pirate101 musketeer companions

But not to fret, youll probably like some of the new companions offered in the future. Again, just get Wu Tang. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { If youre a fan of decorating, the house is incredibly amazing. Yohr and Ghor are slightly less bad, but lacking powers and having a limited number of epics still makes them non-viable (B+ before you get Baar, C- afterwards). The only reason Yohrs grade is this nice is his FaunFaun summon. B Companion:Billy the Kid (Billygoat Gunslinger) Companion:Billy the Kid (Billygoat Sharpshooter) Companion:Bison Hunter Companion:Bison Scout Companion:Black Annie Rackham Companion:Black Storm Hunter Companion:Black Storm Scout If Pirate101s new content is at this power level, I (along with most other players) will be sorely disappointed. I know that there is a few more companions that you are able to get after Mooshu. With this combination, Naustica can go on a rampage and take down 2 to 3 targets. She can also hit from a range like a normal Musketeer unit, as long as the opponent is within her range. He gets fewer epics than units like Peter Quint, Temujin, or Baar, has no powers, and his special Merciless 2 ability just isnt that good. Bison Shaman Reward from To the Rescue! I wouldnt spend much money on these units, but if you happen to get one, it wont be the absolute worst. Guides, Pets, Companions, Ships, Quests, Combat, Housing, Creatures, NPCs and more! That thing is a menace. It puts more stress on them, as her chains drain their health rapidly. Thus, his accuracy is horrendous (20 points lower than other melee units), so he will rarely take good advantage of his primary ability. He only has an epic strike. Mustang Toreador (Toreador Novillero) Reward from Curses! Dude I thought there was a cat swashbuckler in cool ranch.I remember hesitating to pay my crowns for her.she was a white cat with yellow on her.And no,Not shiruki neko. through Monday, February 6th, to earn unique Salty Hats in the Manchu's On swashbuckler, she is an excellent unit, and is at the very least passable in all matchups (shes at her worst against musketeers and witches). You can always find me in Brawlin' Hall or Spar Chamber or near the Team Up Ledger. Companions are special helpers you pick up along the way in your Pirate adventures that will become a part of your crew. Cat Swashbuckler from the Boochbeard Bundle pack. Some of these packs and their companions are better than others, but I'll include all of the units here for completion's sake. For musket Im picking Bonnie or Ridolfo over Gracie for 99% of fights, when you use your agility buff and Chantals first turn you are going to be watching Ridolfos critical animations for a while and Bonnie ofc is just a beast with or without buffs. Lago (Unicorn Rogue) Reward from Upon our Prey we Steal, Monterrey Jack (Chicken Bandit) Reward from The Legend of Burlys Gold, Black Angus (Bison Bounty Hunter) Reward from The Gangs All Here, Calamity Jane Canary (Canary Sharpshooter) Reward from Payback, Wild Bill Peacock (Peacock Lawman) Reward from Payback, Jim Masterson Reward from The Ringleader, Inoshishi Necromancer Reward from Dead to Rights, Inoshishi Chief Reward from That Was Yesterday, Horse Crossbowman Reward from This Little Pigsy, Kzinti Singh (Kurgha Captain) Reward from The Thin Orange Line, Random Name (Eagle Mercenary) Reward from Hello Walls, Argos (Cyclops Explorer) Reward from Here We Go Again, Subodai (Horse Barbarian) starter companion, Sarah Steele (Mouse Fencer) reward from Bad Company, Tricky Vinny (Frog Pirate) reward from The Great Infestation/pre-quest:A Fair Trade, Crazy Monquistador reward from The Heart of Darkness, Monquistador Explorer Reward from Three Queens, Crab Hermit Reward from Saving What Remains, Nurse Quinn (Medicine Chicken) Reward from Saving Corporal Sanders. Buccaneer: Peter Quint, Barnabus, El Toro. She will be able to unleash a hidden super from almost anywhere on the board. However, there are many, many units that are strictly better (Temujin, Subodai, Peter Quint, and Blightbeard to name the major ones), or arguably better (Baar) that receive the same or better epics and stronger powers. Because you can run her with a variety of setups in PvE or PvP: Nausicas first two setups are the most ideal for PvP. Baar is great. Shes used across the board as an anti-musket unit, due to her high movement range + true grit. https://discord.gg/D4wDcTG. Samocles (Eagle Gladiator) Reward from Hungry Hungry Gladiators, Arena Training, Its A Trap!, Kitty! Her main weakness is her relatively poor 4 movement range and only having 5 epics + flanking, but shes worth it. In order to recruit her youll have to buy the Empire Bundle, as shes included as a companion from this bundle: Currently there isnt any other way to obtain her besides having that bundle, bought online for $39. Victoria Bristol ~ Any musketeer side quest companions? Your email address will not be published. Some of these packs and their companions are better than others, but Illinclude all of the units here for completions sake. There's an Aeo Eloise's quest in Novus requires tracking down the Toadflaxes, which are scattered across the world! Shiruki Neko whos in Mooshu Fiercely fire! Ghost Singer (Bison Spirit) Reward from To the Rescue! This is for good reason, as shes an incredibly powerful unit. This article is a stub. One of my friends told me there is one in Valencia. This is, from top to bottom, the best pack for companions by a lot. You earn a Practice Point at 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th, and then every five levels past 20th. As the legends of Aquila say, theres no noble gladiator without a centaur to fight by their side. Your companions help you in battle as well as travel along beside you as you quest through Skull Island! (Note: They are all recruited at the same level.) Hes bad, but he at least provides some good points of discussion, unlike the Cutthroat Pirate. Privateer loves having powerful First Strike 3 units to harass swashbucklers and other melee units, and their buffs will let her live long enough to get off all of her abilities. The 3D free Pirate game allows players to create their own Pirate to sail through the Skyway in hopes of treasure and daring quests. There are so many different companions in the game, easily over 50 in the game. So while the area is still part of the Skull Island world, you cant get there until youve completed your quests in Cool Ranch. On the other hand, there are some you should never buy (Nurse Quinn and the Chicken Miner come to mind). Can two heroes in love make it through? None of them are the best at what they do (Lemba comes close, but has a few key weaknesses) and most of them are strict downgrades of other companions that are largely easier to obtain. Please help complete this page by adding companions and creating individual companion pages! His summons are great on a clogged board, and hes a major threat when a pirate inevitably wades through the mass of scorpions or trees. Companions are the main fighting resource in Pirate101. Pack Companions First of all, she has very unique charging powers that almost make her a half buccaneer half musketeer. Peter, unlike some of the other level 4 starter companions, comes with Relentless 1, which every pirate would be training anyway, so that's a bonus for him. Companion:Billy the Kid (Billygoat Gunslinger), Companion:Billy the Kid (Billygoat Sharpshooter), Companion:Bones McGee (Skeletal Marauder), Companion:Chantal Livingstone (Flamingo Fusileer), Companion:Chantal Livingstone (Flamingo Marksbird), Companion:Chantal Livingstone (Flamingo Sharpshooter), Companion:Corporal Sanders (Chicken Soldier), Companion:Crown Shop Billy the Kid (Billygoat Gunslinger), Companion:Crown Shop Bones McGee (Skeletal Corsair), Companion:Crown Shop Buffalo Bill (Bison Sheriff), Companion:Crown Shop Corporal Sanders (Chicken Soldier), Companion:Crown Shop Duck Holliday (Duck Lawman), Companion:Crown Shop Hidenari Kuga (Samoorai Archer), Companion:Crown Shop Jane Canary (Canary Sharpshooter), Companion:Crown Shop Lefty (Crane Rifleman), Companion:Crown Shop Monquistador Crossbowman, Companion:Crown Shop Pig Raider Crossbowman, Companion:Crown Shop Private Mills (Grenadier Sergeant), Companion:Crown Shop Skyfire (Bison Hunter Spirit), Companion:Crown Shop Skyfire (Bison Scout Spirit), Companion:Crown Shop Tricky Vinny (Frog Pirate), Companion:Crown Shop Weasel Gambler (Weasel Gambler), Companion:Crown Shop Wild Bill Peacock (Peacock Lawman), Companion:Ghor (Battle-Tested Beastmaster), Companion:Hidenari Kuga (Samoorai Archer), Companion:Holly Jolly Roger (Skeletal Corsair), Companion:Holly Jolly Roger (Skeletal Marauder), Companion:Holly Jolly Roger (Skeletal Raider), Companion:Jane Canary (Canary Sharpshooter), Companion:Lemba Moonskull (Moonskull Bolt Thrower), Companion:Lemba Moonskull (Moonskull Pelter), Companion:Lemba Moonskull (Moonskull Stormcaster), Companion:Louis LeBisque (Crab Cannoneer), Companion:Louis LeBisque (Crab Harpooner), Companion:Mister Scorch (Charred Crossbowman), Companion:Mister Scorch (Charred Marksman), Companion:Mister Scorch (Charred Sharpshooter), Companion:Moresco de Valvida (Flying Captain), Companion:Moresco de Valvida (Flying Monquistador Sorcerer), Companion:Pepe DeTorteau (Crab Cannoneer), Companion:Pepe DeTorteau (Crab Harpooner), Companion:Private Mills (Grenadier Lieutenant), Companion:Private Mills (Grenadier Sergeant), Companion:Rooster Cogburn (Chicken Lawman), Companion:Sergeant Sanders (Chicken Veteran), Companion:Weasel Gambler (Weasel Gambler), Companion:Wild Bill Peacock (Peacock Hero), Companion:Wild Bill Peacock (Peacock Lawman), https://www.pirate101central.com/w/index.php?title=Category:Companions_that_are_Musketeers&oldid=19047. I make guides in order to help and reach the Pirate101 Community out. Why Wizard101's Empyrea Will Be the Last World in Top Five Must-Have Wizard101 Mirage Drops. In any companion, talents are very important, as they tell you whether the companion is viable to use or not. Ridolfo Capoferro (Unicorn Duelist) Reward from The Resistance Lives On! Skyfire (Bison Scout Spirit) Reward from Relic of a Restless Spirit, Dan Drake Reward from The Legend of Burlys Gold, Bat Masterson (Vampire Lawman) Reward from Payback, Samoorai Musketeer Reward from Turnabout, Crokagator (Reptile) Reward from Crokagator Dundee/Crok Solid, Random Name (Serpent Augur) Reward from The Chains That Bind, Lucky Jack Russell (Dog Pirate) Shipwrecked, Gaspard de Vole (Guinea Pig Guard) Armada, Ninja Pig Given in the Marco Pollo Map code, game roll-out promotion in 2012, Cat Pirate Given in the Boochbeard Bundle, head-start promotion in 2012, Yule Trogg Crown Shop part of the special promotion of 12 Days of the Spiral December 2012, Giordano Bravo Buccaneer, Guinea Pig Guard, Lucky Sterling Swashbuckler, Mouse Fencer, Crazy Monquistador Musketeer, Crazy Monquistador, Water Mole Slingman Musketeer, Water Mole Slingman, Quest: Them Rats of Nim / Badge: Best Chum, Quest: Hear No Evil, See No Evil / Badge: Tierra Primata Pilgrim, Monquistador Crossbowman Musketeer, Monquistador Crossbowman, Quest: In Sickness And Health / Badge: Ornithologist, Badge: Order of St. Dorotea Defeat the Valvida Brothers, Moresco De Valvida Musketeer, Flying Monquistador, Martin Valvida Buccaneer, Undead Monquistador, Monquistador Explorer Buccaneer, Monquistador Explorer. Ive written at length on the Battle Angel, so if you want more details, check them out here. Recommended (Balanced anti-musketeer): Burst 2, Grit 2, Tap 1 and Adjust 1, Musketeer Shredder: Burst 2, Grit 3, Adjust 1, Chaining Centaur: Burst 2, Tap 3, Adjust 1, Not recommended: Burst 2, Tap 2, Grit 1, Adjust 1. Companion:Chantal Livingstone (Flamingo Fusileer), Companion:Chantal Livingstone (Flamingo Marksbird), Companion:Chantal Livingstone (Flamingo Sharpshooter), Companion:Corporal Sanders (Chicken Soldier), Companion:Hidenari Kuga (Samoorai Archer), Companion:Louis LeBisque (Crab Cannoneer), Companion:Louis LeBisque (Crab Harpooner), Companion:Private Mills (Grenadier Lieutenant), Companion:Private Mills (Grenadier Sergeant), Companion:Ridolfo Capoferro (Unicorn Duellist), Companion:Ridolfo Capoferro (Unicorn Fencer), Companion:Ridolfo Capoferro (Unicorn Swashbuckler), Companion:Romba (Crazed Water Mole Hunter), Companion:Romba (Crazed Water Mole Spearman), https://www.pirate101central.com/w/index.php?title=Category:Musketeer-Only_Companions&oldid=15789. Are you sure its a cat and not a Mouse swashbuckler? Cannons are exploding, guns are going off, there's a ringing sound of swords clashing, you sigh a relief and look at your goat monk companion who is backing you up in this surprise trap. Quest The Resistance Lives On! The Course Be Clear, There's Nothing To Fear. There is indeed one negative: Its a hit or miss power. This pathetic excuse for a companion has none of those, instead sporting an epic strike, a small number of epics, and Tide 1.

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pirate101 musketeer companions