A danger to respect. Person with rahu placed in the 1st house do take advice of wise person of your family or friends before taking any decisions of your life or get your propounded action for any cause evaluated or cross checked by any wise person. They feel they are way above the others. He may have a. Vijaynagar, Ghaziabad, The native with Rahu in 1st House for Cancer Ascendant feels happy and peaceful in life. Here are some remedies to gain respite from Rahu Mahadasha. Loss of limb due to fall. Normally, this location of Rahu from the graph makes for a relationship with younger brothers/sisters. A valid statement of Rahu in the first house is that the natives frequently attempt to avoid investment or to fiddle with offers and stocks. He will possess mysterious illusive personality. Arrest and troubles in youth and disfavor of Government officers. The native also experiences weakness in family life. Moon is considered exalted in the sign of Taurus and it is a great placement to have to be a public figure in the field of creativity such as a painter, actor, musician etc. Rahu here related to the strong owner of an angle along with a triangular home, or aspected by the proprietor will form a Rajyoga. Male and females with debilitated and weak Rahu in 1st house, faces troubles in head, mental unstability along with danger from animals and reptiles is predicted whilst in dasa/mahadasa, Medically, they could suffer from reaction of drugs while or in due course of treatment of any ailment. Moon in the 1st house for Cancer Ascendant. Possibility 10: If Rahu is placed in the sign of Cancer in the 1st house but if Moon, the lord of Cancer, is placed in the 11th house then here 1st house lord is placed in the 11th house in the sign of Taurus which is 11 places away. This kind of Moon is usually found in those people who make use of DNA for an investigation related to some crime or even theft. But this kind of Moon can also make you move outside of this normal world such going to Himalayas and isolated places for the purpose of spiritual growth or just for an expedition or you may even be someone who is trying to conquer something such as reaching to the peak of any mountain. If a Rahu influences the owner of the eleventh house or Venus together with Saturn or the Sun.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'mahadasha_com-leader-3','ezslot_10',147,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mahadasha_com-leader-3-0'); The eldest kid of the native will either lose his partner because of death or their marriage can get dissolved. The native does not remain happy in the family. Loss of wealth. The native is not healthy, but they appear to be bold and brave and may utilize many improper schemes secretly for income. The native with Rahu in 3rd House for Cancer Ascendant work hard for success. The native experiences unhappiness with their brothers and sisters. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mahadasha_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_18',166,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mahadasha_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');Rahu associated with or whoever owns the second or seventh with a strong proprietor of the second or seventh home here will destroy the wealth of the indigenous and might cause his death. They want things in epic proportions, bigger and better, larger and cooler. What cancer sign on different houses mean? Also, best if he/she could practice meditation during this phase as it will allow them to divert this strong energy into positive vibes that could result in a very progressive approach in achieving the goals. Native seeks perfection in relationships, otherwise they will remain single forever. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'mahadasha_com-leader-4','ezslot_12',165,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mahadasha_com-leader-4-0');The native wont be satisfied with his father and might give up his religion. His thoughts might be constantly disturbed or he can be minded that is petty and low. The native struggles to get success in their business and accumulates wealth. Here you can also dominate your spouse which may even give breakup in the marriage. An opponent Rahu will bring down native with severe sick, ness. So i worked on higher education and had debts from it. Vivaha Sutram & Samay Sutram, are based on this research. Can 4th lord Mercury in 7th house make you an architect? First house indicates identity of self. In case the owner of the home can also be involved, the native might succumb to it. In general, you could be a broker in any of the fields of life such as real estate or any business related to home-related products such as clothing, furniture, utensils, air conditioners, coolers, refrigerators, etc. With Rahu in the sixth house for Cancer Ascendant, the person is brave and courageous. . He might tell lies and might talk to mislead others. Thus, Rahu in 1st house takes us towards evil and the bad things. Rahu is a significant beneficial planet for the natives here if its placed in Aquarius or Pisces. Here are some remedies to gain respite from Rahu Mahadasha. Typically, a Cancer rising sign person is shy and quiet. But here the mind could also be in occult science with this placement. They depend more on strong business or exchange. Being a sensitive water sign with a hard outer shell just like the crab it represents, you come across as distant, moody and aloof. Husband in case of female chart and wife in case of Male chart will always be suffering especially physical ailments or possess sickly constitution. He might hanker for sexual satisfaction and might have affairs with numerous women including widows. The native experiences happiness in his household life. They can adopt new and different means and methods to reach tall heights. Besides, Rahu stands for the things which have remained unfinished in your past life. The native tries to earn money for a better living. Also, when Rahu is placed in the 1st house and simultaneously Ketu resides the 7th house, then this planetary position will enable the natives to give a lot of time to others. His younger sister/brother may dwell in a remote land. His mother might not be of good conduct. Your email address will not be published. Though such a person may be short-tempered but he will be intelligent. since Virgo is a sign of health and healing here the nurturing could be related to curing someone from their disease and those are mostly doctors whether ayurvedic or homeopathic or any other profession where the main motive is to cure the patient by adopting any of their specialist healing methods. Great gains from Foreign Lands but will be evenly spendthrift. Libra is basically a sign of resolving problems and disputes of others like a teacher resolve the problem related to studies of their students. Sometimes, they use the most secret, unauthorised methods to achieve their ends. When the Moon is with Rahu in the house, the native may have a fast temper and will be likely to lose his kids or face problems due to them. He might not have relations with his family. Many enemies. Itll give the results of its positioning in the very first house to the kids of the indigenous. The native shows himself religious, but they do not have faith in God in reality. Natives will be obsessed with Spiritual Matters. Rahu in this house aspected with a beneficial planet removes other adverse indications from the research travel substantially and live abroad dwelt. Be careful with this native. Written by: Rajesh Bihani who is the webmaster of this website. He may gain plenty from his career at foreign sources or corporate. First house in Vedic Astrology is. Id think theyd prob have to do with your business life, anger aggressive tendencies would be an issue he sent causing the spike in enemies. But 3rd house also represents our skills of hands and since the Virgo sign is falling on the 3rd house you could be involved in doing something with hands which may be a difficult and complicated task such as boxing, repairing a car or any other vehicle, working for the repairing of computer hardware and software or even data entry, creating and repairing of electronic items, engineering, etc. Possibility 3: If Rahu is placed in the sign of Cancer in the 1st house but if Moon, the lord of Cancer, is placed in the 4th house then here 1st house lord is placed in the 4th house in the sign of Libra which is 4 places away. Hed be misunderstood by others. Possibility 4: If Rahu is placed in the sign of Cancer in the 1st house but if Moon, the lord of Cancer, is placed in the 5th house then here 1st house lord is placed in the 5th house in the sign of Scorpio which is 5 places away. Malefic Planet for Cancer Ascendant. The ascendant reveals the way you present yourself to others and how you respond to the world. the 4 lh house falls in the star of Swathi, owned by Rahu, the Cancer ascendant borns may get educated in foreign countries, possess government vehicles, . The GaneshaSpeaks Team. If there is a presence of strong Rahu, you may have confusion or fear in mind. His attitude towards life and behavior could be unconventional behavioral and positioned Rahu will create the native increase to a position and be distinguished and wealthy. Rahu put at the sixth home is bad in character and if its the main period of a bad planet effect, the main period of a bad planet own sub-period at the main period of a bad planet. Not have a connection with such a Rahu, is a fantastic planet that will not have a relationship with such a Rahu, is present,if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'mahadasha_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',149,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mahadasha_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); The sub-period of Rahu could be troublesome. The association with or aspect by the owner of the 5th or the house on Rahu here will make the native long-lived and rewarding. Looks like your account has been deactivated. He/she will give utmost importance to himself/herself. Native with Rahu in Lagna or Rahu in ascendant are much concerned about their appearance and looks. The neutral planets are Sun, Venus, Rahu and Ketu. The older sister/brother of the native will face humiliation and critique and will suffer from problems from the anus or genitals. You can see there are many youtube channels related to arts, crafts, paintings and designing, and such channels are also making a lot of money. They will have very uncommon beliefs and may even start their own religion. R-51, sector -12 Since Leo is a sign of knowledge, the knowledge could also be about your business products and services and it may not just be the knowledge of education like science, mathematics, economics, etc. The native family life is disturbed. Rash temperament and worried. The native with Rahu in 9th House for Cancer Ascendant is unlucky. The native is not healthy and may secretly use many unfair schemes for income. Females with rahu in 1st house may have childbirth (progeny) related issues like abortions and lower abdominal issues certainly. If Rahu is eight house Lord via its sign Aquarius, as it co-rules Aquarius alongside with Saturn, and sits in first house in Cancer. These remedies can be performed during Rahu Mahadasha and Antardasha or as advised by expert astrologer, Above effects of Rahu in 1st house should not be applied as it is for giving astrological predictions. He may have an extremely developed sex urge and might gratify it by having liaisons with women of a bad reputation. Dont give in to your emotions excessively and try to remain in a positive and happy environment. The 1st house corresponds to the 1st part of our body, the head in general and the skull and brain. Get accurate Life Predictions through a Detailed Life Interpretation Astrology Report : Click Here. These people tend to put on weight, especially in the hip area. Rahu here with the owner of the house strong and well-positioned is a sign that a native is likely to gain wealth suddenly. WhatsApp: +91-8178341336, Copyright 2017 - All Right Reserved - JupiterSpeaks, Man and woman with Rahu placed in the first house (ascendant) are very ambitious, high yearning for fame and recognition will always be there, Rahu in lagna gives blood shot eyes, yet attractive looks and appearance, ready to fight or aggressive attitude will be there. Rahu in 1st House for Cancer Ascendant in Vedic Astrology | VidhyaMitra Vedic Astrology. His elder sister/brother might be childless or might suffer from troubles from the belly. The native with Rahu in 9th House for Cancer Ascendant feels anxious and nervous. There might be a number of people accompanying him on his journeys. Hell be strong-willed. The native with Rahu in 7th House for Cancer Ascendant is lazy and most selfish. If you are a regular reader of this site plz donate something here. Because the 2nd house is the house of wealth, family, speech and inheritance and Sun is the lord of that house. He has enormous expectation from himself. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Effect of Mercury in Different Houses Mercury in 1st House He may be warm-hearted and will be joyful sharp, witty -eloquent, friendly, educated, and intelligent., Effect of Venus in Different Houses Venus in 1st House A bad Venus will create the native gullible. The native is careless for others. The native feels happy in their domestic life. However, this may be prevented if there is a benefic planet which produces divine influence and neutralises the evil prospects. In general, people involved in forensic science, pharmacy and medical testings have this kind of placement. The native will get increasingly more prosperous as he progresses in life. If Rahu in 1st house afflicted further with malefics in birth and navamsa chart then makes a person unorthodox, cosmopolitan some times it induces tendency of hypocrisy. Rahu with Mars at the 4th house is a sign which the native is of temperament and liable to be incarcerated in his lifetime. Effects of Rahu. The native with Rahu in 6th House for Cancer Ascendant increases his occupation and feels happy. With Rahu in the eleventh house for Cancer Ascendant, the native is intelligent and alert. Rahu in first house always create obsession for self. His brother/ sister will also have a tough time in life. In case the owner of the 8th house occupies the 8th home with Rahu or facets it, the native will probably fall ill throughout the sub or major periods of Rahu. The native with Rahu in 10th House for Cancer Ascendant respects the government and society. They can have a secret means of income. Favourable Colour for Cancer Ascendant: White and yellow, Please enter your mobile number to Login/Sign Up on Astroyogi, OTP has been sent to you on your mobile number. Also, moon is at zero degree and ketu ten degree. An adverse Rahu will be bad for the older sister/brother of the native. As Rahu also represents illusion, native possesses mysterious illusive personality. These people are luxurious, dynamic, changeable, and fickle. The natives of Rahu in 1st house may even suffer from personality disorders. The native uses secret methods for success. Danger to respect and ill fame. The native with Rahu in 4th House for Cancer Ascendant has no cordial relations with the mother. How the placement of Mars and Venus makes the prediction easy? The native with Rahu in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant is disturbed about his longevity. Here is the main goal is to make the deal happen between the two parties. So, with this placement of Moon scientists and aerospace engineers are seen. The native with Rahu in 11th House for Cancer Ascendant never loses patience and works hard to succeed. Native will be obsessed with occults research and may even pursue occult as life path. If Rahu is third house Lord via its sign Aquarius, as it co-rules Aquarius alongside Saturn, and sits in first house in Sagittarius then firstly we need to make sure of Saturn's placement as it is the main ruler. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Plz note: Contact me through this site if you want to learn how you can regularly track the incoming of wealth in your life through Vedic Astrology, Disclaimer: I am not responsible for 3rd party links on this website and it could even be an affiliate link, All rights reserved @2022-23 rajbihani.com a site dedicated to religion, spirituality, relationships, life, occult, and paranormal. Favourable Colour for Cancer Ascendant: White and yellow. The native may have disorders that come up or he might meet with unforeseen misadventures. Changeable professions, litigations and troubles in early life. The native with Rahu in 2nd House for Cancer Ascendant is intelligent, courageous and clever but afraid of enemies. It represents life overall, the self, and the whole body. Native will be one of those filthy rich people. Possibility 1: If Rahu is placed in the sign of Cancer in the 1st house but if Moon, the lord of Cancer, is placed in the 2nd house then here 1st house lord is placed in the 2nd house(in Leo) which is a Raj Yoga and you can achieve a lot of wealth in your life with this placement if other planets in the birth chart are also favorable. His wife is going to be efficient, self-reliant, difficult, and nagging. However, they manage gains from overseas connections. They feel fearless and works secretly and peacefully to earn wealth. He might travel. The native will not stick to his promises. Why 9th house is Google search in Vedic Astrology. This type of Rahu connected with the seventh home will signify a love affair, and, connected with the twelfth shows the propensity to sexual promiscuity which can cause problems for the native.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'mahadasha_com-leader-2','ezslot_9',148,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mahadasha_com-leader-2-0'); When the owner of the twelfth house is so attached, the indigenous will probably find life hard and be lonely and friendless. The native works hard to become successful. The native works hard to earn wealth and to fill up the loss. The 1st house corresponds to the 1st part of our body, the head in general and the skull and brain. Separation from the family members is signaled. (4)If your ascendant is Cancer, then the Rahu Moon conjunction will not give you a positive result. The good thing about the natives of Rahu in 1st house is that they have enough courage to initiate or formulate completely new concepts in society or at the workplace. The correspondence with Mesha (Aries) adds physical mobility and overall strength. The native with Rahu in 2nd House for Pisces Ascendant is intelligent and always cautious. Contact No: +91-8178341336 You have the Lagna lord in this house; therefore, it is an important house. Mahadasha.com and the team have been researching Vedic astrology and Nadi Shastra. The native follows policies deep and bitter in the heart and spreads the ideas far and wide to maintain his honor and fame in society. Troublesome and fretful life. As a result, these natives suffer from stomach and digestion-related issues. Native possesses illusive personality. The malefic planets include Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. If Mars is adverse or affected from, Effect of Saturn in Different Houses Saturn in 1st House The native is going to be bright, refreshed, solemn, and working. Get 15+ Pages of FREE HOROSCOPE and DASHA PREDICTIONS (Mahadasha.com). Rahu placed in the eleventh house is inherently bad in nature and whether another religion than their own. The native adopt unjust methods to be successful in society. Many enemies. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'jupiterspeaks_com-banner-1','ezslot_11',124,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jupiterspeaks_com-banner-1-0'); I am person with this placement, Its true that i am aggressive,but i dont care about my looks at all, almost asexual and i m also not fame hungry at all. He is of gall nature, lover of water sports, confectionary, generous, affectionate to good people, humble, intelligent, pious, forgiving, godly, big lampoon, girl-child, businessman, friendly, wealthy, addicted, suffering from enemies, temperament. The native has some deficiency and some handicap in the body. As Rahu also represents illusion, native possesses mysterious illusive personality. Hell succeed in litigation. The native will be wealthy, daring, and powerful. So you could also be one of them with this placement of Moon. The planet Rahu occupies an important place in Vedic Astrology. The mind becomes very intuitive when it comes in the sign of Pisces and intuition can help a lot in writing and if the lord of Pisces is placed in the sign of Aquarius in the 8th house then it can greatly help in scientific research and also in understanding the concepts of occult science. Disputes and litigations in life. Rahu in Cancer Ascendant gives many difficulties to the native. Old age will be troubled. The native follows deep and bitter policies in their heart and spreads ideas far and wide to maintain their respect and fame in society. Thank you for asking and sharing your details. Life will be worried and full of turmoils. His elder sister/brother could be efficient, great at work, and wealthy. Aquarius is a very scientific sign as it represents networking and through networking, only all communications are possible all around the world. The native with Rahu in 5th House for Cancer Ascendant is cranky and talkative. The Moon compels them to feel firstand think later, giving a sympathetic, receptive nature. He can have an unhappy marriage. With Rahu in the fourth house of Cancer Ascendant, the native has to face the loss of land and house property. Rahu's underlying character of insatiability, on the other hand, will not change. Rahu, being an out caste, illusive, mischievous planet tries to drive native into unethical, wrong path or should say short cut approach to achieve what they want.
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