jefferson county al revenue commissioner

Board of Equalization Market Value Hearing, Board of Equalization Motor Vehicle Market Value Hearing, Homeowners and Storm Victims Protection Act of 2011 Application for Reclassification Single-Family Dwelling and Underlying Lot, LIHTC / Section 8 Valuation and Procedures, Alabama Property Tax Plan for Equalization, MEMO 2021-011 Legislative Acts Effective January 1, 2022, MEMO 2021-012 Redesigned/New License Plates for January 1, 2022. Don Armstrong, Property Tax Commissioner P O Box 1298 Columbiana, AL 35051 This service is designed to offer you the following: The ability to pay your Taxes at your convenience 24x7. Sewer Liens and Delinquents Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Montgomery, AL County Offices/Appraisal and Assessment Records, Visit Jeffferson Countys Property Tax Administration Website, Visit Jefferson County Map Viewer (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), View Mobiles Online Maps (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), Visit Montgomery Countys Citizen Access Portal (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), Visit Autauga Countys Citizen Access Portal (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), Visit Baldwin Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Baldwin Countys Online Record Search, Visit Barbour Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Blount Countys Revenue Commissions Website, Visit Blount Countys Online Record Search (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), Visit Bullock Countys Revenue Commissions Website, Visit Bullock Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Calhoun Countys Commissions Website, Visit Calhoun Countys Commissioner of Licenses Website, Visit Chambers Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Chambers Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Cherokee Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Cherokee Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Chilton Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Choctaw Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Clay Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Cleburne Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Coffee Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Colbert Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Colbert Countys Online Record Search, Visit Conecuh Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Covington Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Crenshaw Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Cullman Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Dallas Countys Tax Collector and License Commissioners Website, Visit DeKalb Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit DeKalb Countys Online Record Search (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), Visit Elmore Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Escambia Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Escambia Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Etowah Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Etowah Countys Online Record Search (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), Visit Fayette Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Henry Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Houston Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Jackson Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Jackson Countys Online Record Search (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), Visit Lauderdale Countys Online Record Search (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), Visit Lawrence Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Lee Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Limestone Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Limestone Countys License Commissioners Website, Visit Lowndes Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Madison Countys Online Record Search (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), Visit Marengo Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Morgan Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Pickens Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Randolph Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Russell Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Russell Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Talladega Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Tallapoosa Countys Property Tax Website, Visit Tallapoosa Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Tuscaloosa Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Walker Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Visit Washington Countys Public GIS Website, Visit Winston Countys Public GIS Website. Thank you for visiting the Montgomery County, AL. Box 997, Edward Foster, License CommissionerP.O. About Us Contact Us About Us Contact Us Business personal property refers to items which are used in any business and are movable or not permanently fixed to the land. 1. The Revenue Commissioner should be furnished a correct mailing address for all properties. Owners of 5 acres or more of farmland, pastureland or timberland that is producing agricultural products, livestock or wood products may apply for current use exemption. Jefferson County Employee Directory Privacy Policy County Mailing Address Physical Address Phone Autauga 176 West 5th St. Prattville, 36067-3041 334-361-3730 Baldwin P.O. View Hoover City Revenue Department business licenses and taxes, including license renewal, tax and licensing forms, deadlines, and penalties. If we are unable to reach you we will void your registration and refund your payment. Below is a listing by county of tax delinquent properties currently in State inventory. The voucher shall only be transferred by the owner to their spouse or dependent child. CITIZEN ACCESS PORTAL . Effective March 1, 2023, cash will no longer be accepted for revenue transactions at the offices in Baileyton, Dodge City, and Hanceville. By October 1, a reclaim form is mailed to the property owner who has qualified before, allowing for the claim to be renewed by mail or the property owner may bring the completed from to the Revenue Commissioners office. Mapping Maps that display property boundaries and dimensions are maintained in the Revenue Commissioner's office. Montgomery, AL Government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Your remittance must be postmarked no later than the 10th calendar day. February 27, 2023 equitable estoppel california No Comments . Birmingham Police Department Website Anyone renewing after that day will be charged a $15.00 penalty and will be required to come into the office. View Jefferson County Sheriff's Office website for general information including contact information and jail visitation information. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Find Jefferson County, Alabama real estate and property deeds, including options for accessing records, types of records, and fees. Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. Research land sales and Submit an online application to purchase tax delinquent properties and find PDF transcripts of available properties. 101 Eufaula, 36027 334-687-7637 Bibb 8 Court Square, Ste. View Jefferson County Probate Court home page, including hours, phone number, and address. Box 1667Montgomery, AL 36102, Appraisal Office:131 S. Perry St.Montgomery, AL 36104, 334-832-1250FAX: 334-832-1644334-832-1303 Appraisal OfficeFAX: 334-832-2535 Appraisal Office334-832-1327 Board of Equalization, Kathy Rhodes Evans, Revenue CommissionerAutauga County Courthouse135 N. Court St., Suite DPrattville, AL 36067Visit Autauga Countys Citizen Access Portal (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), 334-358-6750FAX: 334-365-6985334-358-6771Appraisal Office, Teddy Faust, Jr., Revenue CommissionerBaldwin County Courthouse1705 U.S. Hwy 31 S.Bay Minette, AL 36507Visit Baldwin Countys Revenue Commissioners WebsiteVisit Baldwin Countys Online Record Search, 251-937-0245FAX: 251-580-1858251-937-0245 Appraisal Office, Marshall Williams, III, Revenue CommissionerBarbour County Courthouse303 E. Broad St., Room 111Eufaula, AL 36027Visit Barbour Countys Public GIS Website, Eufaula334-687-7639FAX: 334-687-1579334-687-7630 Appraisal Office, Clayton334-775-3474FAX: 334-775-1110334-775-1112 Appraisal Office, Second (Clayton) Courthouse Mailing AddressP.O. Alabama law requires the owner as listed on the title/registration to provide his/her driver's license or non-driver identification number. Claim any exemption due you. 101 [] Proof of title and that sales tax paid must be provided at time of assessment/registration. Real property includes land and improvements (An improvement is anything that adds value to real property such as a house, swimming pool, chicken house, barn etc). 3111FAX: 205-625-3909205-625-6868 Ext. N Birmingham, AL 35203 | 205-325-5300Website designed and developed by Ingenuity, Inc. You can now use theState of Alabama ONE SPOT Tax Filing website to file county and state sales tax. Disabled taxpayers must present two forms of proof to receive this exemption. Box 2550, Heath Crowe, Chief AppraiserMapping and Appraisal DepartmentP.O. Renewal of manufactured home registrations is October/November each year. View How to Read County Transcript Instructions. This responsibility includes collecting and distributing motor vehicle taxes, motor vehicle registration fees, hunting/fishing license fees, privilege (business) licenses,sales andspecial revenuesales taxes, to name a few, on behalf of the State of Alabama, Jefferson County Commission; and, Jefferson County municipalities, school districts and governmental agencies. Mar 7, 2023 9:00 AM Agenda Agenda Packet ALABAMA VEHICLE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS: The Alabama Department of Revenue sets all vehicle values, all title regulations and all other regulations regarding motor vehicle laws. Hoover Police Department Website Note: Fleet Owners with Blanket Insurance are Exempt from these requirements. The Jefferson County Alabama Revenue Commissioner's Office may require that bidder's post 10% of the estimated amount they intend to purchase at the Jefferson County Alabama tax sale. Online customers will be charged a 3% convenience, $.30 processing fee, and a mail fee of $2.00. As instituted, the members would serve staggered 6-year terms with an election every . County Commission - Commission Meeting. 385 Appraisal OfficeFAX: 205-785-6170 Appraisal Office, Susan Jones, Tax Collector205-464-8230FAX: 205-758-6170, Jeff Brown, License Commissioner2501 7th St., Suite 100Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, Jerry Guthrie, Revenue CommissionerWalker County Courthouse1803 Third Ave.Jasper, AL 35501Visit Walker Countys Revenue Commissioners WebsiteVisit Walker Countys Public GIS Website, 205-384-7267FAX: 205-384-7000205-384-7298 Appraisal Office, Mary Ann Dees, Revenue CommissionerWashington County CourthouseCourt StreetChatom, AL 36518Visit Washington Countys Public GIS Website, 251-847-2915FAX: 251-847-3944251-847-3886 Appraisal Office, Valeria Pritchett, Tax AssessorWilcox County Courthouse100 Broad St.Camden, AL 36726Visit Wilcox Countys Public GIS Website, 334-682-4625334-682-4476FAX: 334-682-5684334-682-9731 Appraisal OfficeFAX: 334-682-5684 Appraisal Office, Jaunita Pettaway Kendrick, Tax CollectorMailing Address:P.O. In order to receive a voucher, one of the following criteria must be met: selling of a vehicle, trading of a vehicle, total destruction of a vehicle, theft without recovery or other transfer. Customers can only renew tags online during their renewal month. (a) Casual sale or trade: affidavit of buyer and address, (b) Sale or trade to license dealer: dealer's bill of sale, (c) Theft of vehicle: report from law enforcement agency, (d) Lease trade-in: verified odometer reading or statement, (e) Statement from insurance of company stating date of total loss. Click Here . Suggest Listing ($15.00 plus interest), (b) Failure to transfer a purchased vehicle within 20 calendar days. Each member of a public agency or department must submit contact information for the Jefferson County personnel directory. Whether you are a current or prospective resident, business owner, or visitor, we hope this portal will connect you with your county government needs. N.Birmingham, AL 35263Visit Jefferson Countys websiteVisit Jeffferson Countys Property Tax Administration WebsiteVisit Jefferson County Map Viewer (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), J. T. Smallwood, Tax Collector205-325-5500FAX: 205-325-4884, Travis Hulsey, Director of Revenue205-325-5171FAX: 205-325-5974, Maria Knight, Board of Equalization Chairman205-325-5566FAX: 205-325-5586, Charles Winston, Assistant Tax AssessorBessemer County Courthouse1803 3rd Ave. N., Room 209Birmingham, AL 35020205-481-4127FAX: 205-481-4128, Eric Burks, Assistant Tax Collector205-481-4131FAX: 205-481-4207, Kim Hastie, Revenue CommissionerMobile County Main Office3925 Michael Square, Suite GMobile, AL 36609Visit Mobile Property Taxs websiteView Mobiles Online Maps (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), 251-574-4714251-574-8530FAX: 251-574-5529251-574-4721 Appraisal OfficeFAX: 251-574-4709 Appraisal Office251-574-8594 Board of Equalization, Don Davis, Judge of ProbateMailing Address:P.O. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 0 seconds. View Jefferson County, Alabama Government minutes, including meeting dates, agendas and members. Clair County Courthouse1815 Cogswell Ave., Suite 205Pell City, AL 35125Visit St. Clair Countys Website, Second (Ashville) Courthouse Address:165 5th Ave., Suite 200Ashville, AL 35953, Send All Correspondence to Ashville Address, Joyce Paige, Tax AssessorSumter County CourthouseCourthouse SquareLivingston, AL 35470Visit Sumter Countys Public GIS Website, 205-652-2424FAX: 205-652-9456205-652-2707 Appraisal Office, Annie Wilson, Tax CollectorP.O. Jefferson County Revenue Commissioner's Website, Where to get free Jefferson County Property Records online, How to search for property titles and deeds, What property information is available for Jefferson County, AL records searches, Where to find Jefferson County Clerk, Tax Assessor & Recorder of Deeds records. You pay taxes at the end of the year, October through December. Renew Boat License 36132-7210. Last year, Commissioners Sheila Tyson and LeShunda Scales contributed a combined $150,000 from their respective discretionary funds.. The Jefferson County Employee Directory Search (Alabama) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Jefferson County public records. The Jefferson County Treasurer and Tax Collector's Office is part of the Jefferson County Finance Department that encompasses all financial functions of the local government. (a) You may come to the Revenue Commissioner's Office at the courthouse and make payment in person by cash, check, or money order. Box 407Brewton, AL 36427, Becky Nordgren, Revenue CommissionerEtowah County Courthouse800 Forrest Ave., Room G-15Gadsden, AL 35901Visit Etowah Countys Revenue Commissioners WebsiteVisit Etowah Countys Online Record Search (for Appraisal & Assessment Records)Visit Etowah Countys Parcel Viewer, 256-549-8114256-549-5323256-549-5382FAX: 256-549-8109256-549-8115 Appraisal OfficeFAX: 256-544-5353 Appraisal Office256-549-8143 Mapping Office, Ruby Porter, Revenue CommissionerFayette County Courthouse113 Temple Avenue N.Fayette, AL 35555Visit Fayette Countys Public GIS Website, Stratt Byars, Revenue CommissionerFranklin County CourthouseRussellville, AL 35653Visit Franklin Countys GIS Website, 256-332-8831FAX: 256-332-8809256-332-8838 Appraisal Office, Mary Ann Ellison, Revenue CommissionerGeneva County Courthouse200 N. Commerce St.Geneva, AL 36340Visit Geneva Countys Public GIS Website, 334-684-5650FAX: 334-684-5602334-684-5713 Appraisal OfficeFAX: 334-684-5602 Appraisal Office, Arnelia Shay Johnson, Revenue CommissionerGreene County Courthouse400 Morrow Ave.Eutaw, AL 35462Visit Greene Countys Public GIS Website, 205-372-3202FAX: 205-372-1506205-372-3202 Appraisal Office, Mary Hamilton, Tax AssessorHale County Courthouse1001 Main St., Room 3Greensboro, AL 36744, 334-624-3854FAX: 334-624-8725334-624-0705 Appraisal Office, Pamela Dyson, Revenue CommissionerHenry County Courthouse101 Court Square, Suite CAbbeville, AL 36310Visit Henry Countys Revenue Commissioners WebsiteVisit Henry Countys Public GIS Website, 334-585-3043334-585-6153FAX: 334-585-3890334-585-1379 Appraisal Office, Starla Moss, Revenue CommissionerHouston County Administration Building462 N. Oates Street, 5th FloorDothan, AL 36303Visit Houston Countys WebsiteVisit Houston Countys Public GIS Website, 334-677-4747FAX: 334-836-1303334-677-4718 Appraisal Office, Jeff Arnold, Revenue CommissionerJackson County CourthouseScottsboro, AL 35768Visit Jackson Countys Revenue Commissioners WebsiteVisit Jackson Countys Online Record Search (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), 256-574-9260FAX: 256-574-9267256-574-9390 Appraisal Office256-574-9225 Appraisal Office, David Boyett, Revenue CommissionerLamar County CourthouseVernon, AL 35592Visit Lamar Countys Public GIS Website, 205-695-9139FAX: 205-695-9971205-695-9994 Appraisal Office, Billy James Hammock, Revenue CommissionerLauderdale County CourthouseFlorence, AL 35631Visit Lauderdale Countys WebsiteVisit Lauderdale Countys Online Record Search (for Appraisal & Assessment Records), Rodney Pettus, License CommissionerP.O. 2. What we have scannedso far is currently available to be viewed here on our website under the LINKS section. You multiply the appraised value of property by the proper classification to determine the assessed value. The Revenue Commissioner is responsible for determining property value, which must, by the law, be set according to "fair and reasonable market value." They are maintained by various government offices in Jefferson County, Alabama State, and at the Federal level. We are so glad that you have chosen to visit our website and thankful that you have allowed us to bring to you this most valuable service.Our goal through this website is to allow you to conduct your business, whether its paying your property taxes, renewing your car tag, or simply researching our countys tax records and deed information. If, after this review, you are still not satisfied with your valuation, a hearing will be set for you to formally meet with the Board of Equalization to present information you feel justifies a change in value. Information displayed is continuously updated, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. ($15.00). Regular session of the 1973 Alabama Legislature Eyrika L. Parker, Treasurer ACT 1197 Report Data can be viewed, printed and exported from this page when available. Darla West December 27th, 2022 The Cullman Revenue Commissioner announced this week an important change in satellite location operations. does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Drawer DD, Cindy Pennington, Revenue CommissionerTalladega County CourthouseTalladega, AL 35161Visit Talladega Countys WebsiteVisit Talladega Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, Talladega256-761-2123256-249-8111FAX: 256-761-2019256-480-7057 Appraisal Office, Second (Clayton) Courthouse:400 N. Norton St.Sylacauga, AL 35150, Send All Correspondence to Talladega Address, Eva Middlebrooks, Revenue CommissionerTallapoosa County Courthouse125 Broadnax St., Room 106Dadeville, AL 36853Visit Tallapoosa Countys WebsiteVisit Tallapoosa Countys Property Tax WebsiteVisit Tallapoosa Countys Public GIS Website, 256-825-7818256-825-1099 Appraisal OfficeFAX: 256-825-1017, Leigh Ann Fair, Tax AssessorTuscaloosa County Courthouse714 Greensboro Ave., Room 108Tuscaloosa, AL 35401Visit Tuscaloosa Countys WebsiteVisit Tuscaloosa Countys Public GIS Website, 205-349-3870 Ext. Search your Real Property. A homestead is defined as a single-family owner-occupied dwelling and the land thereto, not exceeding 160 acres. An official website of the Alabama State government. When renewing by mail, include a LEGIBLE copy of your drivers license and that of the co-owner, if any, and copies of the insurance card for each vehicle. Box 1059, Bradley R. Henderson, Revenue CommissionerLawrence County Courthouse14451 Market Street, Suite 103Moulton, AL 35650Visit Lawrence Countys Revenue Commissioners Website, 256-974-2473FAX: 256-974-2430256-974-2457 Appraisal OfficeFAX: 256-974-2567 Appraisal Office256-974-2427 Motor Vehicles, Oline Price, Revenue CommissionerLee County Courthouse215 S. Ninth St.Opelika, AL 36801Visit Lee Countys WebsiteVisit Lee Countys Revenue Commissioners WebsiteVisit Lee Countys Public GIS Website, Mailing Address:P.O. Any person who qualified to receive the exemption prior to the effective date of the 2013 Act by submitting written certification by two physicians licensed to practice in this state will continue to receive the exemption based on the two physicians letters already provide and shall not be required to resubmit any physicals letters.Mandatory Liability Insurance LawOIVS (Online Insurance Verification System)The Alabama Mandatory Liability Insurance Law provides that no person shall operate, register or maintain registration of a motor vehicle designed to be used on a public road or highway unless it is covered by a liability insurance policy. Answers to questions not found on this web site may possibly be found at theState of Alabama Department of Revenuesite. The lien date for taxes is October 1 and taxes are due the following October 1. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 0 seconds. Tax administered in the state is governed by the annual sales ratio study conducted by the Property Tax Division of ADOR. Jefferson County Department of Health Website An official website of the Alabama State government. Trussville Sales and Use Tax Rates (A) The Louisville and Jefferson County Revenue Commission as previously established and operated under provisions of sections 32.110 through 32.114 of the Louisville Code of Ordinances is hereby continued under the provisions of this subchapter and shall hereinafter be named the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Revenue Commission. Find Jefferson County, Alabama real estate and property deeds, including options for accessing records, types of records, and fees. Click Here . View Jefferson County, Alabama building codes, zoning regulations, development regulations, and other online services. These laws and regulationsare governedby laws passed by the Alabama legislature. The transcripts are updated weekly. Terms and Conditions. Taxpayers age 65 and older with net taxable income of $12,000.00 or less on the combined (taxpayer and spouse) Federal Income Tax Return are exempt from all property taxes. Popularity:#2 of 2 Treasurer & Tax Collector Offices in Jefferson County#47 of 77 Treasurer & Tax Collector Offices in Alabama#2,468 in Treasurer & Tax Collector Offices. Search Jefferson County property assessments by tax roll, parcel number, property owner, address, and taxable value.

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jefferson county al revenue commissioner