Her character Ember Evergreen:She is a southern gal who is fun-loving and loves to plant. Bryden hosts her show with McKeyla while Cameryn tries to ask Kyle out for McKeyla but accidentally makes it seem like she's asking him out herself. She transfers to a school in Maywood Glen, where she bumps into two girls, Camryn and Bryden. Desjardins describes her character as multifaceted, being both a popular girl and Henry's confidante after her assault. [4] That same year, she began a recurring role on the Netflix series Project MC2. Show Premiered on August 7 #1. When your consent is required, you can accept, refuse or personalise your choices. The girls suspect Farmer Charlotte Adele, who owns a farm next to Stone Acres and who protested against Stone minutes before the threat. McKeyla decides to investigate Crawford again, but overhears Charles speaking Bulgarian over the phone, the same language the intruder spoke on the night of the robbery. #SmartIsTheNewCool Corporate news: @mgaent McKeyla, Bryden and Adrienne discover a dark side to the nanotechnology prototype. Played by: Alyssa Lynch (parts 2-4), Maddie Phillips (part 5). Netflix supports the Digital Advertising Alliance Principles. Project mc2 Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. The video shows that in the background, there is something labeled "Property of MGA" where MGA stands for Maywood Glen Academy and it is very possible that Retro is a student at the academy. The girls find out that Lazarus is Adrienne's new chef, and Retro broadcasts again, showing that Lazarus cannot be Retro. [12][13], In 2021, Desjardins began a recurring role on the Showtime series Yellowjackets as the ungrateful daughter of Shauna, a woman who survived a plane crash when she was in high school. Project mc2 is a great show that breaks stereotypes and really shows the meaning of girl power. The girls are able to pierce the compactor with a piece of rebar, removing the pressure and stopping the compactor. She is a loyal and caring friend. Charles and Jenny go on a date, but after Bryden is able to recover the footage, she finds Jenny in the background of Ryan's video. Her characterDevinDemarco:She is a little bit misunderstood and doesnt necessarily have that many friends before meeting these girls (BrydenAdrienne, Ember andCamryn) and it takes her a while to warm up. McKeyla and Adrienne question Lazarus in jail, and McKeyla finds out that her sister Maddy, who she hasn't seen in months, has joined HAVOC. She is very fond of plants, often giving them names and speaking to them. I like the mystery/case-solving plot (instead of a typical "does that boy like me?" Undercover. She specializes in mechanical engineering. Mother (unnamed), Mother (unnamed), GG (Great Grandmother). Journal Smart Is The New Cool, Project Mc Ultimate Lab Kit Smart Is The New Cool, Project Mc McKeyla McAlister Lava Light Experiment with Doll Smart Is the New Cool, Project Mc Adrienne Attoms Volcano Experiment with Doll Smart Is the New Cool. The Quail has the girls start an investigation and they are led to Carson Lazarus' apartment. I must say, my green thumb has been known to transform a desert into a jungle with just one touch and a little southern know-how. 2015 | Maturity Rating: U/A 7+ | 6 Seasons | Kids' TV. Kragen Vexx. See more ideas about project mc2, project mc, project mc square. Project MC2 Season 2 on Netflix And The New Experiments Doll Range. Creators: Jordana Arkin. Lazarus contacts The Quail and justifies her plans to release the location of every NOV8 agent to their oppressors; McKeyla is revealed to have deferred to her side following her disagreement with The Quail. Shes very intelligent, smart of course, and she loves building gadgets out of whatever she can find. You can also change your preferences at any time by clicking on Cookie Preferences in the footer of each page. She has pale skin and greyish-blue eyes. Starring: Mika Abdalla,Genneya Walton,Victoria Vida. Adrienne finds out celebrity baker Olivia James is coming to Cafe Atoms to find a new desert for her Mars Menu and plans to make a souffl, and asks Bryden to help her. Ember is practically one with nature and spends lots ( and lots,) of time in her green house. He uses a trick to disappear, allowing for Maddy to show up. [9] Both consisted of six episodes. Bry runs a vocal recognition as Cam and Adri confront the troublemaker and McKeyla looks through her bag. The series was first released on August 7, 2015. In 2017, she starred in the Drink, Slay, Love, a Lifetime movie about teenage vampires. The girls look back at the security camera footage and find a man with a tattoo that reads "no regrets" entering the building around the same time the threat was announced. Netflix and third parties use cookies (why?). After graduating high school early and with honors, Mika was accepted into The University of California, Los Angeles. however, Maddy knows that the girls are on to her, and the girls suspect the manager of ELITE to be the one behind the 3T robberies. Bryden's show gets offered a spot on Stone's television program, Stone Network. Retro broadcasts again, demanding he gets 4 of the country's most notorious hackers. The creator of the show Jordana Arkin, has since moved onto other projects namely Star Vs the Forces of Evil which airs on Disney Channel. Semi justified as Adrienne mentions having a Brazilian cousin and Vida herself is Brazilian. Show Premiered in 2015 #14. McKeyla McAlisterCamryn CoyleAdrienne AttomsEmber Evergreen Maddy McAlister Instagram: @projectmc2 http://bit.ly/ProjectMc2IGFacebook: http://bit.ly/ProjectMc2FacebookTwitter: http://bit.ly/ProjectMc2TwitterVisit Us at https://projectmc2.mgae.com - Come hang out with us at the home of Project Mc! They fill the generators with trash and are able to get the generators up and going. McKeyla refuses, but her friends pull her away. The girls research the organization called Black Star, and interrogate one of their top agents, who believes that they are doing wrong but is too scared to turn them in to the authorities. They follow him into a gas chamber and get trapped inside, with deadly gas filling the room. Her character Adrienne Atoms:I play the culinary chemist. Season 4 Learn more about our use of cookies and information. Bryden starts a science show called "Bry-ence", where she talks about different types of science with the girls. They sneak into her hotel and get caught, but they come up with an identity that they are fans who come to show her their demo. Ember and Cameryn go around trying to convince people to stop the use of plastic, while Kyle searches for McKeyla, who is hot on the trail of a masked figure following her around the school. I watched this with my 6 year old daughter because we saw the dolls. Jenny plans to flee the country, but is approached by McKeyla. The Quail sends the girls back to school with orders to keep their spy status a secret. The best advice she has ever received: Do what is right, not what is easy. They question Stone, and he reveals he framed Max after he threatened to release his research to the public. After failing to stop the intruder, McKeyla begins to doubt her skills. The four sneak into the launch site, find the device inside the prince's luggage, and destroy it before they are caught by security. Later, they find out that the logo they saw on the car belongs to a cyber security company called Black Star. If Ember is ever birded, she has stated that she wants to be called Snow Goose. This is because they are big supporters of the ecosystem. Official Project Mc Twitter. Weirdest fear: Being without my family, especially my mom. Devon has a carefree approach towards life, not even caring to learn her peers' names properly. McKeyla wants the girls to show her their skills. Desjardins finds herself playing Catherine, a character who comes in with a group of refugees and takes a younger girl, Callie, under her wing. Contents 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Special Skills 4 Quotes 5 Trivia 6 Gallery Appearance They arrive at his grandma's house where Adrienne and Cameryn distract her, while McKeyla and Bryden confront Eli in the garage. Adrienne is probably ethnically Brazilian but born and raised in Spain. Adrienne plans to have a Froyo-Friday at Cafe Atms, something that Maddy always attended when McKeyla was little. The girls are assigned a mission at Space Inc. after NOV8 data shows that someone plans to steal a piece of nanotechnoloy made by Professor Kato, that uses tiny medical robots in order to help bad cells replicate into new ones. He corners McKeyla in a classroom, but is soon stopped by Max. In the end, the prince goes to space and he sends the girls a Snapchat from space, and McKeyla is given permission from the Quail to stay at Maywood Glen as her base. Bobby Stone, founder of Stone Water and Stone Acres, is celebrating his New Engineers Program when a bomb threat forces them out of the building. She sometimes accidentally blurts out secrets, unable to hold them in. Project Mc2 Experiments With Doll Bryden's Nail Powder for sale online | eBay, Netflix Star Victoria Vida Is Making Her Mark On The Small Screen MBG Home Modern Brown Girl | Amplifying Brown Voices, One Story at a Time, Luxury fashion & independent designers | SSENSE, PROJECT MC2 PARTY INVITATION | FREE TEMPLATE - ellierosepartydesigns.com, Cafe Attoms Poster Project MC2 Digital File - Etsy. Portrayed by After being tied up in chairs, Simon uses the machine to knock down the building, but Maddy is able to save them, revealing that she had never been working for them in the first place. McKeyla, Adrienne, and Bryden spy on charles when he meets someone In the parking lot, but in reality, he was just pawning a comic book for money to pay for Cameryn's Camp. Despite her cold nature, under her hard outer layer, Devon is actually quite sweet. However, realizing the work that would be involved including the expenses, travel, and line memorization, they pulled her out and encouraged her to pursue it if she was still interested when she got older. [1], In December 2016, it was announced that Desjardins would star in Impulse, a show on YouTube Premium about a 16-year-old girl named Henry who can teleport. Teenage spy McKeyla teams up with three other super-smart girls to become secret agents who use their science and tech skills to save the day. But it's not long before a mysterious new threat appears. Her characterCamrynCoyle:She is the engineer out of the group. McKeyla's aunt gives the girls an all-new assignment, but first they've got to figure out if a trusted ally has gone rogue. She has blue eyes, and a cheerful smile. [8] Initially auditioning for the lead role of Henrietta "Henry" Coles,[9] Desjardins instead plays her soon-to-be stepsister, Jenna, whom she grows close to after finding out she was sexually assaulted by a classmate. Creators: Jordana Arkin. They bribe Brady with a spray that calms the itching and find out that Eli is actually a fraud, having used frequency noises to make his music sound good. McKeyla investigates a threat to the prince's space mission while Adrienne, Bryden and Camryn stumble through proving their spy skills. While the girls dig for more information on Bobby Stone, Adrienne and Ember make a surprising discovery about Stone Water -- and where it comes from. When Maddy asks to meet Kragen, Simon places frequency headphones on Maddy to make her lose her memory, but McKeyla intervenes and saves Maddy. She plays by her own rules, and puts the ART in SMART.Project Mc is a group of BFFs using their S.T.E.A.M. They follow him around the school where the meeting is being held but learn that his tattoo was actually spelled "No Regreets". McKeyla asks her to move, but Devon tells McKeyla to move along. NOV8 is a top-secret group of super smart girls and women saving the world one science experiment at a time. 1 Episodes 2 Cast 3 Cast 3.1 Main Cast 4 Other Seasons Episodes Finding Maddy Gummying Up The Works Crate Expectations One Track Mind Simon Sayz Ear Today. she has a large friendship with Devon, McKeyla, Bryden , Camryn, Adrienne, A.D.I.S.N. Meet the hilarious, yet absolutely sweet stars of 'Project MC 2 ', Netflix's hit show about secrets agents who go on missions to protect the world using science, technology, engineering, art and math.
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