Secondly, top-slicing the Army Reserve and a Regular-Reserve integrated ORBAT: I struggle to see what the problem is you seek to solve and what the advantages are of integrated Reserve companies compared to the current system. Mortar platoons with 8 or 9 x 81 mm tubes has been proven on many occasions to be sufficient. Should we be looking to bring UAVs to company or even platoon-level? Headquarters Section (2Officers, 6 Enlisted, 5 Attached), , Sergeant(OR-5), armed with 1 M4A1Carbine, , First Lieutenant (OF-1), armed with 1 M4A1Carbine, , First Sergeant or Master Sergeant (OR-8), armed with 1 M4A1Carbine, , Sergeant (OR-5), armed with 1 M9/M17 Pistol. It is worth noting that the current model of the Army Reserve infantry actually achieves the endstate you seek already: generating an additional rifle company as well as generating an additional section per specialist platoon. Ref Where does firepower fit into the manning equation ? So it is a very flexible number. New Zealands cavalry (which would be considered mechanised infantry in the British Army) do this, having 46 soldiers and six NZLAVs per Cav Tp. Now that the GPMG has been returned to rifle sections, a separate, fourth fire support platoon is no longer needed. Anti-drones? For light role battalions the ISTR company with the recon platoon, assault pioneers, sniper platoon, and hopefully a uav plankton. However, your suggestion of four rifle sections will require even greater manpower to maximise effect. This is an interesting idea, but would impose an increased weight and logistical burden on rifle companies. & Organizations of the Italian Campaign for brief history What it does do is massively hollow out the capability and capacity of the Reserve Infantry for little tangible gain beyond having a structure which is more aesthetically pleasing on an ORBAT chart. Infantry Headquarter Companys have the following elements: Do MANPADS have a place in the future infantry battalion? Opportunity for Reservists too? (d) 3 from auxiliary service. Such a capability is definitely still needed and there is a strong case to re-instate the 51 mm exactly as it was. The newer light weight medium/ long range calibres ( eg. These new combined arms battalions are modular units, each consisting of a headquarters company, two mechanized infantry companies, two tank companies, and a forward support company attached from the battalion's parent brigade support battalion. 1. So back to my original question , can firepower and manoeuvre replace infantry mass, at least for armoured infantry units for the missions they will be used for, while maximizing boots on the ground for protected mobility Battalions which would have a different primary mission set ?? 2) Would it work for the role of the specialised infantry battalions? Theyre generally headed by a four- or five-star general. This means wagons to have space for additional personnel and stores, are all properly crewed and that dismounted mass hits the desired 28 (plus crew 53=15 so 43 total). I need to add a section on weapons. This structure was used during Operation Banner in Northern Ireland for many years and proved to be extremely effective. This option also ensures that each section within a platoon has a dedicated vehicle driver and gunner. It also gives Platoon HQ additional firepower that can be allocated to individual sections as required. If we have multi role divisions, then does this not theoritically make a third of your div redundant for any given operation? Your email address will not be published. The battalion must have a source of re-supply to enable it to sustain operations for more than a few days. This is why the dismount numbers vary a bench seats however many can fit, a seat is for one. I see that you failed to include the Adjutant Generals Regimental Administration Office Platoon with around 20 personel. Also in such an modular overall force you can also much more easily deploy and re-role then only tank units or only infantry units and this would the increase the strategical mobility and the overall flexibility of the UK forces imo very much. Combat companies consist of (usually mechanised) infantry, combat engineers, or tanks. This is in the interest of reducing the standing commitment to one Guards battalion instead of two. This would increase the size of fighting infantry men in the bataillons heavily so that they become numerically sufficient enough for infantry combat and would protect them to become mech-infantry only troops. 2 Officers and 18 Othr ranks and the RLC Catering Platoon again a similar number commanded by a WO2 and then the SASC Sergeant and the RAPTC 2 to 3 SNCO/WO all those also add to a Battalions strenth as attached arms. With eachJavelin vehicle requiring a driver and commander, t. As noted above, there is no reason why other weapon types and combinations could not also be used. They can range from a few dozen soldiers to up to 200. 1) What is the total manpower bill of the new proposed battalions compared with the current manpower liability in all infantry battalions? If you want to replace all kind of different types of specialised infantry with only one type of general purpose infantry, the latter will only be as good as the more specialised types today, if not only the structure and size of the bataillons is changed, but also the overall equipment and its underlying doctrine and you also must invest much more in the training of this infantry. Battalion HQ will usually be comprised of 6 officers + 10 other ranks. Teams can serve as a base-of-fire or as a maneuver element. Arty - Artillery Over time, the regiments were turned into battalions, the reserve units amalgamated and more regular units raised and disbanded. A company consists of three or four platoons and is generally commanded by a captain. (b) In principal belongs to the auxiliary service. A battalion usually contains two to five organic companies (batteries in the artillery), with a total of 500 to 1,200 Marines in the battalion. Someone pointed out that US stryker brigades had been gamed against Russian motorized and were looking at I think 50% casualty rates in under a week. Just realized your modular multi-role battalion has 42 people less than the current Armoured Infantry battalion establishment who are these 42 peeps and what do they do? Tank battalions and mechanized infantry battalions no longer exist. With all these components, a battalion is the smallest military unit capable of "limited independent operations".[1]. Light Machine Gun Section and a Mortar Section. , Specialist (OR-4), armed with 1 60mm Mortar and 1 M9/M17 Pistol, , Private First Class (OR-3), armed with 1 M4A1 Carbine, , Sergeant (OR-5), armed with 1 M4A1 Carbine. Often these will be stored in vehicles until needed. that serves 2 M224 60mm light mortars for indirect fire support. General Frederick Weyand, from. DUI Medics require a lot of expensive training and continuous clinical exposure to remain competent, in date, and able to operate in the complex world of modern combat medicine. Contrarily, in my experience the Gaaards are very proud of their role and it forms an important part of their ethos, setting them apart from the rest after all, they havent much else to boast about! 05 Weapon requirements These units are characterized by their lack of integral motorization or mechanization for the entire brigade, and are thus less mobile, but as a result are highly deployable. 1. I think its generally accepted that reserves simply cannot be expected to attain or maintain the same level of professionalism as regular soldiers, because its not their day job, so I posit their embedding with regular formations and should the need arise, the two diluting. The platoon could divide into two three wagon sub-platoons each having a dismounted mass of 1+6+6? I think we need silly ideas and massive reforms, such as your ideas on simplify rank structures to fit with a much smaller army. However, what about this suggestion with platoon manning lifted to 36 as follows: Pl HQ: Pl Comd, Pl Signaller, Pl Sgt, Pl Medic. However unlikely it is, I think it is desirable though: replacing CVRT, Warrior and Bulldog with a common base platform would be hugely beneficial. God Bless you man. Italy. A colonel is generally in command. Anyway, having filled all the racks with ammo for the cannon and chain gun and having packed the rations away, stowed everybodys gonk bag, admin pouch, daysack and squeezed the six dismounts in, you give them a couple of NLAWs (12kg, 1m long each), an ASM (9kg, 1m long) and hand the 2IC a couple of spare crates of ball and a couple of link, half a dozen extra smoke, boxes of cyalumes, handful of shermulies etc etc and you see that quite quickly its become so crowded that six dismounts is the absolute maximum. Starting in 20052006, the U.S. Army's mechanized and tank battalions were reorganized into combined arms battalions (CABs). Various members of the platoon will also carry a 9 mm Glock 17 pistol. Battalions consist of four to six companies and can include up to about 1,000 soldiers. Battalion - A battalion comprised three or more companies and was commanded by a lieutenant colonel. I just wanted to pick up on a comment by White Hackle. This means instead of giving every infantry unit organic protected mobility, i would even take the units that have such now this vehicles and would create own fighting units out of them which are then part of the tank troops. [26], Prior to the late 1980s, Soviet tank battalions consisted of three tank companies of 13 T-64, T-72 or T-80 tanks each, along with a battalion headquarters mounted in a command tank and a headquarters and service platoon, for a total of 165 personnel and 40 tanks; battalions using the older T-54, T-55 or T-62s tanks had 31 or 40 additional enlisted personnel. Regimental Administration Office British Army Infantry Battalions are a hodgepodge of different unit sizes and structures. Both were organized along similar lines. Provost Staff They are structured roughly analogous to an Army or Marine Corps battalion with staff and commanding officers of similar grade and experience. To clarify, I dont think we should be finding a person in the turret, Im saying thats where theyd have to come from at four vehicles unless one lies on the floor. Have the shortfall taken up by a line battalion. That will make a massive difference. We have discussed these in great detail in prior articles so we will not elaborate here. (c) distributed as required when regiment is broken-up in detachments. By embedding these assets at the battalion and brigade levels these organisations get used to working autonomously and are supported by more CSG as each level moves up. One suggestion might be to convert the light-role battalions GPMG SF Pl into a MANPADS Pl? Are ~1,200 troops really needed?? I know the 60 and LMG are going but if were doing something as radical as new infantry ORBAT then perhaps we can pretend it is done by enlightened headsheds. Mortar platoons with 8 or 9 x 81 mm tubes has been proven on many occasions to be sufficient. It is important to include drivers and vehicle gunners in section ORBATs, because so often they are not specifically catered for in organisational structures. Regimental pride is at stake. And to the opposite for open terrain which is tank friendly the said general-purpose all-mech infantry would be more expensive than simple tanks without infantry which would dominate the open terrain against such infantry as the more numerous enemy infantry would rule the closed terrain against the to few of the general-purpose bataillons because the number of infantry outside the vehicles would become much lower if you include all this vehicles in an infantry bataillon. Both consisted of a battalion headquarters of 12 personnel and three motorised rifle companies of 110 personnel each, along with a number of combat support units: a mortar battery consisting of eight 120mm 120-PM-43 mortars or automatic 82mm 2B9 Vasileks, an air defense platoon with nine MANPADs, either the SA-7 Grail, SA-14 Gremlin or SA-16 Gimlet, and an automatic grenade launcher platoon with six 30mm AGS-17 launchers. The mechanised brigade would have Boxer 120mm TD, Boxer IFV, Boxer SPH. So i think to create such an kind of modulare force, a design in which absolut necessary abilities (here protected mobility) are not an organic part of the units, but modular abilities of the overall-forces would truly create a more potent and much more flexible force as every such mech fighting unit which can offer protected mobility for an infantry unit can also offer this to any other infantry unit as the need arises and could also fight for its own seperate from the infantry.
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