Beber (bveh- bvehr) (to drink) is a regular -er verb, so its conjugation is pretty straightforward. To see how to conjugate these verbs, you can look them up in a reliable conjugation dictionary, such as SpanishDict. SpanishDict displays vos conjugations from Argentina. Practice the conjugation and remember it forever. ), Por seguridad, no bebas hasta perder la conciencia. Ver en espaol en . Home Spanish Vocab and Grammar Spanish Future Perfect Tense: Conjugation Tables, Usage, Examples and More The Spanish future perfect tense is used to say something will have been done in the future. Plus lessons & quizzes to help you master Spanish conjugation. For example, "beba", meaning "I drink". ), S. (Did you drink wine at the party? (Do you drink water every day?) The conditional perfect conjugations of beber are used to talk about what someone would have drunk if certain conditions had been met. So we built an app to take away the confusion. What are the Spanish endings for er verbs? Download a copy of the beber conjugation cheat sheets PDF with all the tense charts, meanings & uses. Practice the conjugation and remember it forever. Learn not only the most common conjugations but also regional conjugations including vosotros from Spain and vos from Argentina. Beber Conjugation | Conjugate Beber in Spanish beber beber Add to list to drink Dictionary Conjugation Examples Pronunciation Thesaurus View the conjugation for to drink. The red dot () above denotes an irregular conjugation. Quiz multiple verbs & tenses at the same time. ), S. The beber present tense expresses that the subject drinks at the moment they are describing the action. Try our app! beber Add to list to drink Dictionary Conjugation Examples Pronunciation Thesaurus Mode: Indicative, Spanish tense name: Pretrito In this video you will learn the truth about these two verbs in Spanish. The beber conjugation charts below show how to conjugate this verb to the subjunctive tenses. Similar verbs to beber include: tomar. Conjugations for every Spanish verb. Fast, easy, reliable language certification, 35,000+ worksheets, games, and lesson plans. After the first couple of lessons I finally feel comfortable conversing with the natives here in Panama. Haber in the present subjunctive + bebido is the formula to build the present perfect subjunctive of beber. In Spanish, we use reflexive pronouns to emphasize the action of drinking. Struggling with Spanish conjugation? bebi vosotros bebisteis ellos / Uds. Download and print a cheat sheet of Beber Spanish conjugation tables in image or PDF format: Get full conjugation tables for Beber and 1,700+ other verbs on-the-go with Ella Verbs for iOS and Android. Read on below to see how it is conjugated in the 18 major Spanish tenses! Yes, I will drink up. (I drink too much when I'm nervous. P.S. For example, "he bebido agua", meaning "I have drunk water". 2. Read on below to see how it is conjugated in the 18 major Spanish tenses! Mode: Indicative, Spanish tense name: Pretrito perfecto beber . For instance: Nunca has bebido sake? Look up Spanish verb conjugations on SpanishDict and see examples in context, with Spanish and English translations. [Reflexive pronoun] + [beber conjugated] + (beverage). (We went from house to house and sold everything we cooked. On the Beber list by April12847, master each vocabulary translation via open input or multiple choice practice. Spanish verbs Cheat Sheet Practice conjugating beber Participles Include vos Include vosotros Indicative of "beber" Want to Practice Conjugations? This app is like a conjugation drill. The Imperative Affirmative is used to give orders and commands, to tell someone to do something. Person. In Spanish, the Indicative Present Perfect is known as "El Pretrito Perfecto". In Spanish, the Subjunctive Imperfect is known as "El Imperfecto Subjuntivo". ), que yo beba, que t bebas, que usted/l/ella beba, que nosotros/as bebamos, que vosotros/as bebis, que ustedes/ellos/ellas beban (that I drink, that you drink, that she drink, etc. I'm afraid we're selling our soul to the devil. 3. This is a great worksheet that will allow your beginner students practice both the meaning and the conjugation of the following -er verbs: manger, dner, regarder, couter, nager, voyager, jouer, chanter, aimer, parler, travailler. Mode: Subjunctive, Spanish tense name: Subjuntivo pretrito perfecto Conjugate verb. The Subjunctive Present Perfect is used to describe past actions or events that are still connected to the present day and to speak about an action that will have happened by a certain time in the future. The future perfect tense conjugations of beber are used to say that someone will have drunk something by or before a certain point in the future. Include vosotros Back to top Leer in the Indicative Informal Future Translation. Creer is a basic -ER verb with stem changes in some past tenses. If you are a Spanish complete beginner or you. We drank beer but we did not drink wine. These conjugations express that someone has or hasnt drunk something. Vocabulary quizzes are powered by SpanishDict's world-class Spanish-English dictionary. (Do you drink water every day? If youre going to master Spanish verbs like beber, you need to be able to identify which group a verb belongs to: regular (follows regular conjugation rules for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs), stem-changing (morphs depending on how you use it in a sentence), spelling-changing (has consonant-spelling changes in some forms to follow pronunciation rules), or reflexive (reflects the action back on the subject of the sentence). (Yes. beba - drink Affirmative imperative usted conjugation of beber. (With 40 pesos we ate all day. Mode: Indicative, Spanish tense name: Futuro perfecto On s'occupe de ceux qui violentent leurs femmes et enfants. (Will you drink with me this weekend? Take the beber conjugation practice quiz to test your knowledge of conjugating this -ER verb that is used in daily Spanish conversations. Bebo mucha agua todos los das. Notes: Regular. Imperfect. ), Para 2050, el 99% de las aves del mundo habrn comido trozos de plstico. (Yes. Present indicative. Here are some more sentences applying the rules for ER ending regular verbs in Spanish to COMER (to eat). ), yo beb, t bebiste, usted/l/ella bebi, nosotros/as bebimos, vosotros/as bebisteis, ustedes/ellos/ellas bebieron (I drank, you drank, she drank, etc. In Spanish, the Indicative Present Continuous is known as "El Presente Progresivo". Making educational experiences better for everyone. Print - Export to Word. poder . Conjugation of Beber. We use these conjugations to express doubt or expectations about someone having drunk something. After watching this video,. Mode: Imperative, Spanish tense name: Imperativo negativo It is a regular ER verb. Learn every Spanish verb in every tense, for all pronouns. To conjugate beber in the present tense, one uses this structure: Beber conjugation in the . bailar . Activity by Shannon Belisle. Sign in. The following tables show you its preterit, imperfect, and future forms. For example: No beban agua de la llave. Imperfect subjunctive. Present subjunctive. From students and tourists to doctors and soldiers whove moved and visited here over the years. In Spanish, the Indicative Future Perfect is known as "El Futuro Perfecto". Present subjunctive. Gerald Erichsen is a Spanish language expert who has created Spanish lessons for ThoughtCo since 1998. Beber is conjugated as a regular er verb in the preterite tense. ), Por primera vez los estadounidenses estn bebiendo ms agua que refrescos, muestra un estudio reciente. You wash answer choices t lavas l lava t lava l lavas Question 3 30 seconds Report an issue Q. we clean answer choices vosotros limpiamos nosotros limpiamos nosotros limpamos vosotros limpamos Question 4 30 seconds Report an issue Q. she cuts answer choices ella cortas ella corto ella corta ella cortan Question 5 )
\n \nS. beber Add to list to drink Dictionary Conjugation Examples Pronunciation Thesaurus View the conjugation for to drink. Spanish 1 - ER and IR Verbs Conjugation Practice Worksheet and Sentence Writing by Ms Zs Teaching Resources 4.9 (27) $1.50 PDF DESCRIPTION: This is a two-page worksheet that's perfect for practicing conjugating -ER and -IR verbs in the present tense. ), Hemos vendido los dos coches a nuestros hijos. Mode: Conditional, Spanish tense name: Imperfecto S. For example, "beba", meaning "(to you formal) drink!". (The amount of water that the rats drank in the first phase was compared with what they drank in the second phase. Verb Conjugator. correr salir perder trabajar jugar comprar pensar venir beber pedir estudiar ir leer or ver cantar saber querer hablar tener pasar llegar poder empezar buscar seguir soar ser decir haber volver poner comer hacer dormir dar gustar traer estar . Copyright Curiosity Media, Inc., a division of IXL Learning All Rights Reserved. Present For example, "beb agua", meaning "I drank water". Beber is the Spanish verb for "to drink". Here's what's included: Our Spanish verb conjugation tables have it all. By entering your email address and clicking the Submit button, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from, which may include marketing promotions, news and updates. Beber appears on the 100 Most Used Spanish Preterite Tense Verbs Poster as the #1 most used regular er verb. (There are many tricks for getting kids to eat their vegetables. (No. For example, "bebiera", meaning "I drank". In Spanish, the Indicative Informal Future is known as "El Futuro Prximo". In Spanish, the Subjunctive Present is known as "El Presente de Subjuntivo". For example, "haba bebido agua", meaning "I had drunk water". Infinitive beber. For example, "bebo agua", meaning "I drink water". Cuntas cervezas han bebido?How many beers have you guys drunk? It is also used to talk about facts and truths. See exactly where you go wrong with in-quiz lessons. (They don't think about what they are going to eat, what they are going to drink or what clothes they are going to put on. English translation: to drink - Traduction franaise : boire. The imperfect subjunctive has two models for conjugating beber depending on which type of Spanish youre using. Here's what's included: Our Spanish verb conjugation tables have it all. During the day Im a freelancer and marketer, while at night Im here writing for students of the world wide web looking to learn Spanish. Tony y yo nos bebimos todo el vino. Matt siempre bebe su caf sin azcar. yo bebo, t bebes, usted/l/ella bebe, nosotros/as bebemos, vosotros/as bebis, ustedes/ellos/ellas beben (I drink, you drink, he drinks, etc. Hola! Fast, easy, reliable language certification, 35,000+ worksheets, games, and lesson plans. Spanish verbs fall into different groups, and each group is conjugated a little differently. Copyright Curiosity Media, Inc., a division of IXL Learning All Rights Reserved. )
\nS. : Nos encargamos de aquellas personas que causan problemas despus de beber. For example, "voy a beber agua", meaning "I am going to drink water". that youve provided to them or that theyve collected from your use of their services. After helping 50,000+ Spanish learners, we think it could help you too. I drink a lot of water every day.) For example: beber ("to drink"), in which beb- is the stem and -er is the infinitive ending. Beber (bveh-bvehr) (to drink) is a regular -er verb, so its conjugation is pretty straightforward. Learn not only the most common conjugations but also regional conjugations including vosotros from Spain and vos from Argentina. )
\nNo. This site also participates in other affiliate programs, including CJ and other sites, and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies, but in no way increases the cost to you if you opt to make a purchase from my links. SpanishDict displays vos conjugations from Argentina. Alternatively you can become a supporter and remove the ads completely. In the preterite tense, beber communicates that a person drank something at a specific time in the past. Si juegas al "Yo nunca" como juego para beber, ahora todo el que lo haya hecho, tiene que beber. The present subjunctive conjugations of beber are used to recommend, request or wish that someone drinks something. Future. Beber - Subjunctive (Present Subjunctive) Conjugation | beber to drink, sip Present Subjunctive / Presente de Subjuntivo l / Ud. We drank beer but we did not drink wine.). directly cost us money and so are disabled for ad block users. Spanish progressive tenses are conjugated by using the formula estar conjugated + present participle of beber. However, on top of its irregularities, this verb also has E to I and E to IE stem changes in certain tenses. - Puedes beber de la botella, yo beber despus. The Spanish subjunctive mood is used to describe wishes, discuss hypothetical situations or express uncertainty. cantar . Learn to conjugate beber. Mode: Indicative, Spanish tense name: Subjuntivo presente In Spanish, the Indicative Present Continuous is known as "El Presente Progresivo". Ellos beban, pero no mucho. (Yes. dar . Conjugate with SpanishDict and go beyond just looking up the verb. Matt always drinks his coffee without sugar. (For the first time, U.S. residents are drinking more water than soft drinks, a recent study shows. "Conjugation of Beber." (He wrote a strange message to the actress: "I would drink your bathtub water." SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Copyright Curiosity Media, Inc., a division of IXL Learning. Beber conjugation pattern can help you understand how to conjugate regular -ER verbs. Yo nunca beber sake. 3 Apps to learn verbs Being able to speak fluently is where speed comes in. Beber is a Spanish verb meaning to drink. )
\nConjugation | \nTranslation | \n
yo beba | \nI used to drink | \n
t bebas | \nYou (informal) used to drink | \n
l/ella/ello/uno beba | \nHe/she/one used to drink | \n
usted beba | \nYou (formal) used to drink | \n
nosotros bebamos | \nWe used to drink | \n
vosotros bebais | \nYou all (informal) used to drink | \n
ellos/ellas beban | \nThey used to drink | \n
ustedes beban | \nYou all (formal) used to drink | \n
Here are some examples of the imperfect tense:
\n- \n
Beban tus hermanos cuando eran jvenes? (Did your brothers used to drink when they were young? Temos todos os tipos de testes, como testes de trivialidades (trvia), testes de QI, testes de personalidade, testes psicolgicos, testes espirituais, testes de sade, testes sobre identidade, testes para crianas, testes para adultos, testes divertidos com respostas, testes lgicos e testes matemticos. Note: The conjugation chart above doesnt include the form vosotros as this pronoun is not used in Latin American Spanish. ), No soy sexista, pero no creo que las mujeres deban hablar de ftbol americano. Note that the most common -er verbsamong them ser, haber, tener, and hacerare irregular and need to be learned separately. The Indicative Future Perfect of beber is used to talk about something that will have happened in the future after something else has already happened. Learn every Spanish verb in every tense, for all pronouns. The Subjunctive Future is used to speak about hypothetical situations, and actions/events that may happen in the future. Algn da vas a comprender. Preterite. link to Creer Conjugation 101: Conjugate Creer in Spanish, link to Venir Conjugation 101: Conjugate Venir In Spanish, Imperative (Commands) of Beber Conjugations, Download Beber Conjugation Tables & Uses Cheat sheets, formula of the Spanish present perfect tense. Imperative.). Making educational experiences better for everyone. beber. In Spanish, the Imperative Negative is known as "El Imperativo Negativo". Since this is also a common verb in everyday conversations, in this guide, well go through the conjugation charts of beber. beberan Color Key The Indicative Present Continuous of beber is used to talk about something that is happening continuously or right now. (She gave it to her friends for them to drink. In English, the infinitive includes the word to. Future simple tense Bebo mucha agua todos los das. (Yes. During the day Im a freelancer and online marketer, while at night Im here writing for students of the world wide web looking to learn Spanish. GRAMATICA Preterit of irregular verbs rant. SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. For example, "habr bebido agua", meaning "I will have drunk water". vais a consumir - you are going to consume. A clean and easy to read chart to help you learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb beber in Future tense. infinitivo: gerundio: participio: pronominal: beber bebiendo Present perfect. Accents: Other forms beber ? In Spanish, the Subjunctive Present Perfect is known as "El Pretrito Perfecto de Subjuntivo". )
\n \n
Conjugation | \nTranslation | \n
yo beba | \nI used to drink | \n
t bebas | \nYou (informal) used to drink | \n
l/ella/ello/uno beba | \nHe/she/one used to drink | \n
usted beba | \nYou (formal) used to drink | \n
nosotros bebamos | \nWe used to drink | \n
vosotros bebais | \nYou all (informal) used to drink | \n
ellos/ellas beban | \nThey used to drink | \n
ustedes beban | \nYou all (formal) used to drink | \n
Here are some examples of the imperfect tense:
\n- \n
Beban tus hermanos cuando eran jvenes? (Did your brothers used to drink when they were young? I hope you find what youre looking here during your journey into Espaol Read More About Me, Creer Conjugation 101: Conjugate Creer in Spanish. Retrieved from Here it is in the present tense: The following examples show you beber in action: Bebes agua todos los das? Beber conditional conjugations are used to talk about the beverages someone would drink. Note that this is very rarely used in Spanish. Use the negative imperative to demand someone to not drink something. For example: Te sugiero que no bebas ms caf. Learn Spanish. ), Maana venderemos todos estos secretos y nos haremos ricos. Konjugation Verb beber auf Spanisch X Spanisch Konjugieren Werkzeugkiste: Tabellen Verben mit zwei Partizipien beber Infinitivo beber Gerundio bebiendo Participio Pasado bebido Vorlage : deber Hilfsverb : haber Andere Formen: beberse / no beber Werbung Indicativo Presente yo bebo t bebes l/ella/Ud. Look up Spanish verb conjugations on SpanishDict and see examples in context, with Spanish and English translations. For a full list of regular verbs in Spanish visit, the post called 1000 Examples of Spanish Regular Verbs (+ Free PDF). Beber conjugated to the imperfect tense is used to talk about the things you used to drink repeatedly in the past. )
\n \n
Conjugation | \nTranslation | \n
yo beber | \nI will drink | \n
t bebers | \nYou (informal) will drink | \n
l/ella/ello/uno beber | \nHe/she/one will drink | \n
usted beber | \nYou (formal) will drink | \n
nosotros beberemos | \nWe will drink | \n
vosotros beberis | \nYou all (informal) will drink | \n
ellos/ellas bebern | \nThey will drink | \n
ustedes bebern | \nYou all (formal) will drink | \n
The following samples put the future tense to work:
\n- \n
Bebers conmigo este fin de semana? (Will you drink with me this weekend?
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