benton county calls for service

BURGLARY 2; CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 2; THEFT 2 - On Thursday, January 12, 2023, at approximately 3:30 PM, deputies spoke with a resident about someone burglarizing his barn in the 4300 block of NE Hwy 20, Corvallis in December 2022. SCPD's Police Blotter highlights a partial list of incidents in Santa Clara and is distributed to the press on a weekly basis . Font Size: +-Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, . He found the trailer at a house on Brumfield Lane. The owner of the vehicle said someone entered her unlocked car and took various items of no value. The first was a statewide felony parole board warrant. Gardner had a confirmed cite and release warrant out of Linn County Justice Court for Probation Violation for Contempt of Court, Bail $7,500. THEFT 3 - On Thursday February 9, 2023, deputies were dispatched to the 25100 block of Webster Avenue Monroe, for a reported theft. One State Police Plaza Dr. Little Rock, AR 72209. Justin Timberlake thinks Jessica Biel is ageing like a fine wine. Box appeared to be broken into and possibly several others. Several people called to report a white car that was unable to maintain their lane or speeds. RECKLESS BURNING - On February 4, 2023 at around 8:50 am, deputies were dispatched to the 500 block of NW Monroe Ave for a reported dumpster fire. He was subsequently cited in lieu of custody and deputies seized his driver`s license. He was issued a citation for the crime. To listen using other methods such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, or Winamp, choose your player selection and click the play icon to start listening. The Ford was not damaged and was pulled out of the ditch. Deputies drove through the area four times and could not locate the vehicle, or any signs of damage. Driver 1 stated his vehicle began fishtailing before he lost control and crossed the center line and crashed into an eastbound trailer being towed by Driver 2. The Jeep appeared to be disabled. The Utility Notification Center is the one-call agency dedicated to safeguarding citizens and construction personnel who work around utilities, as well as safeguarding the underground infrastructure of pipes, mains and lines which bring utilities to your community. He was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. Deputies later arrested the driver, Cynthia Ann Mross, 59, for DUII and Reckless Driving. Terms Of Service. The vehicle matched the description of a burglary suspect the Corvallis Police Dept was investigating. WARRANT ARREST - On February 3rd, 2023, deputies stopped Barry William Page, 43, for expired tags. Upon arrival, deputies saw a gray Honda Civic in the ditch. ASSAULT 4; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 - On Saturday, January 7, 2023, at approximately 3:09 pm, deputies were dispatched to the 26300 block of Coon Road in Monroe for an assault. Deputies spoke with the driver who said her family was coming to help and she was uninjured. 1,800 Sq. He told deputies he snorted Fentanyl at 3:00 PM and consumed several alcoholic beverages. The damage will have to be assessed in daylight for a more accurate estimate. For those wishing to use the Ben Franklin Transit, please call (509) 735-5100 or view route and schedule information. Deputies spoke to the vehicle owner regarding his 2011 BMW 328i being stolen. WARRANT ARREST - On Sunday, January 22nd, 2023, at about 8:50 p.m., deputies contacted Desiree Boyd, 43, on NW Springhill Dr near MP 2, Albany. Home How Do I. Three watches were ordered without authorization and mailed to a residence. DUII; RECKLESS DRIVING; FAIL CARRY/PRESENT OP LICENSE - On Sunday, January 22, 2023, at about 6:30 pm, deputies stopped a white Chevy Cavalier for failing to drive in its lane and for following too close. WARRANTS WERE CLEARED BY DISPATCH AND HOLD WAS PLACED FOR LINN CO. Courts and Judicial Services + Adult Drug Court. Sherrill was criminally cited and released. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCE - On 2/19/2023 at approximately 7:53 pm, deputies responded to the 3400 block of NW Springhill Dr. for a report of a suspicious vehicle that was continuously parking in a private driveway. In crisis now? What you need: One driver rear-ended another due to ice on the roadway. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCE - On 2/13/2023 at approximately 5:23 pm, deputies responded to the 25200 block of Kyle Rd. The vehicle sustained no damage. Deputies contacted Jessie Scott, 33, who had a statewide felony probation warrant for strangulation. The vehicle, a Toyota did not appeared damaged, and the driver said she was not injured. The driver, Scott Kotara, 33, was suspended misdemeanor. A juvenile reported Rik Matthew Gassner, 48, had strangled and assaulted them after an argument. ADT Home Security Monitoring Service in Benton, Illinois Discover Peace of Mind. Buttram was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY - On Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at approximately 3:10 PM, deputies responded to Kings Valley Highway MP25 for a single-vehicle crash. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 2 CRIME DAMAGE - On February 16, 2023, at around 8:00 pm, deputies were dispatched to Adair County Park for a report of two vehicles recklessly driving back and forth across the grass fields. To receive accurate 9-1-1 addressing, the property owner will need to provide: a tax parcel ID number, subdivision with lot and block (when applicable . Paul Aaron Bonnen, 33, had two confirmed Benton County Warrants for Failure to Register as a Sex Offender. (NMLS #967396) Colorado Universal Service Fund - Intrastate Telephone Calls BM. HARASSMENT; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 1 - On Sunday, January 8, 2023, at approximately 9:25 am, deputies were dispatched to the 300 block of NW 53rd Street in Corvallis for an assault. "Abel" is not a lawyer. CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 - On January 3rd, 2023, at approximately 4:00 pm, deputies were dispatched to a trespass in the 28900 block of Fish Hatchery Road in Alsea. Boyd had a confirmed warrant for her arrest out Benton County Circuit Court. This app provides direct access of recent arrests, inmate roster, warrants, most wanted, child support w On Friday, February 17, 2023 Angel Jimenez-Mena, 41, of Washington was arrested for DUII. During the use of force one of the staff members sustained minor injuries. The Benton County Sheriff's Office released their annual report for 2020 which showed a huge increase in calls for service from 2019. Only law enforcement officers can arrest a person for an outstanding warrant of arrest. King was given a new court date and released. On Friday, February 17, 2023 Kenneth Neal Walrod. Deputies later arrested, cited and released the driver, Thanh Duc Trinh, 37, for Failure to Carry and Present an Operator`s License and DWS Violation. DUII; RESISTING ARREST; RECKLESS DRIVING - On 02/03/2023 at approximately 11:50 P.M., deputies conducted a traffic stop on a black Chrysler on Gibson Hill near North Heights Drive in Albany. The driver and her husband were able to get the car back on the roadway. Waterloo, Iowa 50703. The driver swerved east to avoid the stopped cars, left the roadway, passed over a berm, and hit a wooden railroad crossing sign. Deputies later arrested the driver, Dylan Henderson Wood, 21, for DUII and Reckless Driving. BIAS CRIME 2 - On February 6th, 2023, at about 5:30 pm, Mark Newens, 34, was arrested at the Benton County Jail for Bias Crime in the second degree after making threats to another adult in custody. DUII; RECKLESS DRIVING - On 02/18/2023 at approximately 12:40 A.M., deputies conducted a traffic stop on a grey Kia Optima near 3rd Street and Monroe Avenue in Corvallis. Both driver and passenger had no injuries, but their vehicle was towed. Text to 9-1-1 is a great resource for our citizens in Benton County, Arkansas. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 3 - On Wednesday, January 11, 2023, at approximately 2:15 PM, deputies contacted a resident about someone damaging her flower beds in the 5000 block of NE Elliott Circle, Corvallis in December. WARRANT ARREST - On Thursday, February 9, 2023, at about 7:35pm, deputies arrested Jesus Amador-Guzman, 32, in the 1400 block of SW Jefferson St, Albany, on a misdemeanor Albany Municipal Court warrant. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On February 2, 2023, deputies responded to the intersection of SW 53rd Street and SW Reservoir Avenue for a traffic crash. WARRANT ARREST - On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at about 7:50 pm, deputies were dispatched the 500 block of Monroe Avenue for a verbal argument. HERLONG RD / OLD MIDDLEBURG RD N. 1050. . Click on any result to see more detailed information. The duties of the office of county sheriff in Arkansas are divided into 3 major areas. City of Santa Rosa records, including emails, are subject to the California Public Records Act. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On February 12, 2023 at approximately 10:45 PM, deputies were dispatched to a single vehicle crash at Kyle Rd and Coon Rd. Deputies arrived and spoke with the victim who stated he was stopped facing southbound on Walnut Boulevard when a silver sedan turned northbound onto Walnut Boulevard from Harrison Boulevard and crashed into the drivers side of his 2011 Dodge Avenger. Perreard was given a new court date and released from custody. Sex Offender Search Access registry. RECKLESS DRIVING - On February 5, 2023 at around 3:00 pm, deputies stopped a green 1991 Lexus 400 for reckless driving at NW Kings Blvd and NW Circle Ave. Clark County Sheriff, Casey Police, Marshall Police, Martinsville Police, and ISP: Public Safety 3 : Online: Clark Illinois State Police Troop 9: Public Safety 3 : Online: Clay Clay County Amateur Repeaters: Amateur Radio 0 : Online: Clay Clay County Sheriff and EMS, Wayne County Sheriff and EMS, Flora Police, Fairfield Police, Fire, and EMS . Warrant search results. Jeremiah Louis Jones, 33, was later taken into custody and lodged at the Benton County Jail for a confirmed Parole Violation Warrant, Interfering, and Trespass 1. PLEASE USE THE CONTACT FORM AT BLACK BOOK ONLINE . Disaster Preparedness - Emergency Services Agency. 3-3 00:30. WQCQ496. Upon arrival, deputies spoke with the driver who said that morning at about 7:00 a.m. she was driving her father`s champagne GMC Yukon north or eastbound on Kings Valley Highway towards Philomath at about 50 mph when she slid on the ice, and crashed in the ditch striking a mailbox. The driver remained with his vehicle at the scene, and the other driver called law enforcement from a short distance away. On average, Marshall County E-911 logs over 1,000 communications per day between phone, radio and person-to person traffic. The Official App of the Benton County Sheriff's Office (BCSO) Bentonville, Arkansas Stay informed of the latest events directly from the Benton Country Sheriff's Office in Bentonville, Arkansas. Deputies later arrested Evander Rusty Whitedirt, 28, on a misdemeanor Multnomah County Circuit Court warrant for Sex Abuse 3. The person reporting the hit-and-run parked his vehicle in the gravel parking lot on the south side of the fairgrounds and another vehicle appeared to have hit it while he was away. 225 E 6th Street. WARRANT ARREST - ON 2/9/23, LINUS EZRA MORGAN, 37, WAS IN ARRESTED ON A WARRANT FOR FTA CT2, FTA ON CRIM CITATION X2, FTA II X2 OUT OF LINN COUNTY. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On February 8, 2023 at around 6:32 am, deputies were dispatched to a single-vehicle crash at Hwy 20 and Marys River Estates Road. Hall was cited and released. Follow him on Twitter via @News_Mann_. The jail requested citations be issued and she was released. Deputies arrived and located Patricia Terri Compton, 42, on the sidewalk in front of the building. A resident reported that unknown males were loitering on her porch. DWS MIS - On February 25, 2023 at about 7:50 p.m., deputies pulled over a car for speeding at Highway 20 near Milepost 1. THEFT 3 - On Tuesday, January 17, 2023, at approximately 1:45 pm, deputies were dispatched to the 200 block of N 5th Street in Monroe for a shoplift. Deputies later arrested Rik Gassner for Felony Strangulation, Felony Assault 4, Harassment, and Resisting Arrrest. DWS FEL - On February 17th, 2023 at about 2:45 pm, deputies stopped Robert Pennock, 35, for expired tags (2021) on the vehicle he was driving. Notice of Regular Board Meetings Outside County Seat. Williams had several statewide felony warrants from different jurisdictions. WARRANT ARREST - On 02/13/2023 at 6:15 pm, Morgan, Linus Ezra, 37, was cited at the jail on a warrant and released. Click here to download an application for employment. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On February 21, 2023, at around 6:52 pm, deputies were dispatched to Tampico Rd/Highway 99W for a motor vehicle crash. Nationwide, the average cost of one 15-minute phone call from jail is $5.74 . HAGEMAN WAS CITED AND RELEASED WITH A NEW COURT DATE. The driver was not injured during the crash. Deputies found the 2002 Volvo parked in the bike lane, not a hazard. WARRANT ARREST - On February 15, 2023, at about 2:40 p.m., deputies stopped ANDREA DORMAN, 37, for traffic violations, who was driving on NW Tyler Avenue near NW 1st Street in Corvallis. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On Friday, January 27, 2023, deputies responded to a motor vehicle crash approximately one quarter mile west of Philomath on Highway 20. 202300129521. Deputies arrived and found a silver 2009 Honda CRV had slid into the ditch due to an icy roadway. The male said he was unaware he was trespassing and agreed not to return to the property. Deputies released him with a citation. Deputies contacted the suspicious male via telephone who told deputies he had mixed up the address with another for his Instacart delivery. Reddit; Feedback Print. DUII - On February 4th, 2023, at about 8:15 pm, deputies stopped a white 2011 Subaru for Failure to Drive within Lane and later arrested the driver Jared Hebert, 28, for Driving Under the Influence. Deputies contacted the driver, who said she was south on NW Independence Highway just south of NW Palestine Drive when she lost control of the vehicle and slid into the ditch due to snow/icy conditions. The male was trespassed from the property and he left the area. The father suspected his daughter went to a friend`s house, and did not have a cell phone with her. The driver and passenger were uninjured and the vehicle was towed. In our beautiful county, fishing, boating and fun is our way of life. It was reported that a car door was left open but nothing was stolen. Hall`s passenger, Alicia Nielsen, 36, also had three Benton County Circuit Court warrants and was also issued criminal citations in lieu of custody. Choose a language, then press 0 to speak to a representative. ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY - On 01/21/2023 at approximately 4:30 P.M., deputies were dispatched to Highway 99W and Tampico Road for a single-vehicle crash with possible injuries. No appointment is needed. Deputies arrested Danielle Wolff, 46, for Assault 4 and Strangulation. Whitney was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody for the warrant and citations for driving while suspended-Violation and driving uninsured. Mail Delivery. No further information at this time. On Saturday, February 18, 2023 Brodie Thomas Corrigan, 22, of Corvallis was arrested for DUII and Reckless Driving. Dispatch advised that the passenger, Douglas Huerta, 47, had an outstanding warrant for his arrest for a parole violation out of Linn County. Melissa Lee Wilson, 50, was arrested, cited and released for a confirmed Albany Muni Court warrant. Phone: 541-766-6858 Fax: 541-766-6011. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 3 - On Tuesday, January 17, 2023, at approximately 7:08 am, deputies were dispatched to the 700 block of Commercial Street in Monroe for vandalism. An air conditioner valued at $200 was taken from an exterior dwelling, and five pairs of shoes were taken from the front porch of the house. Check your local weather before and during burning. WARRANT ARREST - On January 27th, 2023 @ approximately 12:41 pm, Christiansen, Cody, 32, turned himself in on an FTA Warrant for DUII. Warrant Arrest - Officers contacted a 25-year-old female Corvallis resident in the 900 block of NW Conifer Blvd. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On January 22nd, 2023 at about 6:39 am, deputies were dispatched to a crash on Hwy 99W, at Cemetery Road, Monroe just north of Monroe. Unknown suspects. While patrolling the area they saw a Toyota Corolla parked just off of Old River Road. Corvallis, Oregon 97330 They dispatch 911 calls for benton Co, interfacilty transfer for both rogers stations and also transfers/911 for their Clarksville, Ar station on this group. Both drivers reported wearing seat belts. Service Area. RECKLESS ENDANGERING; DUII; RECKLESS DRIVING - On February 12, 2023 at approximately 8:00 PM, deputies stopped Ryan STRICKLAN at 5th St/Dragon, Monroe, and him for DUII, Reckless Driving, and Reckless Endangering. STRANGULATION; RESISTING ARREST; FEL ASSAULT 4; HARASSMENT - On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at about 7:00 pm, deputies was dispatched to investigate an assault in the 37800 block of Marys River Road, Blodgett. For posting current incidents, JOIN OUR SCANNER GROUP by clicking here. To apply for a 911 address at Benton County Central Dispatch, located at 1231 Hirsch Parkway, Warsaw, MO, during normal business hours of Monday-Friday 8AM-4PM. The system is address-based. A white Buick had left the roadway and got stuck in the ditch. 7, Sec. Calls for Service. Girma was transported to the Benton County Jail. By calling you help our crews respond more efficiently and restore your service more quickly. The GMC later stopped and the driver, Clarence Williams, 48, was taken into custody. February 15th. Deputies later issued Compton a criminal citation for her confirmed warrant out of Albany Municipal Court and released her on scene. Whitedirt was also cited for Criminal Trespass 2 and Giving False Information to a Police Officer. Make an Accident or Police Report Report an accident online. Deputies initiated a pursuit after the GMC failed to yield and continued to drive at a high rate of speed through downtown Corvallis. POSS METHAMPHETAMINE (VIOLATION); WARRANT ARREST - On Tuesday, February 14, 2023, at about 11:00 pm, deputies arrested Nathaniel Patrick Shuman, 42, at Hyak Park, Albany, on a misdemeanor Albany Municipal Court warrant. This report does not reflect all Sheriff's Office activities and is updated as time and personnel allow. Warrants were located for FTA littering and FTA Violent Conduct. WARRANT ARREST - On 01/30/2023 at approx 5:00 pm, Thephomma, Visanou, 21, came to the Benton County Jail to turn themselves in for a warrant for FTA warrant for Assault. Court Administration. Hours At the time of her arrest, Stark had over 130g of methamphetamine in her purse. 500 NAPA . Deputies issued Hamn a citation with a new court date. The driver was not impaired at the time of the crash. The driver, Dylan Joseph Brisack, 19, was arrested, cited and released on scene. We can all . The resident does not know when the mail was taken and there are no cameras in the area. Deputies later arrested Martinez for DUII and Reckless Driving. The driver was transported to Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, and the vehicle was towed. Directory - County Phone & Office Numbers. Deputies also cited and released the passenger, STEVE BEDOLLA, 52, for a Lebanon Municipal Court Warrant for PV/DUII. 124 were here. Ortega was transported to Benton County Jail where he was lodged. There was no airbag deployment. The driver was uninjured and was later given a ride to her residence. The driver was transported to Good Samaritan Hospital with suspected minor injuries. The court sent a new court date, the subject signed release agreement and was released. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at about 6:30 pm, deputies responded to Highway 99 near mile post 94 for a report of a non-injury vehicle crash. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On February 14, 2023, at about 6:27 a.m., deputies were dispatched to Highway 99W near Thousand Oaks Drive for a single vehicle that drove off the roadway. HARASSMENT; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 1; VIOL RELEASE AGREEMENT - On Monday, February 13th, 2023, at about 1:02 a.m., deputies responded to the 24000 block of Brumfield Ln, Philomath, for a reported assault. WARRANT ARREST - At approx 10:30 on 01/17/2023 WHITE, Robert A, 72, reported into the Benton County Jail on Jackson Co warrant. Live Feed Listing for Benton County. On Thursday, February 16, 2023 David Patrick Richey, 34, of Corvallis was arrested for DUII and Reckless Driving. The Jail Roster is provided pursuant to RCW 70.48.100. - Send all correspondence to the following address: Smart Communications - Benton County Sheriff's Office. Const. To make a payment, request a duplicate statement, or inquire on a bill for services, SDW may be contacted at (360) 394-7010, Monday-Friday 8 . THEFT 2 FROM VEHICLE; UNLAW ENTRY MOTOR VEHICLE - On Thursday, February 9, 2023, deputies were dispatched to an Unlawful Entry into a Motor Vehicle in the 4200 block of NW Springhill Drive, Albany. The third was a Douglas County Circuit Court for FTA Criminal Mischief II, and Disorderly Conduct II. No injuries were reported. Gassner was lodged at the Benton County Jail. Bran-Barrera was subsequently arrested for DUII. Deputies arrived and found a male had driven his gray 2022 Ford F350 into the ditch as he turned onto Tampico Rd from Highway 99W. County Surveyor | (479) 736-8416. He was taken into custody and booked at the Benton County Jail on his warrant. Dispatch advised that Pennock was DWS-Felony through Oregon DMV. The driver and her children were removed from the vehicle and transported to Good Samaritan for evaluation. The driver waited for a tow truck that he called and the vehicle was removed from the ditch. FAIL TO PERFORM DUTIES/DRIVER INJURY - On February 13th, 2023, at about 3:15 pm, deputies were dispatched to a hit-and-run in the 38800 block of Kings Valley Highway in Kings Valley, Oregon. The driver was transported to Good Samaritan Hospital. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On Thursday, February 9, 2023, at about 5:10 pm, deputies were dispatched to investigate a single-vehicle crash on Highway 99 near milepost 80. WARRANT ARREST - On January 31st, 2023 at around 4:12 PM, deputies stopped a white Chevy Suburban near 5th Street and Washington Street. Sample: Inmate's Name Housing Unit (If known) Benton County Jail 7122 W Okanogan Place, #B110 Kennewick, WA 99336 . ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On Thursday, February 23, 2023 at approximately 7:10 P.M., while finishing with a different vehicle off the road, deputies observed a vehicle half a mile north of their location near Highway 99W and Camp Adair Road, with its flashers on. FAIL TO REGISTER SEX OFFENDER - On January 3, 2023, around 9:30 PM, deputies arrested Jerry Dale Hall Jr., 45, on a traffic stop at the intersection of Second Street, and Polk Avenue, Corvallis, for failing to register as a sex offender. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On Thursday, March 2, 2023 at approximately 5:22 P.M., a male was driving a Toyota 4Runner on Granger Avenue and was stopped at Highway 20 while waiting to turn left. Contact the DOC by calling (866) 359-1939 or submitting a tip. Spencer Dean Borthwick was subsequently cited and released for his two warrants. FAIL CARRY/PRESENT OP LICENSE - On January 29, 2023 at around 6:31 pm, deputies stopped a black 2002 Lexus G43 on the Hwy 34 bypass. A warranted was discovered out of Albany Municipal Court. WARRANT ARREST - On January 21, 2023at about 3:45 p.m., deputies stopped to check the welfare of a male in the 2500 block of NW 9th Street. $15 US Dollars was taken. NWA units are #247-259. Court Filing Fees. The driver, Nickolas Shoulders, 33, had an active Sweet Home Municipal Court warrant for Contempt of court - Theft III. Government Residents Business Sitemap. When deputies arrived they found Tabitha Marie Low, 43, at the house. INMATE NAME-ID NUMBER. Deputies issued Brown a citation and informed her of the new court date. Low was lodged at the Benton County Jail. 114.8 PL. ACCIDENT OTHER NO INJ - On January 19, 2023, around 5:15 AM, deputies were dispatched to Highway 99W, near milepost 100, for a motor vehicle crash with possible injuries. THEFT 3 - On Thursday, January 12, 2023, at approximately 2:40 PM, deputies contacted a resident about a theft by a neighbor at 525 NW Monroe Avenue, Corvallis. Matthew S. Anderson, 48, assaulted a man after being previously told to leave. Three more of the same watches were then ordered again but destined for Florida. The crime was not witnessed there were no security cameras in the area. The driver hit a power pole and ended up stopping in the ditch near a tree. When they arrived they learned a physical altercation occurred. For Springdale addressing questions, please call (479) 750-8550. LITTERING - On Friday February 3, 2023, deputies were dispatched to the Adair City Park for a complaint of garbage being dumped in the parking lot. 3-3 00:30. Driver 1 was traveling in a green 1999 Toyota 4-Runner towing a small black empty utility trailer east on NW Lewisburg Avenue when she attempted to turn right onto NW Highland Drive and crashed. Corvallis, OR 97330, Hazards: Floods, Earthquakes, Wildfire and More. ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY - On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, deputies were dispatched to an unknown injury, motor vehicle crash on Highway 99W near Smith Loop. FELON IN POSS OF RESTRICTED WEAPON - On February 10, 2023 at around 10:48 am, deputies contacted Matthew Dean Erickson, 37, at Hwy 20 and milepost 7 for Improper Positioning on a Highway. 03/01/23 08:00. According to the report, calls to the office were roughly 15,650. Dispatch is an integral part of emergency services for the city. FINANCIAL TRANS UNLAW ACTIVITY - On Wednesday, February 8, 2023, deputies were dispatched to a fraud call.

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benton county calls for service