purr As fuck Chile Double negation On fleek Shade try not to refer to anyone as lightskin when youre white. Let alone Arendelle. Im your father now. and this is how Scar turns into Valjean.). Heres a tumblr post with a few examples of rules specific to AAVE. Acknowledging that the language is not slang, and using it in the right context is what it boils down to. teehee teehee this carrd is to serve solely as a dictionary-like/glossary for aave. Alternatives and Substitutes for Appropriative or Problematic Language. When white people use terms that are part of AAVE, it erases the history behind it. Heres a good list of words and phrases to stay away from. Heres a post about slipping into AAVE, described as such bc people put on the dialect at very specific times for very specific reasons. Those reasons are -never- respectful ones. Avoid this word unless using it in dialogue (and even then it can get old fast). Now a few ways that you can identify whether a blog that has followed/reblogged you is a virus. POC joking about us? Bye, Felicia: Originating from the movie Friday, it is a phrase to get someone out of your face. Check your privilege 2.) Because. BACKGROUND. Like, so Trisha is Ishvalan and when shes still quite young she ends up in Resembool somehow. The present tense would be "I be buying it." This includes but is not limited to: A common misconception is that this is language created by Gen Z because they appear to be the ones that use it the most, but some communities are saying that this is not the case. It's a thoroughly developed muscle of a resilient, disenfranchised people.". im so sorry i just need to organize my reference tag so warning for long post and organization system that only makes sense to me, things id put under writing references but arent actually specifically for writing, again very sorry for the hella long post but maybe thisll be useful to some of you. I want to say white people but really anyone who isnt black should work to avoid using AAVE (african-american vernacular english) because its reaaaaally not ok. That being said, this post is pretty heavily referencing white people because we are the biggest oppressors and are more likely than not the ones pulling the most shit. Reason to read (and buy!) Are you in proximity to the culture that originated the terms? And then he meets this Ishvalan kid whos also an alchemist? especially given how much of it is used now, #but others? nothing personal. his is an excellent post for WRITING black characters who use AAVE. Plus, youre likely speaking it wrong to begin with, because like other dialects AAVE has its own language rules. : question prompted from disbelief, and/or skepticism, - used to test someone if they're being serious, - "u did the dishes? They have every right to joke about their oppressors. White southern dialects, for one example, are very rhotic. 1. See additional information. A lot of these words are also used heavily in non-Black queer and trans communities. Depending on your laptop, this ransom ware can range from being annoying to being pretty dangerous! In this article, she comments on one of Buzzfeeds articles titled 23 Words Teenagers Love To Use And What They Really Mean. Her full comment is as followed; These are not teen words. Why is there absolutely no repercussions for Elsa abandoning the kingdom? Feel free to reblog and add more! Get the HELL over yourselves, guys. are weak and boring. African American Vernacular English (AAVE) is the variety formerly known as Black English Vernacular or Vernacular Black English among sociolinguists, and commonly called Ebonics outside the academic community. Just hire me, thats it., Valkyrae last week apologized for the use of AAVE language during a stream, and while she didnt specifically mention what she said, Reddit sleuths deduced that it was likely that instance of her saying no cap on a stack, for real, for real.. Talking to xQc in a voice chat, Cenat couldnt believe that some of the words on the list could be interpreted as inappropriate appropriation. Scar shows up and hes like Im looking for the Fullmetal Alchemist. AAVE in Marketing Campaigns. The military doesnt publicize the fact that Eds Ishvalan, and so a lot of the time people dont believe him when he says hes the Fullmetal Alchemist. //heavy sarcasm. 14. be-verbs. Please never forget that we (white people) shouldnt speak over any person of color when it comes to discussing their oppression, and other POC shouldnt speak over another POC. Especially avoid be-verbs paired with -ing verbs when they aren't needed. Just say gossip. It is a legitimate English dialect with functioning rules. Though it is wrong to use this vocabulary satirically to ridicule African-American cultures, many of the words on this list have been well-integrated into other dialects (e.g. If any of these blogs follow you, block them immediately and contact Tumblr. On social media recently the phrase AAVE has been cropping up increasingly often in TikTok comments sections, in fiery Twitter threads and it all seems to revolve around the words that people are using in their day to day vocabulary. Anyway so Scar gets a redemption arc earlier in the story and Ed ends up wearing the clothes in the pictures instead of the Amestrian clothes he had been wearing and getting sorta-adopted by Scar. Who was taking care of Elsa and Anna and running the kingdom before Elsas coronation? Why is magic considered frightening/bad? please refer to @aaveglossary to get in touch with me ! We have stolen from and erased and murdered and devastated people of color. :), Bae (this is NOT short for "before anyone else" tf. Were shown nothing to support this notion, and indeed, once Elsa returns and stops being power incontinent, people seem to love them. But what exactly is AAVE and how is it harmful for non-Black people to say it? The internet needs to grow some balls. If you hover over the blogs name and recent post are these or similar it is probably a virus blog. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current . Am I allowed to use AAVE? Trading in what? There are lots of other words in the English language to choose from and as a plus, you'd be expanding your vocabulary. Its okay if you didnt know this at first- given how deeply racism is ingrained in our society, its possible you simply -didnt know- what is and isnt for you. this younger superwholock girl from Design Team that I dont even know by name, just as sippy cup girl after the annoying, noisy way she drinks out of her weird cup, came up to me after it ended today and asked me, do you have a tumblr?. It stands for African American Vernacular English. Disclaimer- I claim no ownership over the items I link. it's not weird to not want to share your blog url with people you just met??right??? Arendelle is a seriously bland kingdom. note: some aave terms are claimed by other marginalized groups that i am not a part of, and it is not my place to add them to this list, so i would refer to you researching those unlisted terms on your own!! AAVE: STOP APPROPRIATING IT. They started out fairly sheltered in Resembool, because Trisha was quite Amestris-ised and they were raised that way and yeah they stood out a bit but they didnt face the racism they found in Central and elsewhere because everyone knew them. Because now that you know, you need to stop. !as always, if there are any concerns, please contact me !last updated : 11-01-22. about that : used with phrases like, "about that life," meaning, being passionate about or associated with something. In traditional Japanese poetry it is a season word for spring. IT IS NOT A MEANS OF MAKING YOU SOUND COOL, FUNNY, OR TO EMPHASIZE YOUR ANGER. Even if there is some purpose to Anna being forbidden to leave the castle, why didnt she try to leave anyhow? Educate yourself on the historical and contemporary harms of cultural appropriation in this country, particularly within the Black community (THERE IS SO MUCH INFORMATION ONLINE AND GOOGLE IS FREE AND EASY TO USE) 3.) But when those words are said by a Black person, its seen as improper and not smart., In "Using Black Vernacular English (BVE) as a Non-Black Person Isnt 'Woke' if You Don't Understand the History," Anisha Phillips explains, When white and other non-Black people use this terminology to gain social relevance, we are often able to turn it on and off when necessary. Vary your sentence structure to keep your writing interesting and engaging. You may be able to speak like this for fun or for clout, but we are forced to code-switch based on who were talking to or the environment were in as AAVE is commonly regarded as inappropriate, unprofessional, andbroken english. read : to roast, or be roasted, by someone, - when you read someone, you point out their flaws, real : to express the difficulty of something; to express transparency in something, -"to be real," is similar to saying, "in all seriousness", respect : to express someone's respects, usually verbally expressed, - usually used in modes of transportation: car, walking, rolly : noun for rolex; any resemblance of a rolex watch, run(nning) hands/fade : to incite a fight, - used in arguments of those who are deemed ascorrect, - other variations: skoo (just drop the letter before m), serve : to describe the looks given by people, think of modeling, shade : to have, or express negative remarks of someone/something, - other variants: shawtee, shauty, shautee, other phonetic spellings, shoe game : to describe someone's shoe style, usually in a positive way, - there are other variations with other items of clothing, or to describe someone's skill with [noun/verb] game, shook : to be surprised, literally shaken up by something, shoot[as]ers: a name for someone who has your back, shoot your shot : to ask out someone in your interest, sickening : to express someone's amazement, side-eye: the state of being suspicious, shady, skeptical, simp : the state of being overly desperate, sis : short for "sister," used to address someone, slay : to look good, and/or perfect something, again, think of modeling, s[ch]lumped: the state of being very tired, and to describe someone as they're asleep, [the] smoke : to refer to someone to fight, or beat up, - reference to someone's skill in fighting, - "don't mess w me, or you'll get the smoke", - usually used to describe the looks of someone, being neat n tidy, spittin : when someone is speaking fast, skillfully rapping, or speaking facts, stay woke : a phrase that can serve as a reminder to stay open-minded, and/or alert, steady: the state of consistency, being at the same pace or state of being, straight up : similar to the definition of real; tell the truth, -replace this word with "literally," and that's pretty much how it's used lol, "so u grown now? i'll try and keep this updated! Do people like Anna and Elsa with royal blood simply hold ALL the power in their kingdom? UNSUPERVISED? ", - "ariana's performance was pheonominal, show's over! ", dime : to describe something of top quality, - "we all went to din' and then I had to pay", done : the state of being completed, perfective, - used throughout a sentence as an adverb. Crypto CO 2 While using descriptive words in your writing and speech is essential, avoiding overusing them is equally important. Trudy from Gradient Lair speaking about current teenage slang being pretty much entirely appropriated. but also please consider this wonderful accompanying fanart: and also going through the tags of both posts have some interesting ideas as well! list of aave words to avoid. This is what white people that speak AAVE sound like to me, taurusongs (@n3ongutz) January 22, 2023, When a white person uses AAVE, such as lit or bae, its seen as trendy and funny. Why Should Non-Black People Avoid Using AAVE? How the hell can she just waltz back in and be queen, completely unchecked? The language was the origin point of many slang terms, but the language isn't all slang. Im making this post to try and inform other nonblack people not to be disrespectful and stay away from words and a dialect that is -not- ours. Pieris japonica, a small tree in the heather family that is noted for being poisonous (the characters used to write it literally mean drunk horse tree after its effects). Also, why does Anna have NO friends? A Message To Non-Black Authors

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list of aave words to avoid