None have the depth of experience of Survive-A-Storm Shelters. The smaller design can accommodate eight people, and the larger one as many as 10. Whether you want it installed or whether you like DIY projects, our Panelized above ground steel storm shelters are just the right option for you. Extreme Storm Shelters is proud to be a member of the NSSA. Most Extreme storm shelters come equipped with a bench that houses a lockable storage compartment. ICC 500 compliant & Producer Member of the NSSA. All of Extremes storm shelters meet or exceed FEMA 320 and ICC 500 requirements regarding vents. Professional installation by an National Storm Shelter Association (NSSA) accredited installer is recommended and required to certify the shelter with an NSSA Type 4 Seal. They even offer a variety of paint colors so your storm shelter wont stand out like a sore thumb. Panelized storm shelters are the real life insurance. Read More about Evan's Review. You also need to consider the potential dangers of power lines, neighboring structures, and large trees that could, in a severe storm, block access to and from the shelter. Our modular safe room bolt-together kits can be customized to your specific needs. Invest in steel protection to still your nerves in times of uncertainty and civil unrest. The professionals at Extreme Storm Shelters will thoroughly clean up the installation area once their work is complete. This storm shelter doubles up as a workbench, so it frees up space while simultaneously providing emergency protection. The extreme is an above-ground storm shelter made of 1/4 inch steel with heavy, 5.4 pound channel reinforcements. Panelized storm shelters are the real life insurance. Panelized storm shelters are the real life insurance. If you dont have the space outside or dont want a concrete eyesore in your backyard, why not opt for a custom garage tornado shelter instead? The removable panels also give you an emergency exit should the door become damaged or blocked. Absolutely not! Survive-A-Storm manufactures a range of storm shelters, starting with the TwisterPod. Storm shelters intended for residential use range in size from a 4.3-ft diameter cylindrical above ground shelter to a 10-ft x 6-ft underground shelter. Add to cart View Detail. Panelized When you need a tornado shelter rated to provide the highest degree of protection against EF5 tornadoes, but you need something that can be assembled interior to a buildingyou need the Survive-A-Storm Shelters Panelized above-ground tornado shelter. For many, underground storm shelters arent an option. Emergency panels are also provided in case of an emergency. If a severe weather event strikes your area, we will attempt to reach you from our call center to ensure that you were able to safely get to your storm shelter. Structurally secure, Safe Sheds are available in just two sizes. Our goal is to design, build, and install the safest structures possible to protect families. Perfect for any room in your home, make a secure closet in an existing pace, or put one in your garage to ensure safety for your family and belongings. Extreme also caulks our underground shelters and coats them with 15 mils of coal tar epoxy. Above-ground storm shelters are easier to access, especially for those with mobility issues, and can also provide emergency protection against intruders. Fill out the Contact us pageor call 844-416-0011 and we will get back with you immediately. storm shelters and safe rooms available on the market today! We also keep our shelters in stock for immediate delivery throughout Tornado Alley and Dixie Alley. This is a great place to keep emergency supplies and other important items. Members of the NSSA hold themselves to the most stringent engineering and ethical standards and submit their shelters to peer review from other engineers. It still doesnt allow much space, however. Whether you opt for an interior safe room or an external tornado shelter, structural integrity is vital, which is why you should only consider storm shelters that meet the criteria laid out by the FEMA and ICC. Bulletproof Window - You can see inside and out at all times. 4-1 inch stainless steel locking rods to secure door, each rod has 30,000lbs of yield strength and with a single turn of the handle all the locking rods operate at the same time, Door can be secured when in the Safe Room Tornado Storm Shelter, 5/8 Concrete anchors are installed at each door post and every wall and corner panel, Each 5/8 concrete anchor has an uplift/pullout force of 14,725 pounds and a shear rating of 5,260 pounds (3000 psi uncracked concrete) exceeding ICC500 requirements in section 309.1.2.1, Sherwin Williams West Highland White paint color (SW7566). Both types are equally as effective at protecting human life, and the selection is simply a matter of site suitability and personal preference. Shelters should be selected that are large enough to accommodate all occupants of the home. FamilySAFE provides protection you can count on. Now 35% OFF! Both the ExtremePod and the ExtremeCube models can be placed in most garages, carports, or patios. This shelters can be as long as you want to make them in 1' intervals., Site by Website Design Works - Paducah, KY. We are a leading distributor of prefabricated steel above ground and underground residential tornado shelters, community safe rooms. For other units, we offer the option to install a jack to help open the units door in case it gets blocked by debris. An EF5 tornado can generate winds in excess of 250 mph. For instance, the high water table in the Mississippi Valley region makes underground structures unfeasible. Additionally, we rescue many of our dogs from "death row" at kill shelters in CA. Extreme Storm Shelters (Interior Dimensions: 4-ft x 6-ft x 6.6-ft) Extreme Cube Powder-coated Steel Above-ground Exterior Tornado Shelter. In architecture and execution, our safe room package is innovative. We are a licensed, certified, distributor and installer of Survive-A-Storm Shelters. We want you to pick the model that will best suit your individual needs. The leading manufacturer and distributor of prefabricated steel above ground and below ground tornado shelters, and community safe rooms. Even underground fiberglass shelters will eventually crack due to the pressures of their subterranean placement. The 36 door is suitable for wheelchair access and is reinforced with five locks, including one deadbolt lock. Tornado season is never-ending. Rather than having to transport an entire safe roompre-assembled, our custom safe room kits break down into lightweight panels and parts. Both models can be adapted for wheelchair access and meet the highest standards for storm shelters, including the latest FEMA regulations. You can purchase Extremes storm shelters at more than 140 Lowes locations. Extreme Storm Shelters may be installed inside or outside of the home. Allow 15-30 days for delivery. Entrapment is impossible. Extreme Storm Shelters may be purchased with or without installation. Another benefit of the modular design is that, should you move house, you can disassemble your storm shelter and take it with you. The modular design makes it simple to construct because its built-in panel sections can be easily installed in an existing structure or outside. Safe Room, U.S. Superior quality steel safe rooms, storm shelters, tornado shelters, panic rooms, gun safes, and bunkers. The ideal solution for use in a garage or outbuilding with a concrete slab floor. In certain areas of tornado alley, storm bunkers and safe rooms are found in most households. Currently, we can get new customers into their shelters within 3-4 weeks, depending on location and weather. All Extreme Storm Shelters are designed by a licensed professional engineer and tested by an independent laboratory to withstand the degree impact from an EF5 tornado in accordance with FEMA 320 guidelines. Easy assembly and panelized design allow you to retrofit any room. Each shelter is designed to withstand 300 mph ground speed winds, which is what you might expect in the strongest tornadoes ever experienced. If your home is built on a suitable concrete pad, you may select the ExtremePanel above ground storm shelter. Whether you want it installed or whether you like DIY projects, our Panelized above ground steel storm shelters are just the right option for you. Our410 tornado shelteris nearly impervious to the whims of Mother Nature and conniving criminal activity. Most of our reviews highlight our professional installation teams, our outside sales representatives, and our wonderful customer service. Safe Room Bolt-Together Safe Room Kit features easy-to-install modular steel panels that can be fitted to closet space, or simply convert a part of any larger room into a fully secured safe room tornado shelter, storm safe, or multi-use safety storage. It features an in-swing door (out-swing on 4x4) and an escape hatch thats removable from the inside, making it nearly impossible to get trapped by storm debris. When howling winds start shaking your home to its very foundations, a storm shelter could save your life and the lives of those you love. Steel storm shelters are superior to fiberglass shelters in a number of ways. Email. The largest is more community-focused and can provide shelter for as many as 36. As an additional safety measure, Extreme also provides our GeoLocator Service with every shelter we sell. In addition, the exterior lock operates independently of the inside lever, ensuring that you cannot accidentally lock yourself inside the shelter with no means of escape. These part kits can easily be palletized and transported by truck for maximum convenience and confidentiality. A 810Elephant Safe Room is 7.5 high, includes a 36 7-point security door, and will accommodate from 14-30persons in use as a tornado shelter or panic room. Founder Charlie Willsey has 30 years of proven leadership and customer satisfaction. In other words, its strong enough to withstand around 100,000 lb of weight falling directly on top of it. In any event, the rated occupancy for a residential shelter maxes out at 16 persons. Storms are growing in strength and frequency. Phone & Fax Phone: 337-905-5928 Fax: 337-905-5268. We help you make your shelter affordable with financing options through Hearth. At 36 sq feet, the smallest is suitable for six people, whereas the larger version can accommodate 16. There were at least 50 tornado . At just 32 high, you wont be able to stand up but if you dont mind lounging around until the storm passes provides more than adequate protection. It was very helpful. Includes all necessary hardware. Invest in steel protection to still your nerves in times of uncertainty and civil unrest. Our experts have years of experience in proper shelter installation. Panelized storm shelters are the real life insurance. Whether to install an underground or above ground storm shelter will depend upon several factors including your preference, budget, and site selection. Storms are growing in strength and frequency. If you order your storm shelter through Lowes, they will require you to make a full payment at the time of your order. Tornado season is never-ending. In addition to the Lifesaver Workbench, Tornado Alley Armor also has standard-shaped shelters available, including the 34 x 34 Defiant, which looks like an old phone booth, and the 26 x 610 Defender, which provides a spacious refuge for a family of four. Yes, you can lock an Extreme Storm Shelter unit from the outside. The strong, steel construction is aimed at sheltering up to 5-16 people from any EF5 tornado winds and debris. Our shelter was unmoved by the Moore F5 tornado. Community Safe Room Tornado Shelters provide strength, protection, and safety for groups of fifteen to hundreds of people. leading certified installer and distributor of FEMA compliant storm shelters, Survive-A-Storm tornado shelters and safe rooms. Panelized steel sheets can transform any existing room, closet or storage area into a tough as nails tornado shelter. Each Panic Safe Room Panel Series comes with the necessary wrenches for assembly and stay in shelter for emergency escape.
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