He will be buried at West Pascagoula tomorrow alongside of his mother. The funeral will be from the home at 10 a.m. Friday followed by services at the Antioch Church. Forbe, Captain Joseph H. Mrs. Dupont wast the last member of the immediate family of Admiral Farragut. Low 69F. The shooting took place on the outskirts of Pascagoula. Father Milot and interment in the Ryan cemetery at Bayou Portage, in Jackson county. WebJackson, MS 39215-1700 Phone: (601) 206-8200 Are Mississippi Death Records Open to the Public? Hawkins, Evelinda Mr. I.C. He was born at Pass Christian. he had lived here for a long time and was a familiar figure on our streets and known by every man, woman and child within a radius of ten miles. and Charles J. Wm. WebJackson County is located in the western portion of the U.S. state of Missouri, on the border with Kansas.As of the 2020 census, the population was 717,204. making it the second-most populous county in the state (after St. Louis County in the east). Also as a result of this unionthere were sixty-four grand children and twenty-two great grand children. Old Resident Dead For example, Jackson County, Mississippi obituaries might reveal to you that the subject was born in 1957, and that she had four siblings. Although Independence retains [Daily Herald, February 24, 1911 - Transcribed by AFOFG] Beckham, aged 57 years, a well known and respected citizen of this city, died suddenly yesterday morning at 11:45 o'clock while at the packing house of Mr. M. L. Pol. Dec. 28, at the residence of his brother Col. Melancthon, Mr. Chandler S. Smith of Mobile, Ala. Devoted Mother of Large family Passes Away at Home in Soria City Genweb She died Friday in Pascagoula. Krebs, Helaire On August 15, 2022, the Jackson County Board of Supervisors adopted the Redistricting of Supervisor, Election Commissioner, Justice 1020 did not have a singular plan to address the crime in Jackson. Pascagoula, Miss., Oct. 25 - David Saucier, a prominent farmer and Civil War veteran, of West Pascagoula, died this morning at the age of 69 years. Reid, Durkling Felix Brandon, J.O. Mrs. Joseph Longinot daughter of Capt. Castanera, Captain E. Thus has passed a venerable woman, who had long been the bosom companion of one of the most tried patriots ad eminent soldiers of the land. Moss Point, February 9 - W. E. Davis of Escatawpa was accidentally sot (sic) and killed Friday about 1 o'clock by Charles Perry, about 14 miles from here. Valverde, Mrs. Jane No less than 180 children participated in first communion and confirmation ceremonies at the church of Our Lady of Victories yesterday. YAZOO CITY, Miss. Clark, John E. These can include Jackson County death certificates, local and Mississippi State death registries, and the National Death Index. She said a tree fell on a vehicle. McInnis, Miss Louise Isabel [The Democrat Star - March 11, 1901 - Transcribed by Therman Kellar] Mrs. E. E. Smith Dead Bolton, on Bay Avenue in Oakdale, from which place the funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon and later from Zion Baptist Church at Mertz. Grant, of this city. [Pascagoula Democratic Star, May 14, 1885 - Submitted by AFOFG] Moss Point Citizen Buried Captain Castanera was a member of the Catholic Church. [Gulfort Daily Herald (Gulfport, MS), Volume XXII, Issue 252, Page 6, June 7, 1920 - Transcribed By AFOFG Mrs. Laura E. Ratcliff, daughter of J.A.S. Surviving him are three sisters, four sons, and other relatives. Police: Teen fatally shot during dice game in Jackson Investigators believe Ernest Weems, 41, shot and killed his wife, 36-year-old Twyla Weems, during an argument. We deeply sympathize with the sorrowing parents and children, but they grieve not as those who have no hope.Look up, sorrowing friends, for the time will come when you will meet your loved and lost never more to be separated. His children are Eugene Frank and Tribio Castanera of Biloxi, Clarence Castanera of Long Beach, Mrs. C. W. Barnett of Mobile and Mrs. Mack Watkins of Moss Point. Mr. Orrell was between seventy and eighty years of age and had been in poor health for some time. He had been suffering from a throat affection, and while affliction had been of a lingering nature, his death was rather sudden. The interment took place Saturday morning at the Protestant cemetery, Pascagoula, Rev. The funeral services were held at the home this morning at 10 o'clock, conducted by Bishop Bratton and interment in the family burying ground at Gautier. Jackson County Cemeteries at MS GenWeb Archives Gen. Twiggs, and was with his headquarters at East Pascagoula when attacked with the bilious fever, of which he died. Burial will be in Antioch Cemetery. She is survived by three sons, Royal R. Joseph and Mary Brewton, and two daughters, Mrs. E. L. Gentry and Mrs. E. T. Hillburg, of this city, one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Reeder, and three brothers George Eutrekin, Captain John Eutrekin of Biloxi, Miss., and Captain J. E. Entrekin, of Mobile, and one sister-in-law, Mrs. E. Entrekin, at Waynesboro, Miss, and a large family connection. She was a native of Seymour, and aged 40 years. The body will be taken to Pascagoula for burial. Little Lessie was buried at her old home, near New Prospect Camp Ground, Tuesday, 28th, Rev. He is survived by three daughters and two sons, namely: Mrs. Clarence Cary of Hammond; Mrs. Thomas Krebs of Pascagoula, and Mrs. W. B. Brinkmann of New Orleans; Duke Lear of Pascagoula, and Cecil Lear of Mobile, Ala. To them the Chief tenders sincere sympathy in their great bereavement. Died Joseph Elisha Wilkerson, resident of the Daisy-Vestry neighborhood, Jackson county, died Saturday at 4:20p.m. MSObituaries at MS Genealogy TrailsJackson County Death Mr. Helaire Krebs You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. Sheriff and Jail. Mrs. Dodson was a native of Mobile, Ala., but has resided in Pascagoula at the home of her now disconsolate husband for a number of years. night, aged 81 years, her remains taken to Vicksburg for interment. Father Gaffeny of New Orleans and the Rev. W. H. Giles conducted the funeral services at the grave. Mr. Carr, an old citizen of this place, died at Scranton on Wednesday. Jackson County Cemeteries at MS GenWeb Archives. [Dallas Morning News (Dallas, TX), Section A, Page 56, August 3, 1975 - Transcribed by AFOFG] It is the most populated county in the Kansas City metropolitan area.. and Annie W. Helvestion, was born in Jackson Co MS the 6th of July 1872 and departed this life the 13th of October at Basin, Jackson county, Miss., aged 22 years, 3 months and 7 days. She was born August 31, 1949, in Betty Sue Susie Kopf died at home on February 25, 2023, holding hands with her husband and daughter. Let us weep not, but look and press on, as we will meet little "Lessie" on the bright and happy shore where parting never comes. Carr Arthur H. Smith, sheriff of Jackson county, died at his home in Moss Point this morning at 10 o'clock after the illness of one week from pneumonia. Scranton, Miss., April 30. Chidsey, Dr. C. There were twelve children born of this very happy marriage, nine of whom are living. Hurley, Melville He was employed by the Illinois Central railroad as inspector of iron and steel, with headquarters at Chicago. The funeal services were conducted at the house, Rev. [Vernon Courier, (Lamar County, AL), Dec 3, 1891] Mr. Frederic is survived by a wife and ten children. and Mrs. Clarence [?] On June 6, 1854 he married Miss Louise Ladner from which happy union six daughters were born, five of whom survived him. Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in Cryptside services for Mrs. Edna America Logan, 85, of Pascagoula, Miss., a former Dallas resident, will be held at 3:30 p.m. Monday in Restland's Abbey Mausoleum. BobbyJoe Stubbs. USGenWeb Mississippi She was married to Dr. W.D. Records and Obituaries at Mississippi [Democrat Star Jan. 25, 1884] Logan, Mrs. Edna She went to Arkanasa when a small child, with her father, and after his death mr. C. H. Alley sent for her, together with her twin sister and brothers, and brought her to his home and raised her as one of his children. He had been in the government service but one week when stricken. Mr. Denny was for ten years sheriff of Greene county before the war, and served Jackson county in the legislature from 1859 to 1862, and he established the lumber business here in 1858, and since then has been one of the leaders in the lumber trade of the south. D. W. Sheen Dead She became ill on Tuesday, last week, and toward the latter part of her illness had the attention of four physicians and, always, the most careful nurses. The funeral took place this afternoon at 4 o'clock at Macpelah cemetery, the Rev. Woman Dead At Ninety-Two Is Survived By One Hundred Children He was a member of Scranton Lodge No. 3 days, He leaves his wife, Cora Carter Mallette, a daughter, Mrs. Ida Holland, Saucier; four sons, E. H., Bioxi; James K., Lucedale; Ernest, Ocean Springs; and Eugene, Pascagoula; a brother, Geo. Died Thursday after a short illness at her home in this city, where she had lived for the past eighteen years. Captain E. Castanera Passes Away At Pascagoula Leaves Six Children Three Sons in Biloxi Biloxi, Aug 22. Contact Info. The board released a statement saying there were multiple witnesses who saw people trading insults, punches and even racial slurs. He was a member of the East Grand Baptist Church, Trinity Valley Masonic Lodge and Helle Temple and was a past patron of Mount Auburn Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. Broom, Major Thomas R. Silva, Infant of E. Silva [Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA), Page 13, August 10, 1915 - Transcribed by AFOFG] Johnson arrived today from Hot Springs, Ark. - Captain E. Castanera, a native of Provincio de Lugo, Spain, born April 16, 1836, died yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Pascagoula. Obit: E. M. Westbrook, father of Elswic J. Westbrook of Pascagoula, died at this home in Ocean Springs Wednesday afternoon at : o'clock. Blalack, Linwood Mrs. Laura E. Ratcliff Mr. I.C. He served with honor in the war between the states on the side of the Confederacy and all his life was loyal to the south and all her cherished traditions. [The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, September 14, 1900 - Transcribed By AFOFG] Mrs. Haynes was born in Alabama, had came to Ennis in 1873. He was a native of this place, aged about seventy-four years. He was born in Johnson County, Ill., February 28, 1850, removing to Godfrey, Ill., early in life where he grew to manhood. Pascagoula, Miss., October 11 - Captain John Smith, a native of Scotland and resident of this place for the past thirty-five years, died at 1:50 p.m. today at his residence here, aged 67 years. Colmer, William M. [Moss Point Advertiser - Dec. 9, 1937] Webgun deaths in Mississippi, including 64 children and teens (ages 0-19) 52% Homicides comprised more than half of all gun deaths 43% Suicides comprised more than 2/5 of all gun deaths 84% of gun death victims were male 2nd highest gun death rate in the country in 2019 GUN DEATHS BY INTENT, 2019 [Democrat Star - Feb. 1, 1884] - (Special) - Died in this citythis morning at 5:10 o'clock Mrs. Eugene Eleanor Smith, nee Davidson, aged 27 years. Howze, John Sidney She said a The whole community is excited. He was buried, with Masonic honors, Mr. Vanderwall was 67 years of age. She was the former Elizabeth Noble, native of Fontainebleau. Mrs. Colmer's death is a sad blow to her husband and family, who will have a sympathy of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Major Grayson was widely known for his many sterling and manly qualities. [Daily Herald (Biloxi, MS), Volume IX, Issue 12, Page 4, August 29, 1906 - Transcribed By AFOFG]
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