Partner and syndicate with assigned Line Managers to support their organizational requirements and objectives through Human Resource advice, consulting and . The achievements have strengthened our investment base as we continue to expand our exploration horizon in Malaysia, said PTTEP CEO. . PTTEP has discovered gas with a well on the Kulintang prospect in block SK438 offshore Sarawak. Kampung Serayan Hilir, Lundu Sematan, Sarawak, MalaysiaCoordinate: 1.7411422, 109.7673095, 2. The platform will be installed at location within SK309 field, approximately 65 kilometres of Bintulu and a water depth of 30 metres. - Liwan Field Project at South China Sea (Deep water) Main Job Function. Bangkok, March 30, 2021 - PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP) announced a successful oil and gas discovery from the first exploration well, Sirung-1, in Block SK405B, off the coast of Sarawak, offshore Malaysia. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited, or PTTEP wishes to announce that PTTEP HK Offshore Limited (PTTEP HKO), a wholly-owned subsidiary of PTTEP, has successfully made a discovery of gas at the first exploration well, Kulintang-1, in Block SK438, located in offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. We believethat human resources are important factors that drive the organization towards success. PTTEP Malaysia Jobs 2023. Husky Oil China Ltd. Apr 2012 - Oct 20142 years 7 months. Search. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. All rights reserved. Before I was base in. Together, we work to grow sustainably. PTTEP Sarawak Oil Ltd. has made an oil and gas discovery with the Sirung-1 exploration well in block SK405B. hold 25.5% and 15% interest, respectively. Yes because new place for work and gate new experience. Seacom (70) Petrofac Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (10) Post your resume and find your next job on Indeed! OceanMight was awarded the contract for the provision of engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning (EPCC) of Pemanis Satellite (PESA) Topside for PTTEPs Sarawak SK309 Development by PTTEP Sarawak Oil Limited (PTTEP) in December 2019. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Subject was incorporated on 20 July 1998 in Malaysia under the name PTTEP SARAWAK OIL LIMITED with registration number of 199802000044 (993918-P). The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Murphy Oil Corp Ltd, Level 7, Menara Kidurong is a Local Business, located at: Bintulu. The Sarawak State Government, via the Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) on Thursday entered into a Heads of Agreement with Petronas, Shell and PTTEP for a long-term lease of land . The concession is in shallow waters, 108 km (67 mi) from the coast of Bintulu, Sarawak. PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP) 10 Murphy MURPHY SARAWAK OIL CO. LTD. . PTTEP Sarawak Oil Limited Sarawak, Malaysia, 97007 1. PTTEP Asia eUniversity Perihal I am presently working as Senior Logistic in PTTEP Sarawak Oil (Previously known as Murphy Sarawak Oil Co. Ltd) in Bintulu base. . PTTEP Sarawak Oil Limited adalah operator untuk blok berkenaan dengan pegangan sebanyak 59.5 peratus. For more than 30 years, PTTEP has invested in major petroleum exploration and production projects in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, Australasia, and North America. An appraisal well is scheduled in near future to assess the upside resources, PTTEP said. The Pemanis Project was executed by OceanMight at its fabrication yard in Kuching, state-of-the-art facilities and equipped with a dedicated 30,000MT load out Jetty situated along Sarawak River, on a 70-acre land at Jalan Bako, Kuching. adding water to reduce alcohol in wine. 30, 2021). The Business current operating status is Existing. holds 25.5 and 15 percent interest respectively. PTEEP HKO is operator of Block SK438 . Drop Us a line. MOECO Oil (SARAWAK) SDN.BHD. Tempat kerja di hujung Bintulu. During the construction phase, the PESA Topside was constructed entirely inside a 45M Height Mega Workshop . Apart from the Sarawak SK405B, there are also SK410B, SK314A, SK438, SK417, PM407 and PM415, all still in the exploration stage. PTTEP SARAWAK OIL LIMITED's business includes . Facility Supervisor jobs now available in Bintulu. Sertai untuk berhubung Pttep Sarawak Oil Ltd. smk lutong. As part of Samalaju Strategic Hub development within the Sarawak Gas Roadmap. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Management. Bhd. Page 1 of 109 jobs. Oilfield Technology , Tuesday, 30 March 2021 09:00. We focus on the development of systematic human resources management, treating employees equally, and encourage them to develop their professional knowledge through competency management system and KPIs, as well as promoting work-life balance. The well was drilled to a total depth of 2,538 m (8,326 ft) where it encountered an oil and gas column of more than 100 m (328 ft) in the clastic reservoirs. This website is best viewed with Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge. OVERVIEW. The achievements have strengthened our investment base as we continue to expand our exploration horizon in Malaysia, said PTTEP CEO Phongsthorn Thavisin. -Perform cleaning for the palm oil filter unit.-Perform data logging for any of pressure, temperature equipment. Senior safety at Pttep Sarawak Oil Ltd Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia. looking forward to step up even further in managing waste not only at work but at home for a sustainable future. PTTEP Sarawak Oil Limited is the operator with 59.5% participating interest. MOECO Oil (SARAWAK) SDN.BHD. Bhd. Where are the coordinates of the Murphy Oil Corp Ltd, Level 7, Menara Kidurong? The well is in Block SK405B and is located in the shallow waters, approximately 137 km off the coast of Sarawak (Bintulu). PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP) has announced a successful oil and gas discovery from the first exploration well, Sirung-1, in Block SK405B, off the coast of Sarawak, offshore Malaysia., Subject was incorporated on 20 July 1998 in Malaysia under the name PTTEP SABAH OIL LIMITED with registration number of 199802000045 (993919-M). . Consulting Leader/ Oil & Gas. () ), also known as PTTEP, is a national petroleum exploration and production company based in Thailand. (MALAYSIA-PM304) LIMITED 16 PEXCO Pexco Sarawak N. V. 17 PTTEP PTTEP HK OFFSHORE LIMITED 18 Repsol REPSOL OIL AND GAS (M) LIMITED 19 RHP Mukah RHP (Mukah) Pte Ltd, 20 Salamander Salamander Energy (M) Ltd 21 SEP Sapura Exploration . Write a review. With the completion of the safe Loadout (and sea-fastening), the critical sailaway is scheduled to take place by June 25, 2021. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 50088. masing-masing dengan 25.5 dan 15 peratus. Thai oil and gas company PTTEP has made an oil and gas discovery from the first exploration well, Sirung-1, in Block SK405B, off the coast of Sarawak, offshore Malaysia. Block SK438 is located in the shallow waters, approximately 108 kilometres off the coast of Sarawak (Bintulu). If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Bangkok, February 24, 2021 - PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP), through its wholly-owned subsidiary PTTEP HK Offshore Limited (Malaysia Branch) or PTTEP HKO, announced a successful gas discovery from the first exploration well, Dokong-1 in Block SK417, off the coast of Sarawak, offshore Malaysia. Is this your business? The second exploration well will be drilled in the middle of this year as part of the exploration campaign. This came after similar success in an infill well at D18 Field. We focus on the development of systematic human resources management, treating employees equally, and encourage them to develop their professional knowledge through competency management system and KPIs, as well as promoting work-life balance. Menu It is an onshore gas receiving facility plant located at Tanjung Kidurong Bintulu. Phongsthorn Thavisin, PTTEP Chief Executive Officer, disclosed that PTTEP, through its subsidiary PTTEP Sarawak Oil Limited, commenced the drilling of the Sirung-1 wildcat well in Block SK405B in January 2021. The Kulintang-1 well, spudded in March, reached TD of 2,238 m (7,342 ft) last month. Murphy Oil Corp Ltd, Level 7, Menara Kidurong is a Local Business, located at: Bintulu. PTTEP Sarawak Oil is the operator of Block SK 405B with a stake of 59.5%. MOECO Oil (SARAWAK) SDN.BHD. Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia Production Technician Murphy Oil, Malaysia Jul 2013 - . PTTEP expects to drill a follow-up exploration well in the block during the current quarter. The magazine is published by Tactics Media & Information Design. and PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Announcement Date: 8th February 2023. Our clients currently consisted of Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd, Enquest-Uzma JV, Repsol Oil and Gas Malaysia Limited, MISC Bhd, Vestigo Petroleum Sdn Bhd, Sapura Energy and PTTEP Sarawak Oil Ltd.. Copyright PTT Exploration and Production Plc. Bangkok, March 30, 2021 PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP) announced a successful oil and gas discovery from the first exploration well, Sirung-1, in Block SK405B, off the coast of Sarawak, offshore Malaysia. PTTEP Finds More Gas Offshore Malaysia PTTEP, Petronas Make Significant Gas Find Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Office:Level 26, Menara Maxis, KLCC, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Tel : +603-2615 2777 | Fax : +603-2615 2699, Petaling Jaya Office:701, Block A, Kelana Business Centre, 97 Jalan SS 7/2, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.Tel : +603-7886 8002 | Fax : +603-7887 8003, Fabrication Yard:Lot 777, Block 5, Jalan Bako, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel : +6082-432 277, +6082-434 477 | Fax : +6082-434 277, Copyright 2013-2023 As such, developing this block and other surrounding areas remains an integral part of Petronas and our partners long-term growth plans. We are well-positioned to pursue a similar play in the other two neighboring blocks in the same province, namely Blocks SK411 and SK306. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. PTTEP's core business is exploration . simplii financial address 305 milner ave. dallas tv show filming locations council houses to rent in evesham. ABS Southeast Asia Regional Committee Meeting Focuses On Clean Energy Transition, OFFSHORE VESSEL CHARTERS NEWS ROUNDUP | FEBRUARY 21 CREWBOAT CONTRACTS IN JAPAN AND BRAZIL, PSV AND SOV DEPLOYMENTS IN WESTERN EUROPE, Telford Offshore Announces Completion of Sales Process and Acquisition by Merced Capital, Fugros Fully Remote Offshore Inspection Paves The Way For Maritime Safety, Aqua Helix Gets Two-year Contract Offshore Brazil, ABS hosts U.S. The discovery follows drilling of the Lang Lebah-2 appraisal well by PTTEP's wholly owned subsidiary PTTEP HK Offshore (PTTEP HKO). 1 Jalan Pinang KUALA LUMPUR, Wilayah Persekutuan, 50450 Malaysia Phone: Website: Year Started: Incorporated: ESG ranking: ESG industry average: What is D&B's ESG Ranking? Marasi News served as the most reliable source of information for the maritime sector offering timely, consistently accurate news, data and analysis from the top decision makers in the industry. 4.7. Enter your email and tell us a bit about yourself, and we'll keep you informed about upcoming events and opportunities that match your interests. We are hiring an energetic PTTEP Sarawak Oil Limited to join our diverse team at PTT Exploration and Production Plc in Kuala Lumpur. A female crab lays an average of 2 million eggs. It will be the first upstream project for PTTEP in Malaysia since their acquisition of Murphy Sarawak Oil Co Ltd in 2019. Sertai untuk berhubung Pttep Sarawak Oil Limited. Restoran Fairuz 98000 Miri, Sarawak Coordinate: 4.35305547714, 113.988609314 2. Results 1 - 15 of 15 Page 1 of 1 holds the rest. Block SK 405B is located in the shallow waters, approximately 137 kilometres off the coast of Sarawak (Bintulu). Moeco Oil and Petronas Carigali are partners. Murphy Oil Corp Ltd, Level 7, Menara Kidurong is located at: Bintulu. Laporkan profil ini Perihal I am now a competent CepSWaM. SK438 is adjacent to blocks SK405, SK309, SK311, and SK314A, all operated by the company, with nearby infrastructure, and potential for a cluster development. PTTEP SABAH OIL LIMITED's business includes EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION OF CRUDE OIL AND NATURAL GAS. - Conduct pipeline inspections on construction . Production Operator at PTTEP Sarawak Oil Limited Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia. PTTEP HKO is the operator with 80 percent participating interest and PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Management. This website is best viewed with Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge. It also found gas with the Dokong-1 exploration well in block SK417 offshore Sarawak. This weather independent and continuous work approach, coupled with optimum use of automations, competent in-house and construction team capabilities had undoubtedly contributed to the increase in productivity and improved HSE and Quality control of the works resulting in Zero LTI, a successful and timely delivery of the project. Kuching, MalaysiaCoordinate: 1.55600011, 110.36437708, 6. and PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. holds 25.5 and 15 per cent interest respectively. Subject: Oil and Gas Discovery in Sarawak SK405B Project, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. /Murphy-Oil-Corp-Ltd-Level.. Get directions to Murphy Oil Corp Ltd, Level 7, Menara Kidurong, Menara Kidurong, Level 8, Operation Department, Group Corporate Services Bintulu Port Holdings Berhad. It is a subsidiary of the state-owned PTT Public Company Limited. PTTEP Sarawak Oil Limited is the operator with 59.5 percent participating interest. It will be the first upstream project for PTTEP in Malaysia since their acquisition of Murphy Sarawak Oil Co Ltd in 2019. Commenced in March 2021, the Kulintang-1 wildcat exploration well was successfully drilled to a total depth of 2,238 metres in April 2021. Business Name PTTEP SARAWAK OIL LIMITED Address Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Alternative Address Menara Prestige, Levels 33-35, 1, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Located In / Building Name Suria KLCC State Kuala Lumpur Country Malaysia Business Registration Number 993918-P Sertai untuk berhubung PTTEP. The strict adherence to all SOPs by OceanMights workforce and partners, the united front and HSE culture with enforcement of procedures has enabled all parties to ensure successful delivery of this important project in Sarawak for PTTEP and once again demonstrated the resilience of OceanMight moving forward. The majority of our operations lie offshore which means the sea has become our home and so we are conscious of our responsibilities Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Management. PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited ( PTTEP) announced a successful oil and gas discovery from the first exploration well, Sirung-1, in Block SK405B, off the coast of Sarawak, offshore Malaysia. PTTEP Sarawak Oil Limited is the operator with 59.5 per cent participating interest. . Liwan Field, China. FUCK ME NOW. Bhd. PTTEP also plans to explore nearby prospects in this PSC next year. Bhd. To date, the HSE achievement recorded around 5.2 million Manhours and Zero LTI for all 11 contracts consisting of varied EPC, EPCC and EPCIC work scopes. A gas pipeline will be installed from Bintulu to Samalaju to increase domestic gas utilization by providing natural gas access (150 mmscf/d) by Q3 2025. ., State: SarawakDistrict: Bintulu, You can use the Google Maps navigation app:Get directions to Murphy Oil Corp Ltd, Level 7, Menara Kidurong, Latitude: 3.26835782758 Longitude: 113.069496519, 1. November 30, 2021, by Melisa Cavcic. PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited, or PTTEP wishes to announce that PTTEP HK Offshore Limited (PTTEP HKO), a wholly-owned subsidiary of PTTEP, has successfully made a discovery of gas at the first exploration well, Kulintang-1, in Block SK438, located in offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. Press Tab to Move to Skip to Content Link, Internal Audit, Compliance, Risk Management, Technical Database and Technical Assistant. The drilling of Dokong-1 exploration well commenced in November 2020, targeting gas in the sandstone reservoir. Address: Levels 33 To 35 Menara Prestige No. Instead of selling female crabs to restaurants, the P. Sap-anan Traditional Fishermen Group encourages villagers to separate pregnant crabs and hatch the eggs At PTTEP, we value not only human resources, knowledge and capability, but we also care for the community and the environment. Provide proactive strategic and tactical HR leadership and consultation to dedicated 'Accounts'. Stay connected by joining our network! PTTEP is a national petroleum exploration and production company dedicated to providing a sustainable petroleum supply to Thailand and the . The address of the Business registered office is Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Select how often (in days) to receive an alert: Save Category as RSS Feed. PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP) has announced a new oil and gas discovery from exploration well Sirung-1 in Block SK405B offshore Malaysia. Advisor, HRBP. PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited, or PTTEP wishes to announce that PTTEP Sarawak Oil Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of PTTEP, has successfully made a discovery of oil and gas at the first exploration well, Sirung-1, in Sarawak SK405B Project, located in offshore Malaysia. Thai oil and gas company PTTEP has made anoil and gas discovery from the first exploration well, Sirung-1, in Block SK405B, off the coast of Sarawak, offshore Malaysia. Through its subsidiary . The PESA Topside is a gas wellhead platform and is anticipated to produce around 60 MMScfd of natural gas. Bhd. Thailand's PTT Exploration & Production (PTTEP) and its partner Malaysia's Petronas have made a second gas discovery in Block SK417 from the Nangka-1 exploration well, located in the shallow waters of Baram Province, about 180 kilometres off the coast of Sarawak, offshore Malaysia. The warmer seawater and dead corals had a chain effect on other marine lives, and is inherently tied to the marine ecosystem and the livelihood of humans. OceanMight has completed eight contracts safely and ahead of time, with three more projects remaining to be completed by 2022. - Ensure the implementation of Project Quality Plan. The Sirung-1 exploration well marks PTTEPs third discovery offshore Malaysia following SK410Bs Lang Lebah and SK417s Dokong. The initial studies of subsurface data indicated oil and gas potential. Open Button. Phongsthorn Thavisin, PTTEP CEO, disclosed that PTTEP, through . holds 25.5 and 15 percent interest respectively. The achievement is the latest outcome of PTTEP's 'Execute strategy' which focuses on adding reserves for long-term growth. D&D KOH Motors sdn bhd Coordinate: 1.52022, 110.35362 Phone: +60198892881, 5. In addition, our employee engagement focuses on a two-way communication which incorporates employee . Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Management. Wilmar International Ltd Suburmas Plantations Sdn Bhd No 3.525253 113.357533 Lot 20, Blok 1, Kemena Land District, Bintulu, Sarawak x x List of supplying mills (direct) Parent company Palm Oil Mill RSPO Status Latitude Longitude Address Palm Lauric Alambumi Palm Oil Mill Sdn Bhd Alambumi Palm Oil Mill Sdn Bhd No 3.585436 113.670645 Lot . MOECO Oil (SARAWAK) SDN.BHD. Samalaju Gas Pipeline and Associated Operation Facilities. PTTEP Sarawak Oil Ltd is the operator with 59.5% participating interest. oil and gas discovery from the first exploration well, Sirung-1, in Block SK405B, off the coast of Sarawak, offshore Malaysia. pttep sarawak oil limited bintulu address dying light 2 release date ps5 bunker branding jobs oak orchard fishing report 2021 June 29, 2022 superior rentals marshalltown iowa 0 shady haven rv park payson, az Subject: Gas Discovery in Block SK438, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. All Rights ReservedPowered by Dot Com Mastermind. 2023 Endeavor Business Media, LLC. PTTEP. MOECO Oil (SARAWAK) SDN.BHD. Manage Settings KEY OBJECTIVES Under full supervision to perform all mechanical maintenance activities on the platform/plant and provide secondary support in other skill areas as required. The Kulintang-1 well, spudded in March, reached TD of 2,238 m (7,342 ft) last month. Blok SK405B terletak pada perairan cetek, sekitar 137 KM luar pesisir Bintulu, Sarawak. The well, spudded in January, was drilled to a total depth of 2,538 meters where it encountered a significant oil and gas column of more than 100 meters, in the clastic reservoirs. PTTEP through PTT Global LNG Company also holds a 10 percent equity in LNG Train 9 as part of the larger Malaysia LNG Complex in Bintulu.For more information, please contact Media Management Section. 25 Jun, 2021 OceanMight Sdn Bhd (OceanMight), the Oil & Gas unit and subsidiary company of KKB Engineering Bhd (KKBEB), had achieved yet another significant milestone with the recent successful load out of a wellhead platform (Topside) for PTTEP Sarawak Oil Ltd, The Pemanis Project was executed by OceanMight at its fabrication yard in Kuching, state-of-the-art facilities and equipped with a dedicated 30,000MT load out Jetty situated along Sarawak River, on a 70-acre land at Jalan Bako, Kuching. Congressman Dan Crenshaw (TX-2) at global headquarters to learn about maritime industry. PTTEP is also a joint investor with PTT, through the PTT Global LNG Company, in the MLNG Train 9 Project, an LNG liquefaction plant in Sarawak.For more information, please contact Media Management Section. Wildcat well Sirung-1, drilled to . Bhd. hold 25.5% and 15% interest, respectively. Bhd. PTTEP Sarawak Oil Limited. (Bintulu Crude Oil Terminal) LGAST (Labuan Gas Terminal) DDA MLNG PSC . Receive emails by subscribing to jobs matching MY Geosciences when they are posted. Project Reference: -. PTTEP, through its subsidiary PTTEP Sarawak Oil Ltd., discovered oil and gas in Sirung-1, the first exploration well in Block SK405B, about 137 km off the coast of Sarawak (Bintulu), Malaysia. 56 pengikut 54 kenalan. 1,001-5,000 employees Headquarters Chatuchak, Bangkok Type Public Company Locations Primary Energy Complex Building Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, TH Get directions Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road Chatuchak,. Block SK 405B is located in shallow waters, approximately 137 kilometers off the coast of Sarawak (Bintulu). Welding inspector for static equipment & piping starting from 2018 to 2021to. 21 Mar 2019 Bangkok, March 21, 2019 - PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP), makes a success acquisition in Murphy Oil Corporation's business in Malaysia worth USD 2,127 million which is expected to promptly add sales volumes by 15% and operating cash flow right after the deal is completed. Sarawak (83) Bintulu (26) Company. Thailand's PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP) has reported its largest-ever oil discovery in the Sarawak SK 410B Project located approximately 90km offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. PTTEP SARAWAK OIL LIMITED is a malaysia business. PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited 555/1 Energy Complex Building A, 6th Floor & 19th - 36th Floor, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road, Chatuchak, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 Thailand Phone : 66 (0) 2537-4000 - Supervise, coordinate and provide guidance to Quality Inspection at site. 57 pengikut 56 kenalan. Block SK417 is located in the shallow waters, approximately 90 kilometres off the coast of Sarawak. Photo 269368675 John Krutop |, Offshore rig scrapping lowest in years as recovery intensifies, Barents Sea Countach well P&Ad, further exploration to follow, Talos Energy adds six GoM discoveries, four close to production, Saipem scoops deepwater drilling work offshore Cte dIvoire, Photo 155630468 Hyotographics |, Drilling resumes on Egina oil field offshore Nigeria. PTTEP Sarawak Oil Limited is the operator with 59.5 percent participating interest. Bangkok, February 24, 2021 PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP), through its wholly-owned subsidiary PTTEP HK Offshore Limited (Malaysia Branch) or PTTEP HKO, announced a successful gas discovery from the first exploration well, Dokong-1 in Block SK417, off the coast of Sarawak, offshore Malaysia.
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