MAURA MURRAY - BILL RAUSCH AND THE FBI (MINDSHOCK TRUE CRIME PODCAST CLIPS)What are the Bill Rausch and FBI connections in relation to the Maura Murray case?. Raised in Hanson, Massachusetts, Maura was a student at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, some 150 miles from the crash site in the New Hampshire village of Woodsville. I never spoke with the alleged caller from the Red Cross. Pls check that bc Im going off memory here, not my notes or google maps! What disappoints me most about this community is the misinfo about Maura. Im unsure if you are suggesting Maura ran away. Renners book about his obsession with Murrays disappearance, True Crime Addict: How I Lost Myself in the Mysterious Disappearance of Maura Murray, published in 2016. Maura Murray is Missing reports he attempted to call the police, but he did not have any cell phone coverage. Or there could be a note they didnt tell me about this seems unlikely as they shared everything else with us. I did believe it to be a woman (again watch the ID ep). Maura Murray MissingMaura Murray was a strong student and track athlete before her disappearance. "Y'all are doingreallocal D.C. Not nearly as lovely as her but the best I could afford back then! From VT to ME and Canada down to MA. But there are people who are gullible enough to believe they are 'good'. This is something that should get more attention IMO and def a topic I want to spend time talking on more at length given the best medium. Skip to content Menu About Documents What We've Learned So Far Notable People Videos Articles Pods Connect Menu All Good Things Posted on June 7, 2022June 7, 2022by jamesrenner Most of it wasnt residential and obvi the river ran along side 112 and we check it for footprints as well as best we could. I was brought up with one and can see through them immediately. All the evidence you need of this can be found in Bill's call records. Any bank account associated with her has remained dormant. While I do not believe someone other than Maura drove the Saturn to NH, I admit that nearly anything is possible. NH was a special place for her since she was a child going camping and hiking there with her family. Also, he and his wife moved to Florida shortly after the disappearance. For all the talk of theories, the idea that someone with good intentions giving her a ride somewhere has fallen by the way side. Murrays father Fred traveled to Amherst on February 7, 2004. Maura and Bill Rausch. But why was he so manic? In 2004 I was a Lieutenant (LT) in the Army stationed at Fort Sill, OK. I basically copy/pasted his answers to questions, took out filler and organized into categories. Especially after being made to feel like I wasnt one the first time I went, I didnt want to fight anybody for that status.. Advertise with Us, Sponsored Posts from our Partners The 911 calls from Westman and Atwood, the two locals who reported the car accident, were placed at 7:27 p.m. and 7:42 p.m., respectively. Security footage of Maura Murray withdrawing cash on the day that she went missing. Im open to anything being possible. The nearby woods mightve hypothetically been a good place to hide out if the weather had been warm, but it was rather cold outside. Maura Murray came up a lot. Much like Maura Murrays mugshot, this image has been widely described as unsettling. While Murrays phone records would indeed indicate that she was considering renting a room in Bartlett, the MapQuest directions in the car led police to believe that she was actually headed to Burlington instead. Listen to this episode of Captain and Morgan to learn more. Hopefully some competent police officer will look into Billy again. I not recall if it was on her desk or perhaps on top of boxes beside her desk. While authorities have acknowledged the possibility that Murray is still out there somewhere, they think its extremely unlikely. It was a reported sighting (LE should have a record of it) after the accident. District Line Daily: Our news, politics, arts, food, and sports coverage in one email every weekday. I love the idea of reconsidering it. This is a good example, bc I remember being at the house in Hanson and her going through old photos and seeing one similar (maybe the same one?) We drove from Canada down to Mass and from VT over to Maine. On February 10th, 2004 my world turned upside down when I received a call from Maura's father, Fred. It happened to Maura. She says Rausch asked her to follow him into an office and that he needed to talk to her. He said that he went car-shopping with his daughter and went to dinner with her before he went back to his motel. Her hero? Whoops! If you think that it's important to have high quality local reporting we hope you'll support our work with a monthly contribution. Fred spoke with the police everyday and it was not until years later when he sued the state for answers that the direct conversations stopped. Bill Rausch | Blog. What was going through my mind? We communicated daily and the only time I realized she was upset was after she called me not long after having an accident in her dads car. I do think the sequence of phone calls are very suspicious. Although Murray disappeared 15 years ago, law enforcement officials in New Hampshire are still investigating. Ive noticed many folks on line totally being unaware or misinformed of their relationship. Our search continued well beyond those intersections. Maura's mom, Laurie Murray, and Billy's mother, Sharon Rausch, later told the Massachusetts Daily Collegian, the university paper, that the couple had had problems back in 2002 but patched things . 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Given that no one spoke on the VM it was impossible to say it sounded like her or anyone else. We covered that area on foot as good as anyone could IMO. Maura was an above average athlete. Museums/Galleries It took a bit of time, maybe 10-20min altho I should say it felt like forever like most drives to a specific location. She was up there as an infant. Few have done more to find Maura and I am proud to be associated with them. Coronavirus, Carry-out Critic I cant speak to if or why she did or didnt try to drive the Saturn after the accident. I want to say she had a printer in her room, although I cannot say for certain she did and do not specifically remember seeing one in her room. and her laughing at her Texas flag shorts and cool car! In the office alone, though, Pattison says Rausch admitted that he pushed her. Our initial assumption was that it was packed up. lighthouse, etc./I remember having limited to no cell reception nearly everywhere we went during the search. While its possible she was going to meet someone, theres no evidence to suggest she was. Heck, 33rd in the country in the 2mi as a Sophomore is a HUGE deal. Bill Rausch is in DC court again, today, this time for a civil trial to determine whether his latest victim will get a protection order against him. Easy, Fred. Though some have stuck to the suicide or accidental death theories, others think that she was abducted. Thank you again for asking. Bob McLean is a West Point grad I knew at school. My mother and I provided Mauras phone records (and mine) in full to the NHSP, Helena Murray, producers at 20/20 and others. I was driving my dads truck the time she recommended picking someone up, and after the hike mentioned in the ep, the I believe the vehicle Maura flagged down was a truck. Pattison pushed him away, but Rausch pushed her down to the table again, she says. Im sure they have their reasons (some good some not so good maybe), but its regrettable they havent released more. He told me Maura's car was found on the side of the road in New Hampshire and Maura was nowhere to be found. . Heres a photo of the three of us on one of those 4,000 footers. I always stayed with them in their hotel, even when Id peel off with friends at night. So did other people familiar to the case. What are the chances that your boyfriend or girlfriend will go missing without a trace? Please reload the page and try again. People want to be right above all else, it's a a normal human condition. Many a reference to both of those in old letters as well. For me, bc Maura was someone I loved, I tend to think of the positive and happy times. I can ask the others if they did. We walked Rt 112 on foot heading east and did not see any foot prints in the snow between the rd and river. Here's one good piece of reading from Renner on this topic:, "Opening statements were heard. By 7:42 p.m., authorities had received another phone call about the accident, this time from a bus driver named Butch Atwood. Theres nothing more powerful than Mauras written word (I have loads of letters from Maura that show how amazing Fred was as a father), and I witnessed how remarkable he was first hand. ", "Washington City Paper has made me feel like I am part of the D.C. It was an unforgettable weekend. In fact, we were going through flyers so quickly, a printing press co. in OH cranked out an additional 5k and overnighted them to us in NH the local office store in NH couldnt keep pace with flyer production. Re Maura leaving West Point thats something Ill be taking a deep dive into given thats how we met and I can provide personal and professional insight into the situation. Until they discover they have been had. The child looks between 11-14 yrs old, could Maura have been pregnant at the time of. Murray called the owner of a condo in Bartlett, New Hampshire, where she had stayed before with family. I arrived in NH on Feb 11, 2004 and helped search for Maura along side the Murrays, my parents, and Mauras friends. Esp given all the shoes Fred wore out over the years looking for Maura. Again, totally possible. Both are amazing talents, extremely assertive, and quiet! I was there, and everyday we would take multiple trips to the police station to check in. There was a broad passion she had for hiking that included a goal of hiking all the 4,000 ft mountains in NH. Bill was determined to have stalked his ex-girlfriend. I dont recall if she flagged it down bc it was a truck or it just happened to be one. She was an extremely intelligent, super athletic badass who accomplished more in her time with us than most people do in a lifetime. The stretch of 112 was more isolated which is why it stuck out. Her smile and laugh are what anyone would remember most. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Once inside, she remembers Rausch closing the doors behind them and laughing. Heck, his effort searching for Maura is unmatched as far as I know relative to other missing persons cases. Maura was loved by everyone who knew her and her love for us was as lovely as you might imagine. Pattison let out a noise, and Rausch ducked behind a desk. Beyond cute, 100%! Ariana Gordillo, who lived with Pattison, says Pattison was in a state of shock when she arrived home that evening and described the attack. This never fucking happened, she remembers him saying. Books Bill Rausch' 3 Minute Call to Maura Murray the Saturday after her disappearance. Then, she says, he grabbed her shoulders, turned her around, and forced her head down into the conference table. We printed off the phone records at the police station bc LE were waiting on a subpoena. I dont recall if or how police made or received a copy. I recall nothing being stacked two high on the bed. For years I continued to believe it was her. I specifically remember her talking with my cousins son about baseball for ages and recall my other cousin ragging on me for how badly Maura would prob beat me in basketball one-on-one (he was a great player as well). This may be tangential but was she worried that "someone" may be able to track her location by hacking into credit card payment details if she paid for anything l a card? Maura Murray had four siblings Fred Jr., Kathleen, Julie, and Kurtis and she was often described as an overachiever from a young age. Maura and I last saw each other over Christmas break, correct. We walked most of the ~20 mi between the accident site and Lincoln. Then Maura would go out and smoke the competition. I do not think she slept in her dorm that night, scared of Bill, but left the FU shrine that he saw . I got your messages, but honestly, I didnt feel like talking to much of anyone, I promise to call today though. Pattison became aware of Rauschs connection to the disappearance of 21-year-old Maura Murray through a co-worker soon after the alleged attack in D.C. Rausch was Murrays boyfriend at the time she went missing. Three people who Pattison told about the attack soon afterward have confirmed her account to City Paper. We did not independently verify this, altho I wish we had given the issues/problems with the police investigation we later discovered (LE not interviewing witnesses, not calling phone numbers Maura called the day she disappeared, refusing help from the FBI, etc).
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