A blind side-by-side tasting proved no difference -- at all. In my case I had some trouble getting the proofed bagels from the parchment paper on which they were rising which broke up the dough. :). Facebook Instagram Pinterest Twitter YouTube LinkedIn. I repeat for the remaining bagels, then bake them at 425 degrees for 18-20 minutes until brown on top. Take a sheet of wax paper, or parchment paper, the length of your baking pan, then cut into 6 squares/rectangles (make sure the pieces are big). Form your bagels with the hole in the middle (poke your finger through and spin and stretch) and lay on one of the cut out pieces of wax paper. Our bodies have a pH level of around 7.4, and the food we eat can change our pH level in either direction. Go ahead and try it, and enjoy great NYC bagels no matter where you are. (LogOut/ In reply to That didnt clarify at all. A small solution to focaccias biggest problem. A photo posted by Horizon (@horizonorganic) on Sep 1, 2016 at 3:48pm PDT. When it comes to bread, bagels are in a class of their own. Here are the pH levels for different types of beer: Ale: 4.0 - 4.5; Lager: 4.2 - 4.6; Porter: 3.5 - 5.5; Stout: 4.0 . pH 7 is neutral. And Repeat. The sources cited below consist of evidence from peer-reviewed journals, prominent medical organizations, academic associations, and government data. Boil as many as fit into your pan at a time. Steamed How to SPOT the Difference, 2011, link, Togut, L., New Yorks Best Bagel Comes From a Department Store, Sep-5, 2014, Serious Eats, link, Hi there, thanks for this explanation and for doing your own boiling tests! Most varieties of peppers fall into a pH range below 7 (4.65 to 6.17 pH). Change). In most cases, you insert the meter's glass electrode in the solution, wait up to 30 seconds, and then read the pH level displayed. 220. Hi Chris, you can certainly add some vital wheat gluten to add extra protein when using a lower protein flour, but it won't function exactly like the high-gluten flours. I definitely have to make bagels again soon and use your tip. Just take the baking soda and bake it. (LogOut/ In reply to Hi there, Margaret! Now whenever people talk of pH were measuring acidity (its a measure of the H+, hence the pH and yeah, theres something called a pOH also, which would measure the basicness). This behemoth of a book (which Im already on round 2 by the way) is incredible, and un paralleled in food science. Flour plays an important role, but the final result will be influenced by the other elements (hydration, shaping, and fermentation). As such, some of the yeast in the center may survive. There are two basic ways to shape a bagel: the rope-and-loop method, and as my friend and fellow bagel-baker Jess Wagoner likes to call it the belly button poke.". At that point, starch molecules are set free and absorb even more water and cook the bagel. 2 Most bakery products pH ranges from 3.5 to 8.0. Bone health, Level of sugar, Lower inflammation, Produces energy, Function of muscles. So say you wanted to up the level of protein when using our unbleached all-purpose flour (11.7% protein), to get to the 14% you're looking for you could add up to 4% VWG. This is a simple process . designed to help guide you to make better dietary choices based on the pH value of foods. 3:07. You could technically cook the whole bagel for several minutes. How to Make Bread A Quick Overview of the Process. They can make the bagel a little sweeter, or add a little flavor. Pumpernickel bread, for example, has a glycemic index of 56, which puts it in the moderate range. About time we have a closer look at the importance and use of bagel boiling. Updated on May 06, 2019. pH is a logarithmic measure of the hydrogen ion concentration of an aqueous solution pH = -log [H +] where log is the base 10 logarithm and [H +] is the hydrogen ion concentration in moles per liter. This again ensures that the bagel doesnt get a crunchy crust, like some other breads do. Other bread products such as white bread, baguette and waffles also have a glycemic index of at least 70. Zeevi, D. Korem N. et al. Blood is usually between 7.35 to 7.45. FoodCrumbles Registration no. Boiling potatoes, making a roux for a pie filling, they all rely on the gelatinization of starch to get their distinct texture. We do have high-gluten flour available on our website though, you can find it here. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. And do I really need it to whip egg whites? Grab a corner of the wax paper and place the bagel into the boiling water. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.16658, Vega-Lpez, S., Venn, B., & Slavin, J. Acidity is measured on a scale from 0 to 14, with lower scores being the most acidic and higher scores more alkaline. The end product is chewy, relatively dense bread. However, more research is needed to verify these claims. Blood pH may range from 7.35 to 7.45, but the pH value is really quite tightly controlled by the body. How to coat your bread with seeds, oats, and other crust treatments, Armenian fingerprint flatbread is chewy, crusty, and very fun to make, Jeffrey Hamelman's episode of the Isolation Baking Show on bagels, Hydration (the amount of water the dough contains), Flour protein content (this dictates the amount of gluten in the dough), Shaping (determines how structured that gluten is), Fermentation time (affects both flavor and texture), Boiling (creates a shiny crust and adds flavor). Not every bagel did this. Classically, bagels were made with yeast and not sourdough, but there are plenty of sourdough bagel producers nowadays, and the use of a sourdough culture (alone or in addition to commercial yeast) will lend the bagel a notable tang. I do the reading so you dont have to, and you can go back to watching Toddlers and Tiaras! Well lets go through it together (I hope you brought your thinking hats on today). Some say that one of the reasons a New York bagel is so unique is its water. Keep in mind that VWG soaks up a lot of liquid, so if your original bagel recipe calls for a lower protein flour you may also have to add additional liquid when adding VWG. Sometimes lye (sodium hydroxide) is added to raise the pH of the crust, which promotes browning and caramelization during the bake (this is identical to how pretzels are given their signature flavor and appearance, though in the case of bagels the concentration of lye used is much lower). Toronto-based journalist William McCoy has been writing since 1997, specializing in topics such as sports, nutrition and health. Lastly, if you boil the bagels in alkaline water such as water with dissolved baking soda you can alkalize the outside of the bagel. bags. Required fields are marked *. Shazimzam Senor Chieftain Maillard once again. Instead, they use steam to pre-seal the bagels. "International table of glycemic index and glycemic load values: 2002." From 7 to 5 pH, the increase is 100-fold. This is one more reason (of so many!) Thanks for your article and testings. Thats exclusively a sugar reaction, as if you were making caramel with sugar and water (hence the name). Our Sir Lancelot flour is from our professional line of flours, so it's only available in 50-pound bags. Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. Bagel side effects may include: increase in blood sugar spikes. Guar gum is a gel-forming galactomannan obtained by grinding the endosperm portio Essentially, the definition uses the equation: pH = -log a H+. The University of Sydney, Zeevi D, Korem T, Zmora N, et al. The products we introduce below were carefully curated by the mybest team, from the best-sellers of E-commerce sites like Lazada, and using the points mentioned in our detailed and thoroughly researched buying guide. Reheat your bagel in a convection or a toaster oven until your bagel is crisp and hot to the touch. Theres like a billion pages, and its full of really useful information, which youd probably think is more boring than watching paint dry, and thats where I come in. The addition of the "p" reflects the negative of the logarithm, \(-\log\). They found that there was indeed a difference in pH levels. brookfield asset management employee benefits / broadview police hiring / broadview police hiring The scale ranges from 1 to 14, with 1 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline. Real bakers dont buy 3 lb. November 2015. EVEN WHEN I USED WAX PAPER AND OIL, OR FLOUR AND OIL THEY ALL STUCK,,,WHAT A MESS. 2023 . You see, my passion addiction for cooking really hit full throttle when I picked up Harold McGees book On food and Cooking. The historic Jewish bakeries in Whitechapel, London were local to us and the bagels were known as beigels to us (my family still find it hard to refer to them as bagels!) Repeat with remaining dough. I also use an old cast iron skillet I dont use anymore (you can use a casserole dish), I place on the bottom rack of oven and fill with water, then turn the oven to 425 to preheat. (2001). Common Terms: cheese, chicken, cinnamon, menu, Most Helpful Foodary Articles, renal diet, sausage, Acid-Alkaline Legumes and Legume Products Food Chart. By. Hopefully, weve got them covered for you! Think about how long it takes just to get the dough to rise. Recently Ive been making my own bagels and find the whole history and methods interesting. Ok, so maybe the water being different makes a difference. Boiling a bagel is what gives it its characteristic texture. Generally, the pH level of bell peppers ranges between 4.65-5.45. This slightly alkaline pH level is ideal for many biological processes, such as the oxygenation of blood. Again, not something the New Yorkers do. They're home of the best mini bagels in Manila which come in a pack of 12 and 4 different flavors you can choose from. The pH scale is often said to range from 0 to 14, and most solutions do fall within this range, although it's possible to get a pH below 0 or above 14. After a couple seconds when the wax paper gets wet, the bagel slides right off into the water, throw the wax paper sheet away. The information contained on this site is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a professional health care provider. Shaped bagels under cold fermentation have a wide window of readiness, which means they can be pulled from the fridge and baked on demand over the course of a day. This is why pure water is neither acidic nor basic, its neutral (which on the pH scale is a 7). The full range lies between 4.65 and 8.5 with cayenne pepper being the most alkaline . Your body breaks down high-glycemic index foods quickly, which results in a rapid spike in your blood sugar. Achieving that requires a careful dance between building structure in the dough with high protein flour and proper shaping (for structure and chew), while still pushing the hydration as high as possible (for tenderness). (2018). This serves to gelatinize the starches on the bagels exterior, which helps create the bagels signature leathery, glossy skin once it hits the heat of the oven. Gelatinization of starch is a very common process in carbohydrate-rich foods. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. pH describes how acidic or basic an aqueous solution is, where a pH below 7 is acidic . What does that have to do with your skin? but the only way to confirm they are having the desired effect is by measuring the pH (acidity/alkalinity) of your urine. Nutrients. If the density is lower than that of water, it will float. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. This ranking puts bagels on the low end of what's considered a high glycemic index. During this time the yeast converts sugars in the dough into gas bubbles carbon dioxide. Boiling bagels gives them a characteristic texture, nevertheless a lot of larger manufacturers have moved away from boiling. In the middle of the scale is pure distilled water, with a neutral pH of 7. Lastly, America's Test Kitchen tested the pH levels in the bagels after they'd fermented (yes, their recipe leaves the bagels out overnight to ferment -- this in fact is actually one of the reasons New York City bagels are so great) and the difference was miniscule. By that time, all the starch will have gelatinized. "The pH of your skin is normal at 4.7," says Anthony Youn, MD, a . This is a simple process using widely available pH test strips or meters. But, how long should you boil them for? Your kidneys and lungs attempt to maintain a slightly alkaline pH of 7.4 when the body receives what it needs . Carbohydrates: 68g. It is traditionally shaped by hand into a roughly hand-sized ring from yeasted wheat dough that is first boiled for a short time in water and then baked.The result is a dense, chewy, doughy interior with a browned and sometimes crisp exterior. 2015;163(5):1079-1094. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2015.11.001+. Other bakers including home bagel makers employ perforated pans or a rack-lined sheet pan to achieve a similar effect. For saltwater fish, the pH of water should remain between 7.5 and 8.5 . Baking Soda is Sodium BiCarbonate, which in chemistary-ese is Na-HCO3. First, fill a beaker with your solution. Water that doesn't fall in the "safe" pH range of 6.5 to 8.5, particularly if it's alkaline, isn't . (2016). has lower levels of phytoestrogens and is lower in cost. This explains why in other metropolitan locales with harder water, the bagels come out tougher -- the hardness of the water toughens up the gluten. pH Balanced Bagels. Bagels Have a High Glycemic Index. In answer to the question we said above about water being different. Photo. We hope this can help to clarify! "Towards understanding of glycaemic index and glycaemic load in habitual diet: associations with measures of glycaemia in the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study.." British Nutrition Journal. 3) Cinnamon Raisin Bagels. If theres one thing Ive been wanting to make for some time now, its bagels. Cover the bagels to prevent them from drying out and leave them to rest for another 30-45 minutes. Anyway, all you have to do is take the baking soda and spread it on an even layer on a baking sheet, and bake for an hour at about 250 degrees. Let the bagels proof at room temperature, uncovered, for 1 to 1.5 hours. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, The Essential Guide to the Glycemic Index and Gluten Free Living, Harvard Health Publications: Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load for 100+ Foods, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health: Glycemic Index & Glycemic Load, American Diabetes Association: Glycemic Index and Diabetes, Ojo O, Ojo OO, Adebowale F, Wang XH. New York water, reports Gizmodo, has lower levels of calcium carbonate and magnesium. 12;277(6):472-7. Bagel is the bread product which is firstly boiled and then baked. This will roughly reduce bicarbonate levels by half. He serves as the Studio's sports and recreation section expert. Which is better mostly depends on who you ask. When I baked them, those soggy sections came out looking different then the rest of the bagel as well. If so how much per cup or what bakers percentage in grams should be added? At some point during the process, the dough is left to proof. The pH scale ranges from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (very alkaline). Remember that whether something floats in water depends on its density. Cell. That isn't to say that one can't make quality dough . One consideration: If you're lucky enough to own any kind of pizza oven, like an Ooni, try baking your bagels in it. King Arthur Baking Company, Inc. All rights reserved. JAMA,312(23), 25312541. The acidity and alkalinity of your blood are measured using the pH scale. The bagel traces its roots to Poland's bagel-like obwarzanek krakowski, . Sugars: 11g. "A prospective study of dietary glycemic load, carbohydrate intake, and risk of coronary heart disease in US women.." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Remember that yeast is a living microorganism. Have breath mints handy, though, as onions and garlic are the best friends of bad breath. While ideal pH levels for fish are 7-8 (fish blood has a pH of 7.4) , most fish can adapt to the pH level of their environment (6.0-9.0) as long as there are no dramatic fluctuations. New York-style bagels with an intense chew are usually made with high-gluten flourthat hasa protein percentage at or above 14%. Leave Alkaline Fast Food List to see more PRAL Acid-Alkaline Food Lists. Because it involves a lot of dough manipulation, this is the method of choice when you want to build a lot of tension into the dough. Andrew Janjigian recently left a long and fruitful career as a test cook and senior editor at Cooks Illustrated magazine to launch a bread baking newsletter. Let's say you want to mix and shapeyour bagels on a Friday morning, but you want to bake them late on Saturday morning so they're warm for brunch. Lastly, this process is crucial for creating a bagel with a nice shine and gloss! Relevance of the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load for Body Weight, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease. Place the pre-shaped bagels on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Your email address will not be published. It depends. If one is going to go through the effort of making bagels and read the proper methods and materials youd think you'd sell it, and not in 3lb. bags anymore. I would like to believe it, but scientists have proven the opposite. The Canadian bagel makers tend to sweeten their boiling water with a little honey. The easiest way to reduce bicarbonate levels is to cut your tap (or well) water with distilled water at a ratio of 1:1. . There are 220 calories in 1 bagel (81 g) of Lender's Plain Bagels. And from 7 to 4, it is 1000-fold. Do keep in mind that the sudden burst of heat does cause yeast to give one last push to live. pH 7.0 Low Alkaline Medium Alkaline High Alkaline Drugs Herbs Antibiotics Antiseptics NSAIDS Psychotropics Antihistamines Cold & cough medicines Algae Aloe vera . Starting with the first ball you formed, pierce one or two fingers through the center to form a hole. Sodium: 553mg. So were trying to make bread, and specifically bagels, which are traditionally dark and hard on the outside, so it would make sense to somehow incorporate a basic substance in it so it browns better. Ok if you look at water, which we all know is H20, its amazingly compromised of one H+ part and another OH- part (thats the base part). 1. Hope your next trial works better! The Montreal or New York City-style bagel? Others proof the dough in bulk, before shaping. They found that there was indeed a difference in pH levels. RE: BAGELS STICKING PRIOR TO BOILING. Function. You might do this before the dough is shaped into rings. The reason a more boiled bagel wont puff up as much is because the exterior has been gelatinized and is set, whether there are yeast alive or not is irrelevant as they do not have time to respire and create a significantly relative amount of carbon dioxide. Normally, the indicator causes the colour of the . Alkaline water has a higher pH level than that of plain tap water. (To achieveeven more tension, you can corkscrew the rope around itself a few times before forming the loop.) Please remember: to find more related pages that are relevant to you, use the search box near the top of every page. Iget excellent results all the time baking anywhere from425F to 500F in myhome oven. New York water, reports Gizmodo, has lower levels of calcium carbonate and magnesium. Acids are those things that donate a positive charge (a proton, H+), and bases are those things that accept positive charges (-OH). I transfer to a lightly greased baking pan, and while they are still wet and steaming, my wife and kids add their favorite toppings (salt, poppy seeds, minced garlic, etc.). Turns out, New York City's pizza and bagels excel in spite of the city's water, not because of it. Do you remember the Maillard reaction? The pH level for ale will be different from that of wheat beer, and regardless, it's usually in the acidic range. McCoy is a journalism graduate of Ryerson University. Personalized Nutrition by Prediction of Glycemic Responses. It works wonders just put it on the mat after boiling and then bake and voila! Bagels are the quintessential breakfast carb (sorry, English muffins). You boil pasta, noodles, and gnocchi. Test the initial pH of the solution with a pH meter following the manufacturer's directions for use. Thanks for stopping by and for the great tip! A relatively simple bagel recipe that can be scaled up or down without issues! 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice. This ranking puts bagels on the low end of what's considered a high glycemic index. This will take approx. And bonus: Theres a genius cheesy crust. Even a pinch is enough to make a drastic difference. When you poke the dough lightly with a finger it should bounce back. That is, you increase the pH-value on the outside. However, it does result in slightly different bagels and opens up some new opportunities: Aside from of course water, the boiling liquid for bagels can contain a few other ingredients. At Healthfully, we strive to deliver objective content that is accurate and up-to-date. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 in water. Nowadays, you may even see a loaf of pumpernickel bread that has been made with a combination of whole rye berries and rye flour. You mix water, wheat flour, yeast, salt and maybe some sugar, into a firm sturdy dough. By breaking the smooth outer layer I can see how some extra moisture can get into the bagels during boiling. Even if you enjoy the taste of a bagel, it's best to limit your consumption of all foods with a high glycemic index. The dough doesnt tend to be as flexible as youd use for a regular loaf of bread. pH and pOH. To do it, you hold the ball of dough in your hand and push your fingers through the center from both sides to form a ring, which you then stretch out to bagel dimensions by gently rolling both index fingers around the inside of the hole. Baking bread? They also offer home blend cream cheese spreads like strawberry, garlic & greens, and even Oreos. Just don't skimp on the barley malt. As a result, the final bagel turns a nice dark brown color in the oven! Basic Acid Alkaline Food Chart Introduction, Acid-Alkaline Soups, Sauces, and Gravies Food List, Acid-Alkaline Oils and Fats Food Nutrition List, Acid-Alkaline Dairy and Egg Products Food List, BURGER KING, CROISSANWICH with Egg and Cheese, BURGER KING, CROISSANWICH with Sausage and Cheese, BURGER KING, CROISSANWICH with Sausage, Egg and Cheese, DOMINOS 14" Cheese Pizza, Classic Hand-Tossed Crust, DOMINOS 14" Cheese Pizza, Crunchy Thin Crust, DOMINOS 14" Cheese Pizza, Ultimate Deep Dish Crust, DOMINOS 14" EXTRAVAGANZZA FEAST Pizza, Classic Hand-Tossed Crust, DOMINOS 14" Pepperoni Pizza, Classic Hand-Tossed Crust, DOMINOS 14" Pepperoni Pizza, Ultimate Deep Dish Crust, Egg, Cheese and Bacon Griddle Cake Sandwich, Egg, Cheese and Sausage Griddle Cake Sandwich, Entrees, fish fillet, battered or breaded, and fried, Fast Food, Pizza Chain, 14" Pizza, cheese topping, regular crust, Fast Food, Pizza Chain, 14" Pizza, cheese topping, thick crust, Fast Food, Pizza Chain, 14" Pizza, cheese topping, thin crust, Fast Food, Pizza Chain, 14" pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, Fast Food, Pizza Chain, 14" pizza, pepperoni topping, regular crust, Fast Food, Pizza Chain, 14" Pizza, pepperoni topping, thick crust, Fast foods, bagel, with breakfast steak, egg, cheese, and condiments, Fast foods, bagel, with egg, sausage patty, cheese, and condiments, Fast foods, bagel, with ham, egg, and cheese, Fast Foods, biscuit, with egg and sausage, Fast foods, biscuit, with egg, cheese, and bacon, Fast foods, burrito, with beans and cheese, Fast foods, burrito, with beans and chili peppers, Fast foods, burrito, with beans, cheese, and beef, Fast foods, burrito, with beans, cheese, and chili peppers, Fast foods, burrito, with beef and chili peppers, Fast foods, burrito, with beef, cheese, and chili peppers, Fast foods, burrito, with fruit (apple or cherry), Fast foods, cheeseburger, regular, double patty and bun, plain, Fast foods, cheeseburger; double, large patty, with condiments and vegetables, Fast foods, cheeseburger; double, large patty; with condiments, Fast Foods, cheeseburger; double, large patty; with condiments, vegetables and mayonnaise, Fast foods, cheeseburger; double, regular patty, with condiments and vegetables, Fast foods, cheeseburger; double, regular patty; plain, Fast foods, cheeseburger; double, regular patty; with condiments, Fast foods, cheeseburger; double, regular patty; with condiments and special sauce, Fast foods, cheeseburger; double, regular, patty and bun; with condiments and vegetables, Fast foods, cheeseburger; single, large patty; plain, Fast foods, cheeseburger; single, large patty; with condiments, Fast foods, cheeseburger; single, large patty; with condiments and bacon, Fast foods, cheeseburger; single, large patty; with condiments and vegetables, Fast foods, cheeseburger; single, large patty; with condiments, vegetables and ham, Fast foods, cheeseburger; single, regular patty, with condiments, Fast foods, cheeseburger; single, regular patty, with condiments and vegetables, Fast foods, cheeseburger; single, regular patty; plain, Fast foods, cheeseburger; triple, regular patty; plain, Fast foods, cheeseburger;single, large patty; with condiments, vegetables and mayonnaise, Fast foods, chicken fillet sandwich, plain, Fast foods, chicken fillet sandwich, with cheese, Fast foods, chicken, breaded and fried, boneless pieces, plain, Fast foods, chicken, breaded and fried, dark meat (drumstick or thigh), Fast foods, chicken, breaded and fried, light meat (breast or wing), Fast foods, chimichanga, with beef and cheese, Fast foods, chimichanga, with beef and red chili peppers, Fast foods, chimichanga, with beef, cheese, and red chili peppers, Fast foods, croissant, with egg and cheese, Fast foods, croissant, with egg, cheese, and bacon, Fast foods, croissant, with egg, cheese, and ham, Fast foods, croissant, with egg, cheese, and sausage, Fast foods, enchilada, with cheese and beef, Fast foods, enchirito, with cheese, beef, and beans, Fast foods, english muffin, with cheese and sausage, Fast foods, english muffin, with egg, cheese, and canadian bacon, Fast foods, english muffin, with egg, cheese, and sausage, Fast foods, fish sandwich, with tartar sauce, Fast foods, fish sandwich, with tartar sauce and cheese, Fast foods, ham, egg, and cheese sandwich, Fast foods, hamburger, large, single patty, with condiments, Fast foods, hamburger, large, triple patty, with condiments, Fast foods, hamburger; double, large patty; with condiments and vegetables, Fast foods, hamburger; double, large patty; with condiments, vegetables and mayonnaise, Fast foods, hamburger; double, regular patty; with condiments, Fast foods, hamburger; double, regular, patty; plain, Fast foods, hamburger; single, large patty, with condiments and vegetables, Fast foods, hamburger; single, large patty; plain, Fast foods, hamburger; single, large patty; with condiments, Fast foods, hamburger; single, large patty; with condiments and vegetables, Fast foods, hamburger; single, large patty; with condiments, vegetables and mayonnaise, Fast foods, hamburger; single, regular patty; plain, Fast foods, hamburger; single, regular patty; with condiments, Fast foods, hamburger; single, regular patty; with condiments and special sauce, Fast foods, hamburger; single, regular patty; with condiments and vegetables, Fast foods, hotdog, with corn flour coating (corndog), Fast foods, ice milk, vanilla, soft-serve, with cone, Fast foods, nachos, with cheese and jalapeno peppers, Fast foods, nachos, with cheese, beans, ground beef, and peppers, Fast foods, nachos, with cinnamon and sugar, Fast foods, onion rings, breaded and fried, Fast foods, oysters, battered or breaded, and fried, Fast foods, pancakes with butter and syrup, Fast foods, potato, baked and topped with cheese sauce, Fast foods, potato, baked and topped with cheese sauce and bacon, Fast foods, potato, baked and topped with cheese sauce and broccoli, Fast foods, potato, baked and topped with cheese sauce and chili, Fast foods, potato, baked and topped with sour cream and chives, Fast foods, potato, french fried in vegetable oil, Fast foods, salad, vegetable, tossed, without dressing, Fast foods, salad, vegetable, tossed, without dressing, with cheese and egg, Fast foods, salad, vegetable, tossed, without dressing, with chicken, Fast foods, salad, vegetable, tossed, without dressing, with pasta and seafood, Fast foods, salad, vegetable, tossed, without dressing, with shrimp, Fast foods, salad, vegetables tossed, without dressing, with turkey, ham and cheese, Fast foods, submarine sandwich, with cold cuts, Fast foods, submarine sandwich, with roast beef, Fast foods, submarine sandwich, with tuna salad, Fast foods, taco salad with chili con carne, Fast foods, tostada, with beans and cheese, Fast foods, tostada, with beans, beef, and cheese, Fast foods, tostada, with beef and cheese, LITTLE CAESARS 14" Cheese Pizza, Large Deep Dish Crust, LITTLE CAESARS 14" Cheese Pizza, Thin Crust, LITTLE CAESARS 14" Original Round Cheese Pizza, Regular Crust, LITTLE CAESARS 14" Original Round Meat and Vegetable Pizza, Regular Crust, LITTLE CAESARS 14" Original Round Pepperoni Pizza, Regular Crust, LITTLE CAESARS 14" Pepperoni Pizza, Large Deep Dish Crust, McDONALDS, Bacon Ranch Salad without chicken, McDONALDS, BIG MAC (without Big Mac Sauce), McDONALDS, BIG N TASTY (without mayonnaise), McDONALDS, BIG N TASTY with Cheese (without mayonnaise), McDONALDS, Chicken SELECTS Premium Breast Strips, McDONALDS, DOUBLE QUARTER POUNDER with Cheese, McDONALDS, FILET-O-FISH (without tartar sauce), McDONALDS, Fruit n Yogurt Parfait (without granola), McDONALDS, Hotcakes (with 2 pats margarine & syrup), McDONALDS, McCHICKEN Sandwich (without mayonnaise), McDONALDS, McDONALDLAND Chocolate Chip Cookies, McDONALDS, NEWMANS OWN Creamy Caesar Dressing, McDONALDS, NEWMANS OWN Low Fat Balsamic Vina, McDONALDS, Premium Crispy Chicken Classic Sandwich, McDONALDS, Premium Grilled Chicken Classic Sandwich, McDONALDS, Sausage, Egg & Cheese McGRIDDLES, McDONALDS, Strawberry TRIPLE THICK Shake, McDONALDS, Vanilla Reduced Fat Ice Cream Cone, PAPA JOHNS 14" Cheese Pizza, Original Crust, PAPA JOHNS 14" Pepperoni Pizza, Original Crust, PAPA JOHNS 14" The Works Pizza, Original Crust, PIZZA HUT 12" Cheese Pizza, Regular Crust, PIZZA HUT 12" Cheese Pizza, THIN N CRISPY Crust, PIZZA HUT 12" Pepperoni Pizza, Regular Crust, PIZZA HUT 12" Pepperoni Pizza, Thick Crust, PIZZA HUT 12" Super Supreme Pizza, Regular Crust, PIZZA HUT 14" Cheese Pizza, Regular Crust, PIZZA HUT 14" Cheese Pizza, THIN N CRISPY Crust, PIZZA HUT 14" Pepperoni Pizza, Regular Crust, PIZZA HUT 14" Pepperoni Pizza, Thick Crust, PIZZA HUT 14" Super Supreme Pizza, Regular Crust, Pizza, cheese topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked, Pizza, cheese topping, rising crust, frozen, cooked, Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked, Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, rising crust, frozen, cooked, Pizza, pepperoni topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked, Sandwiches and burgers, roast beef sandwich with cheese, WENDYS, CLASSIC SINGLE Hamburger, no cheese, WENDYS, CLASSIC SINGLE Hamburger, with cheese, WENDYS, Homestyle Chicken Fillet Sandwich.
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