This is because in addition to sinking land elevations, subsidence contributes to flooding, inundation, or overflow of areas within the district, including rising waters resulting from storms or hurricanes. Now on its fifth iteration since 1976, the plan describes the different regulatory areas throughout the district, defines groundwater withdrawal limits for each area, and provides guidelines for permitting. 1 of 3. Additionally, the US Geological Survey (USGS) has begun work on the GULF-2023 model, with an anticipated completion date in the fall of 2021. The results of this study confirm the potential for compaction in the Jasper aquifer and subsidence to occur from brackish groundwater development particularly in up-dip areas near where the Jas-per is being used for freshwater supply. USGS measures groundwater levels in over 700 wells in an 11-county area annually in the The Board meetings are typically held at 5:30 PM on the first Wednesday of the month at The Lakehouse at Towne Lake, 10000 Towne Lake Parkway, Cypress, Texas 77433. Types of research sponsored by the District include: Each year the Board of Directors holds a public hearing for the purpose of taking testimony concerning the effects of groundwater withdrawals on the subsidence of land within the District during the preceding year. The Deputy General Manager serves as the Chief Operating Officer of the Fort Bend Subsidence District and provides the day-to-day leadership, management and vision necessary to ensure that the District has the proper operational controls, administrative and reporting procedures, and people systems in place to effectively complete . The primary aquifers in the Gulf Coast aquifer system in the Houston-Galveston region are the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District - Phase 3 Site-Specific Subsidence Investigations (December 12, 2022), Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District - Phase 2 Subsidence Investigations (January 26, 2022), Subsidence Study Phase 2 Final Report (as approved on May 10, 2022), Subsidence Study Phase 2 Task 1 and Task 2 Draft Report, Subsidence Study Phase 2 Scope of Work (as approved on April 13, 2021), Subsidence Study Phase 1 Final Report (as approved on August 11, 2020), Subsidence Study Phase 1 Draft Final Report (pending Board approval on August 11, 2020). Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District, Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District. The Harris-Galveston Subsidence District is a special purpose district created by the Texas Legislature in 1975. You can also view water levels by visiting the Lone Star Static Well Level Monitoring Network Map. the U.S. Geological Survey Texas Water Science Center Gulf Coast Program collects, processes, and Bend County Subsidence District, Lone region since the early 1900s. 9 were here. About Us | Programs and Education | Management and Rules | News& Publications | Meeting Info | Permitting | Aquifers Data& Maps | Contact Us, Copyright 2004-2016 Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District H\j@}l/6 6i!i$U6"o=B9|c7MfwzQCyaks,Oi&LOcuVcc6_z0Y.MTQM>lW~2Miu8hV4c:ul:fU,+?/Q_spA.%Y[Hliicc-iiiiooo#t8zAG#+0SL W`y$[yzzxzzzxzzzxzzzxzzzxzzzxzzzxzgJ0Fi6xN4._3I]8o Annual Groundwater Report, Cumulative Compaction of Subsurface Sediments, Regional Groundwater Update and more. Areas of the nature center show reminiscences of the neighborhood and serve as an important reminder of what subsidence can do. Richmond, TX 77469 These sites are being cooperatively run and operated by the following agencies. This report, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District, documents and refines the locations of principal faults mapped in the Houston, Texas, metropolitan area in previous studies. The RGUP originally started in 2010 as the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District (HGSD) 1999 Regulatory Plan Update, but due to its benefits to other regional groundwater regulatory agencies, the Fort Bend Subsidence District (FBSD) and the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District (LSGCD) joined the collaborative effort in 2010.The primary benefit of collaboration between these three entities is that each of them could use the RGUP to vet their existing regulatory plans using updated population/water demand data and groundwater modeling capability, and in the case of HGSD and FBSD, investigate the physical effects of changing their existing regulatory plans to accommodate the practical realities facing their stakeholders while successfully completing the Districts mission objectives. According to the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District (HGSD), land subsidence is the sinking of the earth's surface due to subsurface (underground) movements. water for municipal supply, commercial and industrial use, and irrigation in the Houston-Galveston This dataset documents for 2018 the depth to groundwater measured in wells screened in the Chicot, Evangeline, and Jasper aquifers in the HoustonGalveston region, Texas. endobj Datasets of water-level changes and altitudes in the Chicot, Evangeline, and Jasper aquifers. Overview of the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District planning process. The Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts supports Texas groundwater conservation districts and their efforts to conserve, preserve, and protect Texas groundwater. Land subsidence occurs when large amounts of groundwater have been excessively withdrawn from an aquifer. The districts vision is to manage the groundwater resources so that, in the near future, the amount of groundwater withdrawn from the Gulf Coast Aquifer is no more than the average annual effective recharge to the Gulf Coast Aquifer System. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Biology and Environmental Studies from Baylor University and her . Now Hiring! It is the purpose of the HGSD Regulatory Plan to establish policy in the area of groundwater regulation, permits and enforcement. To address the issues associated with land-surface subsidence and compaction, the 64th Texas State as the difference in water-level altitude at each well for the water-level data collection year and the Establishes policy regarding groundwater regulation withdrawals to control subsidence. Harris-Galveston Subsidence Districts main mechanism of regulation is through its regulatory plan, with requirements laid out in the districts enabling legislation. For the Jasper aquifer, primarily used in Montgomery County, water levels have continued to decline with development in the area., Click here to read our blog about how it could be addressed with a new USGS subsidence mapping tool, first published water-level altitude maps, The Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District, The Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District, The Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District, Its time for a water session at the Legislature, Texas is Losing an Average of Over 50 Gallons of Water Per Connection Every Day, Key Solutions to Texas Water Woes Are Simpler Than We Think. On our last stop, we toured theCity of Houstons Northeast Water Purification Plant Expansion. Providing analysis of accurate and up to date predictions on water usage; the enforcement of real disincentives to those who rely too heavily on groundwater; and an unwavering commitment to practicing and promoting water conservation. Contact Information; District Website; Legislation House Bill 552; Chapter 284, 64th Legislature, 1975; The Subsidence District has adopted regulations requiring reduction of groundwater withdrawals through conversion to alternate source water (e.g., surface water) in certain areas within the . A resident of the Houston area since 2011, Vanessa began working in community . Click for HARRIS-GALVESTON SUBSIDENCE DISTRICT SUBCHAPTER A. The accuracy of the referenced well land-surface altitude data has improved through time and the most Visit for water conservation resources to help homeowners, businesses, and the community. water-level altitude and regional water-level change contour map can be found in the individual year This report documents the impact of groundwater use on aquifer water levels and subsidence within the District and was prepared in accordance with an Inter-local Agreement between the District and the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District (HGSD). In 2021, kriging, a geostatistical interpolation method, was Last week, some of our Board of Directors and District Staff visited areas that have historically been affected by subsidence and toured important projects that have been implemented to prevent further subsidence in the Houston area. Then, use either Enter or Space key to open the selected district. Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District, Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District, Fort Purpose: To manage groundwater withdrawal and enforce groundwater regulation throughout Harris and Galveston counties, in hopes of preventing the land subsidence that leads to increased flooding.. Finally, use the Tab key to toggle the links within each districts. 1992: Regulatory areas redivided into 7 areas. extensometer stations in the 11-county area. Application for Groundwater Certificate Replacement, and Acknowledgment of District Regulatory Requirements. endstream endobj 190 0 obj <>stream The District has taken a reasonable approach to groundwater regulation in order to minimize subsidence within its regulatory areas. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Surface water rates dropped from $5.05 to $4.55, and the groundwater pumpage fee went from $4.60 to $4.10 per . hmo0?:;T!AR~p!A+~g`e]rw>F "1T"@0D$L$!A!JyXUJsm\Ouu~o:p11G5r[U=w/ QdQUq] The Authority has developed a groundwater reduction plan (GRP) and obtained Subsidence District approval of its GRP. Groundwater Conservation District Information (O-Z and Subsidence Districts) For keyboard navigation: First, use Arrow Keys to navigate up and down the districts. It has since been turned into the Baytown Nature Center. Field inspector Robert Loveland sets up GPS monitoring site P013 that delivers data on land subsidence, or the sinking of land surface, to the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District . larger image. Learn more: The nearby hydrograph shows that when a subsidence district was created around 1976 (red line), groundwater levels in the Chicot Aquifer rose substantially. We are hiring a Deputy General Manager Fort Bend Operations to join our executive leadership team. The District was created to provide for the regulation of groundwater withdrawal throughout Harris and Galveston counties for the purpose of preventing land subsidence, which leads to increased flooding. This study provides a basis for future research on subsidence in the Districts area and can inform water managers and planners in the Houston area on the availability of brackish groundwater resources. The cumulative compaction in the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers are measured at 13 extensometer stations in the 11-county area. Land Subsidence. HGSD lies within the boundaries of Groundwater Management Area 14 (GMA 14). View More. Website by Abstract Media, Lone Star GCD, 655 Conroe Park North Drive, Conroe, TX, 77303, United States, Lone Star Static Well Level Monitoring Network Map, Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District - Phase 3 Site-Specific Subsidence Investigations, Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District - Phase 2 Subsidence Investigations, Subsidence Study Phase 1 Draft Final Report. This process is crucial to prevent buildings from flooding. In addition HGSD provides water conservation, education, and outreach programs to underscore the importance of water conservation in the community. In this chapter: (1)AA"Agricultural crop": (A)AAmeans food or fiber commodities that are grown for resale or commercial purposes and that are to be used for food, clothing, or animal feed; and The districts mission is to control land subsidence and manage groundwater resources through regulation, conservation, and coordination with suppliers of alternative water sources to assure an adequate quantity and quality of water for the future.
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