You could say CGt is a service platform that harbors and connects sellers and buyers of specific digital goods, in theory there's no limit to how much people and their digital products/services they could connect. We will rather stick with cgtrader and know our models are safe, although the issue with finding CG models on the site is a little problem, but as long as they stay honest well be supporting them rather than supporting a bunch of thiefs and if we need to up our prices then so be it. I do agree with you regarding the search engine. What would be your opinion? You could have a superman body with an iron man head and spiderman gloves. Most people say you get more sales at Turbosquid than any other 3D marketplace, so even if you get a much lower royalty % in the end you get more money, and while this is true up to a point (NOT x80 sales in any case), what most people don't realize is what happens IF your products are NOT in Turbosquid but you continue to sell in other marketplaces and have a bit of patience. A rig is like a skeleton of a 3D model, which lets you move and pose it with little effort. clients will come where is a big diversificated data base of quality models (not only printable models) and artists will come where paying clients are. i like the points system on cg trader ., Hey, I deleted my products here and joined sguild again, no reason for staying here. It is also wise to invest in good ideas that are future proof. If you have any questions about these. That definitely wasn't me hoe said that turbo. But Also Turbosquid actively promotes models on their site with the use o. I do not know if community-policing has helped other sites keep their products better organized. But now, I'm exploring a new platform which is Sketchfab. I think CGT should begin doing the same and promoting people for being exclusive to CGT after all that will help buyer confidence when they realize how many of their best artists are switching sides! because CGTrader team quickly investigate and decided to remove the bad Feeback. Many do not search the net, they go directly to TS and search there for models. Search is terrible, and lost if you have to go backwards a page. Buyer can contact seller directly, which can save him/her lot's of time and frustrations. So even if TS takes 60%, I still make better profit there because here I get 94% of nothing. Fantasy is a bit better, but sic-fi gets me 10 copyright infringements on the first page alone (star wars characters, mainly). They call that "3D Industry" on the download report .. it's rare but it's happend (one time for me) I remember that too! That's why I won't model one single model for online sale until this heinous situation is rectified. They also have multiple sellers selling the same products so that it is easier for people to avoid people paying for shipping in their country. I will very much want to peruse. [google7|] No frankly, it's a bloody mystery. We state our opinions based on verifiable facts and stats, which is one of the most interesting parts of this thread. These people quote Sun Tzu when you talk to them, so guess their future plans for you. Hello. CGtrader has already surpassed Turbosquid in every Rank, and it has +1 million visits too:, If anything buyers should get lots of points for buying. ,,Checkmate,, from TS was actually invented by Jonathan Lloyd, the person who ruined Pixel SQUID :). Batman (Rig) for Maya 10. . If I narrow to "man", it's even worse : 64 out of 128 models displayed are scanned 3d models. So in this case you could say we are the asses and there's lots of us so we form a huge ass and CGt can place many chairs for us to sit on ;-) - Fixing some guidelines to upload quality models (at least assuring that obj models, for instance, if textured, should have a proper .mtl file, limiting the models to quads/tris, imposing materials and textures to have understandable names, etc. I'm even considering seriously closing my store here. How about the Royalty Rate??? Because of its design and trade/royalty system, CGTrader seems better and more advantageous, but at the end of the day, I get much more income from Turbosquid and The3Dstudio. 4. CGtrader is just better in all possible ways. CGtrader is everything Ts is not, CGtader is fair, its open and communicative in all directions, its an inexpensive service, its new and more efficient, has lots of exiting tools, have more sales and get to keep bigger part, its growing fast, its updating and improving fast, etc, etc,. Ha, ha. People may think that having that option makes it more likely for sellers to see their work by placing their models in the incorrect category but actually that just irritates buyers who may just go elsewhere to buy. Maybe you think my words are disproportionate or naive but mark them now. On "woman", print-ready jewels and scanned models again come in the way. Turbosquid has a bot spying cgtrader prices. Check my store, Very motivating and supportive too.Hope you keep on sharing a greater amount of your ideas. Sometimes you have to support the buyer. Dear adentonclark, "Even being a diamond doesnt seem to give me the benefits of sale coz TS takes so much from my sales (everyone's sale) that i would hardly call it profit or any acceptable income. It would be mess. This would have probably be true for newcomers 5 years ago, but now that is different. So the wonderful conversion work/time spend of this individual could have helped him to get a complete refund, and the two others, (hoe I have send off here) would also have been helped whit a nice maya file, and I would have sold at least two more models (Everyone would benefit). Think about the best online stores today when people search for lamps on Amazon they will only find lamps in their search and that is why they keep buying on Amazon because it is a highly efficient and professional site where the buyers don't get lost or frustrated looking for what they want and can spend their time searching for the best quality product based on their budget. He bought a cheap product (with a fake account) and post a bad rating. I wont be using TurboSquid due to their royalty system and the fact that I would have to hunt down non-existing forms to prove I am not an American resident and thus avoid paying 30% govt. The product team is reviewing your comments and this is something we will definitely work on. Here is a quick test that can help understand why there aren't so many buyers. What that means is that customers have the illusion of it being the best site out there even if the quality of the products is way below CGTrader. A battle is going on right now, and some top sellers are going full #SquidClan with a custom deal from the Wisdoms: a 5-6 digit $ amount in instant cash now as an advance of a 2 year exclusivity deal, plus a boost of their royalties at the expense of all the other "non-top" sellers at Turbosquid that won't be getting any offer from Matt Wisdom. what you say doesn't make any sense because CGTrader has a 100 percent guarantee return policy on all models as far as I know. I'm a bit afraid there's always going to be issues that leaves this community divided, leaving CGpeople with a platform not able to live up to its full potential and leaving 3D print people with a platform not living up to its full potential either. What, iterateCGI goos down? Often offer to buy the models in 1020 times more expensive than the price at which the model was exhibited for sale. It doesn't matter if the printing industry is growing fast. In this case a collaborative action could be established to make the product more attractive. TS management is by far the worst in history, they are great at Hostile take overs, yet bad at dealing with the realities of industry, i stopped all my affiliate links with TS and right now i'm sharing only the links for my products on CGT and Art station. Speaking of it, noting even stops me here from adding in the description of the model something like this,"If you are a maya exeprt and can successful convert this project, then I will completely refund you in exchange for that converted maya file". . I don't know how reputation points work for sellers, they may work fine if you're an actual modeler, but for end-users it's just a dead-end. We've been there, even being "Squid Guild exclusive" for some time to test the experience ourselves for real, and after more than 10 years with all our experiences and stats in hand we can state without a doubt that the business model offered by Turbosquid doesn't pay off in the mid-long term. I think John Hoagland already pointed out very well the most direct benefits of doing business with Cgtrader over Turbosquid. Exclusivity to any marketplace has been proved a revenue loss. [google14]url: That's what I'm saying all the time and what I didn't like because I was not selling models for 3d printing and reason why I left. found jet another working example that makes CGt stand out. just share your links (: I like both but prefer cgtrader all day. I think John Hoagland already pointed out very well the most direct benefits of doing business with Cgtrader over Turbosquid. Show more, By subscribing you confirm that you have read and accept ourTerms of Use, max, fbx, blend, uasset, tbscene and more, obj, fbx, unitypackage, prefab, mat and more. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas, Thank you for shopping at TurboSquid. I don't know how reputation points work for sellers, they may work fine if you're an actual modeler, but for end-users it's just a dead-end. Matt Wisdom describes Turbosquid as "a sort of Ebay" when in fact Turbosquid works exactly the same as classic "supermarket providers" where the reseller profits the most from the producers by keeping them totally apart from the customers. :). I would like to see similar stats from other sellers, but CGtrader has been the 3D marketplace with the higher increase in sales for us without a doubt. Then someone from cgtrader decided that he likes 3dprinting sooo much. (e.g. I guess CGTrader should send out advertising to the companies, but I'm sure they are doing/done it already. the only thing that has cgtrader extra is the freelance job posting area. this issue frequently occurs when a seller wants to break a competitor. What I saw after that was a 50 to 50 ration decrease on Ts and increase on my CGt account. If CGT would manage to draw more buyers from TS then even more sellers would migrate here. Any more than 500,000 polygons in one scene and that will make opening and closing it a really long process not to mention that if you trying to animate something in the scene you may have to keep hiding things in various layers or create the animation in a separate one. And if the buyer sees one and the same model on CGT and on TS, then the price will choose on CGTrader [/quote] Contact your Shutterstock Customer Success Manager, $10,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification), Uncapped Legal Protection (Indemnification), $1,000,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification), $250,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification). Like when something breaks that is no longer in production like your favorite mug or something. Of course if you have a PC with quad processors over 16 GB of ram things will be different but be warned students and low end users. I think this game can only be won by the best community building force and that is CGt. Yes. We'll let you know about that soon - all CGT sellers will receive via email, so stay tuned! I have been the victim repeatedly on TS. First of all make great and spectacular models for it and promote it on forums, facebook, linkedin groups and forums. I don't think it's possible to have WORKING site with both 3d printing and classic models. If they can sell on craigslist, amazon, ebay, walmart, target, toysrus etc Of course they would only sell the 3D printable toys there, either to be printed or already printed then yes all of a sudden 3D printing would be come more relavant and profitable. AFAIK buyers right to be refunded is protected by law. Then we're all back at Square one again. If you look around on the net on all the various forums everyone always mentions Turbosquid be it positively or negatively. Products are subject to the TurboSquid, Inc. The entire way of setting up your model seems backwards and chaotic. High hopes for Cgtrader. Maybe some people don't want to bother about different programs compatibility, while others don't mind to spent time configuring things in different applications. In fact I hope that once buyers begin to see the difference in quality on this site they will jump ship but the thing that still trips up CGTrader is the consumer confidence. The more people ho place your item in their stores the higher your ranking for that product gets "in the pool that is". I am huge fan of the CGT team because they really try hard to make us happy. If you're searching for a regular model, you have to click on the little icon "CG models", but nothing changes on the page when you do so. Others download beautiful jpeg or tiff files to set as their desktop wallpapers at the office. We left TS account and getting occasional spam regarding the prices from them. Yes indeed! I can't download that lamp and see it's quality myself - so why would I purchase anything from the creator when I don't know if I'll be satisfied? Since then, I think the design has gotten much better, especially the separation between regular CG and 3D print, and the search algorithm seems also to be much more efficient. The response back was, if they are not adjusted end of the week then we will adjust them. Which is good, since we are the ones who will bring in the profits. with the recent requirements to upload a 3D product on TS, CGT became my number one no doubt, i'm not gonna wast half my life rendering turntables that wouldn't make much of a difference when every seller is doing the same thing. New content is not provided to the on "Turbo" site. Apart from this it would be nice to have a system that promotes collaborative action to make the products themselves better. and it's not a check-out, it's simply a gift. Another thing that makes CGT better than TS is the friendships that one is able to make within the artist community. We can help here by simple putting the links to our work on our social media. All that time that we didn't have to spent dealing with Turbosquid bad support went to more time for artistic work. And reasons can be any. Chat with Support 24/7 What I mean is CGt isn't rely making products, it is offering a sales platform and leaves the problem salving involving product issues (between sellers and buyers) to the product developers themselves (in theory) and in doing so minimizing/reducing overhead in sales. Ah crap, not sure how that referal spam sneaked into turbosquid link, here is the clean one:, I think that subsequently only large studios and squidguild members will remain there. I'm not a modeler, I come here to buy models and this site is surprisingly obtuse when it comes to layout. Guys really have the potential to screw greedy monopoly and earn some decent position on the market. We initially did the 3D printing focused homepage after noticing that CG customers skip the homepage and come directly to product page, mostly knowing exactly what they need for their projects, while 3D printing customers need more direction and inspiration, so that even non-professionals can discover this new industry. We will only contact you if there's a problem with an order. Based on those traffic stats CGtrader would clearly benefit from more advertisement out there. A good platform should integrate all next gen communication technologies in order to support curent evolution and technological progress. So many more buyers would actually have a look at what they have because sometimes you want to buy a special toy Selling 3D models on Ebay or Amazon would probably generate problems? Thanks for dropping by and great news about an eventual homepage re-design. @ Supercigaleha, ha, a good point about ,,the famous CheckMate,, :) TS . Money in short term does not always pay of in long run. Determining the optimal cost of the models is an important and difficult moment. How about all products here have no restriction Google search.etc. This is a totally separate "operation" that is going on under the acquisitions of CGstudio and T3DFM, which serve also as noisy cover to "wag the dog". In response to your comments kanga, I would like to add this to the conversation. It also seems to me like CG trader is looking out a lot more for the artists. Thank you again! Is it the return guarantee if not satisfied? ;). It seems to me that over time a CGTrader will be able to overtake TurboSquid in many positions, if TS does not change its policy. By subscribing you confirm that you have read and accept ourTerms of Use. Maybe the home page should be a very simple page with only two huge buttons [CG models] and [3D Printing]. Their only flaws are the lack of publicity and their search engine. For example, I ran into this this morning. According to TS "Marmoset Toolbag's watermark" is an overlay and a no no. You know what is cgtrader but as firstcomer you must have strong impression that this is 3d printing site where you can buy new 3d printed iphone case which will be shipped to you. Welcome to Eduvance Youtube Channel.Technology Leadership Program lecture series focuses on imparting knowledge to school students about new technologies lik. There are currently no models in your cart. I can think up multiple scenarios to try get a grip on it but I don't actually care anymore. Thus by searching to widen its audience, the buyer only decrease the site credibility. So my own experience on sales is of little value. They may not end up following your ideas, but they will certainly take them into account. No overt similarites in armor designs, guns, vehicles, naming- nothing. Of those limited people just a hand full would actually buy models or put money towards models so if TS already has won those people we need to find our own nitch or we go out of business. This conversation has me glued to my monitor, all very well spoken and nailed down to the core. Also, trying to find an item that I already saw through the search is near impossible. On the other hand, reason for refund should be solid. still turbosquid has the most paying clients. I'm just an end-user, one of the people you guys sell to, and the site is a large part of the issue, in multiple ways. Build your own Brand with your own criteria and goals. If anyone has been to New York they will have noticed that Fao Swartz a toy store in the center of Manhattan is creating 3D printable action figures. If a company like Disney or NASA buys a model at TS, they advertise it as "Turbosquid customers buying Turbosquid models". Work directly with a 3D artist for your project. Marius knows this very well as he (whenever he can) communicates whit us. At one hand I could think this was indeed evidence that Ts had some clients that do not know about CGt. Just my fifty cents. The stores/collections idea sounds good but maybe a simpler voting system for any product/seller will give an easy ranking system to take in count for search results among other factors. About TS: I think that the ones that do come here to buy CG models might not return if they get fed up while searching for the right one. Such an arrogant attitude. I agree to what captainmarlowe is telling. Yes, @limonadinis, I agree with you. Since you havent contacted us about any of these changes being incorrect, we are resetting prices on these models one final time (see the attached CSV file listing these models). Dude, I have from 500$ a month at SGtride and i don't feed fat Turbosquid bastards. We will only contact you if there's a problem with an order. After selling on TS over 20 years I can share that our sales here are x5-10 higher (partially due to stopped publishing on TS), so why about uploaded your models on artstation marketplace or other market place which allows you to sell in other sites, I think ts is the worth one. When you just start out you have to price your models at 1 dollar or give them away for free but the second you start selling well they take your models offline and force you to raise your prices Once you raise your prices nobody buys and you are back to square 1. it is a sad reality, some sellers are ready to buy a model of their competitor to post a bad rating. ;), My thoughts exactly.. 3d Printing could be very profitable (for CG Trader, and the modelers) We even stopped publishing new models there. CGT is the only website that really understand both the artists and customer needs! I hope I'll have better selling results there. 5. We are writing to inform you that we are taking your content offline for 60 days as you have continued to change your prices to be higher on TurboSquid. Brittney That is true, but im talking if buyer is already familiar with existence of CGTrader, he can reap all the benefits then. Nice try. Here it is quite seamless and elegant. Delhi Escort So here on CGt I could have just asked the buyer if he would be interested in that sort of deal. "TurboSquid Support, Jun 20, 08:14 SST: [/quote] A rig is like a skeleton of a 3D model, which lets you move and pose it with little effort. It is pretty difficult to find what you want but if you are only looking for free models then CGTrader's search engine is far better than Turbosquid. I've often (not just at this site) downloaded "free" items to verify their quality before purchasing models from a vendorI had problems with 3-4 of the "free" items I looked at first here (having no idea there was a limit), and now I can download no more. CGtrader is founded upon the best ideas and the people hoe believe in it and keep supporting it no matter what and hard work and determination always win. We previously sent you final warnings about your non-compliance with our Best Prices policy. In other words as an artist in TS you are not so well protected, as it's here at CGT. TurboSquid goes down, It becomes miserable the users are ,,working from behind,, ! While sellers will be disadvantaged in many interests. @captainmarlowe Thanks a lot for a lot of valid points regarding search and categorization! Yeah nasty stuff, but hey, I better shut up because I'm one of the hypocrites that keeps supporting that place by having my work on it. For example, I ran into this this morning. If anything buyers should get lots of points for buying. So true! Doesnt matter the kind of kinky-dinky stuff the platform provides me. Let me explain - I like the look of the models here, but the site is even designed so end users, like me, can't even download more that 10 "free" items unless they've uploaded models of their own, written tutorials, posted topics to the forum (which is difficult if you're not an actual modeler) and/or jumped through about 1,500 other ridiculous hoops to get enough "reputation" points. Adult Female Jessy Rigged 3D Model 9. The longing to justice is something that cannot be eradicated, the hole of human history shows that clearly. Change Method. It is all about customer reputation and perception. When someone uploads a scanned model for 3D printing and tags it as "low poly", the model will appear even where it shouldn't. Every freelancer is corporation of it's own. And therefore it doesnt matter where it is. It is also my favorite 3D site but some things need to be fixed before they can overtake some of the other sites. personally CGTrader is the second site where I realize more sales, I think we should avoid generalizing his own experience. Well, unless I can verify the quality of the model I'm not going to pay for most things. Don't forget those young people are going to shape the future of this market and if we want to have a flourishing market then we need lots of well trained people in it. But i think its not only the responsability of cgtrader to turn this around. As we think that CGtrader holds the best core for these kind of improvements, I would like to hear the opinion of Marius or any other CGtrader representative about the ideas recently proposed in this forum, specially: See this GFXHub where you needed to pay a fee before you could download 3d models of Humster3d, Turbosquid and many other. Maybe they would understand that sellers can't be treated as slaves. And good thing that you decided to tell about - such things should go public and be discussed. 2. Better for who? And between CGTrader and TurbuSquid, I think, let everything will be decided in a reasonable competition. If the assumption is correct that a client goes to TS by default as a reflective action, "huh, there's another site, didn't know that! Another thing that drove me crazy about Turbosquid was how you couldn't promote any of your social media and it made it very difficult to get your clients from let's say Facebook and Twitter to notice your artwork. 2. The very best thing I find on CGT is the disponibility of the team. Also you need to think about the advantage of not having to worry about shipping costs etc with digital art. You are just providing a platform." They could put down an amount between 1 to 5 bucks as a deposit and after sampling the model as you suggested they could deduct that amount from the final sale. Checkmate is the only good thing Turbosquid has left to offer. And something ells , I have seen people criticize the young inexperienced and even blame them to some point for some negative experiences over here. Even when Ts would sell more models it does not mean they serve you well, because it is not. A client would normally ALWAYS choose a cheaper price, that's a law of nature. Same with copyright infringements, same with low quality models (a friend of mine bought recently a model here, which was supposed to be .OBJ compatible : but the seller had just exported the obj from its original program, without even editing the mtl file to have the textures loaded automatically ! I'm afraid the end of Ts is near and nothing can stop it, maybe the best they can do is raise royalty's to 80% for all sellers, but then again if they don't change the censorship policy's they are applying right now then it will probably not be enough to stop the downfall in the long run. They recently changed their search engine over there and when you search for Free models it comes up with a few free ones and many more paid ones so from that perspective Turbosquid makes your life even harder lol. CGtrader might have better conditions, rules and everything but it's useless if it doesn't attract more buyers. That is a serious problem because it means a whole lot more work for sellers and I wish they would just get with the program. They bring answers to your problems or requests quite fast and in a very convivial way. Realistic Female 3D Model. I think we just need so some massive killer models of epic proportions that the 3D modeling community cant ignore. I was stunned to get informed there was no fraud protection (yes people, you pay 60% cut and get no fraud protection). TurboCrooks should be boycotted by artists since they are the one responsible for the situation! Change Method. [Lighthouse12]( "Lighthouse12") As every site takes a small cut from the sales of a model. Difference in quality of search results is shockingly vast in favor of TS. Yes, sometimes your points are not displayed for a day or two, but there were problems with the rating of models. That is very strong argument in favor of CGT, but then again, don't you think that corporate client would rather choose to get support from team of profesionals that are available 24/7, than from unknown person, who might respond with big delay or not respon at all? i have sold it to millenium shipping containers amongst other professional business. google3 When pressed, Turbosquid could give no clearer specification than "it is too similar". . 3D Bala - Female Rigged Character 3D model ma, ma, obj, and fbx TurboSquid : , , 3D . I don't think trying to sit down with one ass on more then one chair at the same time is a good business. After that response I selected all my models and took them offline. In the long run I'm going to quit selling on TS also. @skifx, apparently your feeding hand is just too small. You can change your subscription preferences at any time in the account settings. They just took multiple of my most expensive items and run for it. I have been very active on a forum of a different 3D model store, but the guys running it seemed to be ignorant about the issue. So then people can actually customize and make cool toys and sell them on there. Like time spent on searching models or ability to get profesional support 24/7. Contact your Shutterstock Customer Success Manager, + blend c4d xsi ma lwo 3ds dae dxf fbx obj X, + c4d unitypackage upk max ma c4d max ma fbx max, $10,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification), Uncapped Legal Protection (Indemnification), $1,000,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification), $250,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification). just 2 years ago still existed. Well, after a long search, I found a negative point from CGTrader compared to TS. I am going to start a list to promote artists who are making great models but just aren't getting the views. It is pretty awesome!!! Thingiverse remains the king for licensing, as you can transfer the licence within the site. The designers make a deal with each other and negotiate a percentage on the sales. Hey there, Maybe they think Ts provides almost same model but its just better, etc.
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