To pick it up, head to the Penthouse on the top floor of the castle tower. You can steal the sheikh's identity (so that you'll be able to go the auction on floor 3 (you won't be frisked) and meet with Dalia (red 11 on the map). Climb down the ladder and head towards the right. Requires a crowbar to open. 31 AtticThere are a lot of bodyguards in the attic and no one is allowed access here. 5) If you vault, hang, scale or climb down, you will fail the mission. Designed to resemble a large-headed version of a historical military genius Napoleon Bonaparte. Helmut Kruger, celebrated male model, is part of tonight's show. Membership card for the local shisha caf (M5,6) - you can obtain it most easily by sneaking from rooftop (the one where you met the former chief of consulate security) to bathroom in the caf. Once you have the bodyguard out of the way it'll be easier to kill Novikov when he's alone (you can use a fiber wire on him for example) and you'll also be able to use the bodyguard's phone to inititate the evacuation procedure (red 22 and 23 on the map). He has your cheekbones, 47. A tactical pistol. If you dont want to look around, here's the list of the 12 items to take before the burglers take them for the challanges. Assassinate both targets and complete the mission. Dalia, on the other hand, can be located on the highest, third floor of the building, where she oversees the secret auction. Must be for Novikov's grand finale. But despite his posturing, he is merely the moneyman. Where is an axe in The BigMooney Flamboyancy escalation. Appearances: Valerie St. Clair, legendary editor in chief of Showstopper Magazine, has discoverd Novikov's secret, and plans to blackmail him. The detonation remote, however, is unaccounted for. 4 BarYou can poison Novikov here. There is a walkthrough available for this mission; see this page. After that go to the dressing area (blue 24 on the map) to get ready for the fashion show. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Holiday Hoarders A total of two mission-exclusive Battle Axes can be found within this mission: One in the Bar. You can get here before him. Surprisingly non-lethal, this savage-looking metal monstrosity is also found inside the Ark Society Penthouse on Level 8. If Novikov is head designer Sebastian Sato's replacement, we can probably tweak the odds in our favor. Concealable: According to the schedule, Novikov plans a grand fireworks display at the end of the Sanguine show. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Reminded me of Paris or marrakesh, there's just a random axe tucked into the corners of a couple of stores or the saber behind the counter of the shoe store. Assassinate Viktor Novikov by drowning him. 4 Palace staff diguiseThe clothes are inside one of the trailers. 17 SpeakerYou can sabotage this speaker (a crowbar is required) when Novikov will stop directly under it (runway - blue 21 on the map). Lightweight, with excellent rate of fire and precision. 21 RunwayA fashion show will take place here at the beginning of the mission. Better yet, he is also a notoriously private person, and apart from his family, employees and close friends, few have seen his face up close. If players need further assistance on Whittleton Creek, this walkthrough guides players on all the major assassinations and challenges. 6 Interview spotA blogger (red 5 on the map) will wait here for her interview with Novikov after you give her camera lens. It needs some timing, though. If you can get to it, you should be able to shut down the auction temporarily. If you like conventional ways of killing, you will find scissors, knives and cleavers handy - they are especially useful for eliminating enemies from certain distance. You can use the fact that there's no one else around, subdue him and take his clothes. The above map shows the area available during the first "full-fledged" contract in The Hitman - The Showstopper. The keys can be used to escape with the consulate employees' car which you can find in the underground car park. Limitations You can open the gate using a lockpick or a crowbar. Mission Order: The only disguise that can be obtained while maintaining a Silent Assassin rating is the Sheik's, as he is one of the targets. You can shoot him from one of the upper balconies or you can drop a huge light rig onto the stage (red 8 on the map). In The Showstopper episode, the piano is located on the second floor, inside the smaller eastern room out of the three rooms with entrances from the northern corridor overlooking the catwalk on the ground below. All rights reserved. Based On: Leave the axe on the middle area of the big staircase (near where the chefs are) Head upstairs (they won't frisk you as the Sheik) and head towards the attic entrance at the back (the one next to Margolis' office). If you dont want to look around, here's the list of the 12 items to take before the burglers take them for the challanges. You can use it to arrange an interview between Novikov and one of the bloggers (red 5 on the map). Assassinate Dalia by poisoning her drink. 1 IAGO Auction VIP ListYou can inspect the list to find out that Sheikh al-Ghazali will be one of the guests - he's inside one of the rooms on floor 2 of the palace (red 7 on the map) and you'll be allowed to steal his identity to make it easier to get close to Dalia. The ICA can smuggle a large, secure case into the attic above the Palais de Walewska. If 47 is seen carrying it, bystanders will alert the guards who will come to where he was seen. Overview How do I get to the second windmill in re8? : Assassinate both Dalia Margolis and Viktor Novikov with a single push. Where is an axe in The BigMooney Flamboyancy escalation? CarrozzeriaAvicdrz99 ,HITMAN-CPY . During the mission our protagonist can find many useful items - below you can find a list of those objects which are most required for killing both Reza Zaydan and Claus Hugo Strandberg. Claim the Tanto for yourself by heading to the Private Chambers next to the large Directors Office on Level 3. Mission targets are Viktor Novikov and his partner, Dalia Margolis. Hitman 2: Medieval Weapons And Where To Find Them, Hitman 1: The Funniest Kills Agent 47 Can Do, The katana date back to the feudal period in Japan, Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing Hitman 3, this walkthrough guides players on all the major assassinations, Dark Souls 3: All Katanas Ranked (& PVP Tips), New York City has been portrayed in movies countless times, Hitman 3 Players Are Venting About Escalations. Escape the palace in Baron Larin's speedboat. Get To The Boat After defeating the zombie ambush, press on and find a small dock by the shore. 9 Closed gateIt leads to the barge. 5 Palace master keyYou can use this key to open all locked doors in the palace. Screenshot by Gamepur. However, she needs a replacement lens for her camera before the interview can begin. The No Pacifications complication voids any attempt to dress as a security guard or bodyguard, who would be allowed to carry a weapon that isn't concealable. Complete "The Showstopper" with no bodies discovered. There is a note on the table that states the Boat Key is to be left in a shack in the mine. Features the Best Learning and Skill Games. There is a challenges article for this mission; see this page. Head to the southwest corner of the map to find this area. Follow her there to finish her off. 18 BarYou can steal the identity of the auction staff member and tend to the bar. 25 DioramaYou can insert a coin into the diorama and watch the show. Now head back to the initial house you hid out in. The easiest way to do it is Subduing both of them and hiding their bodies somewhere before they start, take the 12 items then get a guard to wake them both at the same time. A modular explosive device designed by the ICA. Can be detonated at any time. Custom slide with suppressor. You can assassinate Novikov by blowing up the explosive device hidden inside the camera or by taking a shot from one of the nearby balconies. Opportunities / Mission Stories: If you are detected by cameras, erase or destroy the evidence. Assassinate Viktor Novikov with a chandelier. Climb back outside, distract the other gauchos, and interact with the boat to finish the level and complete the Lago Lurker challenge for 1,000 Mendoza mastery points. Frisk Hidden: Now, there are two sets of water scooter keys. This escalation contract was originally a user-made contract called "Ghost of a Barbarian" designed by Hitman series speedrunner, TheKotti. Assassinate Viktor Novikov with a headshot while he is onstage. But the didgeridoo dates back over a thousand years, making it the oldest item on this list. Reach the IAGO auction and witness Dalia's speech. But if players feel like roleplaying Jack Sparrow, IO has them covered. The former Top Gear host, 62, sparked a backlash after writing that he wanted to see the Duchess of Sussex paraded through the streets naked while people threw 'excrement' at her. Head inside and grab the dongle off one of the boxes in the middle of the room. FYI, I took the liberty to hack their servers and get you a cover identity. When Crimean separatists caused a deadly meltdown at the Odessa nuclear power plant, IAGO gave them access to the plant's security network. Show the Invitation to the CICADA bodyguards. Battle Axe. The crowbar can be used as a melee weapon but it can also be used to open door (loudly). About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . The key is hanging up on the wall. The easiest way to eliminate the sheikh is to poison his wine and wait for him to go to the toilet. There even is a lockpick here which you can stock up on. You can use the fireworks to help you out in eliminating the key targets. Jar with lethal poison pills / Vial with lethal poison. He travels between different rooms, stopping, for instance, in the changing room (point M3,24 on the map), in the banquet hall (point M3,20 on the map), delivering a speech in the main hall (point M3,19 on the map), or on the catwalk (point M3,21 on the map). However, in this case the one laying on the floor is the closest to the target. Plays relevant orchestral music when placed. Either way, this could be a chance to catch Novikov away from the spotlight. 10 Fireworks remote detonatorThe detonator can be found next to some crew stage crew members. As far as this mission goes, taking coins is the best course of actions, as those can be used to divert the attention of some of other guests in the palace. The second pair of keys is in the school, on the first floor - in the provisional command center of Zaydan's operation. After spawning in, head northeast, going up the main path to near where the main gate to the mansion is. Headmaster's key. I suspect that IAGO uses fashion models to infiltrate the lives of the rich and powerful, and Kruger is likely one of IAGO's spies. His reviews of video games and films have been published in Bates College's student newspaper. You can kill them by dropping a chandelier on them or throwing an explosive at them. 13 Dalia's roomDalia returns here from time to time. Agent 47 is contracted to assassinate Viktor Novikov and Dalia Margolis. 1 DeckerThis person plans to meet with Novikov in a quiet spot and you can use this opportunity to kill Novikov. He loves sharing his behind-the-scenes view of game development and hopes more people all over the world will give game-making a shot. Old Axe - A rusted nondescript axe. 3 Small shedYou can reach this building by sneaking through the gardens and jumping over the fence. You can take part in it dressed as Helmut Kruger (red 12 on the map).Later on Novikov will appear on the runway. It's been there since day 1 just tucked into the corner. Quick answer: What does paris mean in english? The bright, modern buildings surrounding the Grand Innovation Race track make for a crazy juxtaposition with this next weapon. Aside from the auction room (point M3,10 on the map), she can be found in her office (point M3,11 on the map), as well as her private quarters (point M3,13 on the map). Viktor NovikovDalia Margolis If Agent 47 infiltrates the auction in his suit, he will introduce himself under his alias of Tobias Rieper, an alias he used throughout, Novikov's recipe for the Bare Knuckle Boxer cocktail is as follows: ". Shisha Cafe key - taking it won't cause raising an alarm. The remote detonator for a fireworks display. Be gentle though. 24 Dressing roomOnce you've acquired Helmut Kruger's disguise (red 12 on the map) you can go here, sit in a chair and wait for Agent 47 to be prepared to go out on the runway.You'll also find an unused stylist disguise here (green 14 on the map). The katana date back to the feudal period in Japan, placing their origin almost 1,000 years in the past. If you want to take the garrote, or the remotely detonated explosives with you, do so only when you are planning on using them to eliminate one of your targets (preferably when repeating the mission). May be administered via food or drink. Where is the battle AXE hitman in Paris? You can unlock an item in Dubai and take it with you to Paris, for example. Posted a guide with help for the rest of the challenges. In-Game Information 2 PagodaNovikov will meet with Decker (red 1 on the map) here after you show Decker the way dressed as a bodyguard. Both substances, added to victim's meal or drink, guarantee a painful death. Now, go back to the ladder opening and you will be able to climb to the top of the Windmill. Find the recipe for Novikov's favorite cocktail. Decker is waiting in the outdoor lounge area for one of Novikov's guards to escort him to the garden pavilion where the meeting will take place. Succeeded By: This is one of three levels where this can be happen, the other two being. Hitman: AbsolutionHITMANHITMAN 2HITMAN III Novikov is meeting Max Decker, a senior agent in the Russian FSB. 15 Extension cordNovikov may show up here early in the mission to make a phone call. After entering the consulate go the first room on the right - don't mind people inside as they won't have any problem with you taking the consulate employee's car keys (M5,7) from the table in front of their eyes. The latter is the most accessible, as it's just laying on the floor, followed by the one in display, as breaking the glass doesn't seem to bother the tech guy in the same room. You can easily find the jar with lethal poison pills (M5,9) in Zaydan's office, while the vial (M5,10) is in the tunnel leading from the consulate to the shoe store - it's on the table, next to the blueprints of armored carrier's turret. Upon starting the Death in the Family quest, Agent 47 will initially start the in the southern part of the map. 6) Most patrolling guards can see through all Paris disguised and 47's suits The Wetzel Determination A modern light pistol. New York City has been portrayed in movies countless times, but Hitman 2s New York level, set inside a gilded, Neo-classical bank is a marvel to look at. Start in the dressing room disguised as a stylist. There's no need to knock 'em out. 3) Eliminate Hailey Brennan with a battle axe while wearing 47's signature suit. So, our client, MI6, needs us to stop the ringleaders before the NOC list ends up in the wrong hands. They are guarded by an officer who will recognize you no matter what disguise you wear. Then you only need to wait for soldier (he can recognize you even if you are disguised as soldier), stun him or drown in toilet and take the membership card from him. Novikov stays on the first floor of the palace all the time. Assassinate Viktor Novikov by pushing him into the Seine river. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Contains a single dose of a lethal poison. : The adventures of four barefoot ninja girls and their ever-young demiurge guru, extremely exciting in the confrontation with Lord Tyranus and other villains of all stripes. The new target is Hailey Brennan, who is Margolis' secretary. A remote explosive device. The other is lying in the sand right below the little setup on the private island, where Bradley goes to work. Access to this part of the gardens is highly restricted and they're patrolled by bodyguards. All rights reserved. Information Assassinate both Dalia Margolis and Viktor Novikov with the chandelier inside their safe room. A security dongle. After you've examined the map, your only "worry" will be the execution of a given plan to eliminate your targets. RELATED: Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing Hitman 3. Assassinate Dalia Margolis during the meeting while disguised as Helmut Kruger. Afterwards, every guard around the area will remain on high alert and, unless he is killed by the light rig, Viktor Novikov will run to the basement security room. 47 has infiltrated the palace and beings the mission in the basement locker room, disguised as a chef. Copyright 2000 - 2023 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. 26 Large staircaseYou can use these stairs to travel between floors 0, 1 and 2. Highly accurate and modular, allowing extensive customization. 3 Emetic rat poisonYou can use this object to poison Novikov in the banquet hall on floor 1 (red 4 on the map), to poison Dalia in the bar on floor 3 (red 18 on the map) or to poison Novikov's bodyguard in the catering room on floor 1 (red 14 on the map).