#mystery The gun was jammed. ng ngha vi vic chim hu tt c mi th ca cu. (Cross-posted on FF.net.). Cookie Notice #emilia Qu es lo peor que podra pasar?.. How will their relationship develop in this seemingly unending isolation? and our Sinopse: Histria :Subaru Yuki um garoto japons que acaba de sair de um torneio, que ele foi campeo no momento ele estava comemorando com sua famlia at lembra que tem que ir numa loja de convenincia,mas antes seu . mc is a bit op but ok. also he wants to die . She wished she knew. Not only must Subaru survive the awkward questions from his parents, he must also survive the questions' subject! Current Chapter: No. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This is not tied into "A Witch's Blessing" fic. Extra: 1. Sadly, I can't think of any new plot that could even fit for this verse, so I decided to have the classic "characters watch their show". A poem written from Natsuki's perspective for her. When two people who need a little solace end up forging a relationship. Is this world ever going to be safe enough? Shaula is making quite an impression! If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. "It is strange to be with these people. A beautiful love story between you and a cute dork ! Flight or Eurostar from London to Amsterdam 3:18 am. Don't expect Subaru to be OP from the start, he would work hard and develop gradually. Thalys Paris forward facing seat 3:15 am. Master so, I was wondering, she strainedly met his eyes, muttering. 81 - Know Your EnemyStatus: COMPLETE. to: * Synopsis: The Re:Zero world realizes, through the introduction of a particular young hero, just how small the world they live in truly is. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Ele ter que descobrir mais sobre seu poder e o que realmente ocorreu 400 anos atrs! Privacy Policy. Reply. Madara said. Please consider turning it on! ram emilia pirate +17 more # 7 Re:Zero Dark Matter IF by GunBun 2.9K 183 7 Natsuki Subaru was just a normal boy just going out to get a bite to eat until he was randomly summoned to another world where he died and watched his friends died multi Subaru has just been rejected by the three candidates. Though when he finds out he's away for the week, his older sister invites him in to get closer to him. Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu, known in English as Re: Starting Life in a Different World from Zero, is a Japanese light novel written by Tappei Nagatsuki, and illustrated by Shinichirou Otsuka. True~ he made multiple fanfics actually xD. Oh I've read king of pride. After reincarnating in a new world, main protagonist. He is a former hikikomori that was transported to Lugunica through unknown means, and given the ability to Return by Death by Satella. This work could have adult content. Excuse me Nocebo: (noh-see-boh) noun-an inactive substance or a real medication that produces unpleasant or worsening symptoms in a patient or research participant because the per fanfic ideas I come up with and share why I don't have the skill to do it myself. Basically a WHDAAA fic with Cast reacting to moments in the Novel and Sidestorys and also Subaru is awake, Everyone stared at Subaru in horror after watching him die and return. Starting Life from Zero in Another World, V. The Morning of Our Promise is Still Distant, VIII. Yeah, considering how popular it is I thought there'd be lots of fanfics about everything Re:Zero. "We are adventurers from a world near yours! "Natsuki Subaru, that's his name. (I do not own any char Graduating from balamb garden and became a SeeD mercenary. I've only known him for a short time, however" She looked at the red-haired woman with short . Natsuki Subaru was just a normal boy just going out to get a bite to eat until he was randomly summoned to another world where he died and watched his friends died multi. Subaru had lost all hope of seeing his parents a Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Y/N was travelling on sea when he was ambushed by a fleet of marine ships, when he was about to swing his sword suddenly he was taken into God, a supreme being that shouldn't be questioned, a being that surpasses any other being. 5. What is going on? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. For a moment, she paused, surprised at how she instinctively sought him out. Excited for the family's planned excursion out in the country, Subaru wastes no time in returning home. Aps vollachia e a esperada confisso se provar um fracasso , natsuki subaru que est cansado de sua vida e decepcionado com seus "amigos " e tendo um novo ponto de vista sobre a vida e a si mesmo ,enquanto lida com seus problemas, tenta seguir sua vida, at uma garota que parece ter a mesma "maldio"que ele, oque od laguna quer para seu saco de pancadas favorito ! She had been doing her job just like any other day, but when she unexpectedly stumbled across a shocking scene, Frederica found herself both completely horrified, and intrigued. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Subaru x Frederica smut. 3:04 am. julius juukulius rt rt yu natsuki subaru. With summer vacation here and no more high school to look forward to, Subaru wants to spend the week with his best bro! Magic had always been simple and plain in Od Laguna. Work Search: Things only escalate as the stranger expresses an obsessive interest in him, and Subaru finds himself compellingly attracted in return. Bullshit. "Let's hope that we won't see anything gore and disturbing into the next one." Satella decides to try altering Subaru's life on earth to see if that would change the outcome. A feminine but authoritative voice broke through, Rem! The link to the fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13759849/1/Re-Zero-New-Arsenal You can help me if you want New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13759849/1/Re-Zero-New-Arsenal. Its good to finally have you back!. Ah, yes, it's me. #reactions Basically, Subaru is MCU Spider-Man and madness ensue upon the arrival of the Marvel multiverse unto the world of magic, witches and spirits. From the moment Subaru was transported to another world, his existence became a never-ending nightmare. The mind is an imperfect thing, something that is fragile and can easily be overwritten or changed. "Unlike the first wave, you bastards will be seeing more thrilling and scary episodes. This is a WHDAAA spinoff reaction where the re zero cast will see Subaru's future with each royal candidate such as their children future with the raven-haired knight. Jotaro said seriously. Starting life in a house full of girls. Sensing their confusion, Ferris explained, Im nyot so sure what hyappened, but Miss Crusch-ay has her memories back!. Subaru, along with his Camp, his rival Camps, his parents, and Meili, have all suddenly teleported into a theater, controlled by "the Warden". "Natsuki Subaru is a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will. Your mother was better than that, though." Yorna explained as she approached the black haired man, who looked back at her provocatively. Anything and anyone thats a product of her own actions suffers. Arc 1: END A whole new world where he could start all over. [Natsuki Subaru] wanders the library within the Pleiades Watchtower in an attempt to re-discover his old self. #isekai Chanting a simple fire spell will get you fire, pumping your body with mana will allow you to perform more efficiently, and without much rest. Queen Elizabeth Hotel. Subaru wakes up to a busty girl calling him Master?! How and why were they all here? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Even in a different game from a different Japan, Subaru Natsuki is taken to the New World. Anger, hopelessness & despair is now breaking him mentally and emotionally. (Vainglory if) (Modern AU)(Inspired from the Valentine's Disaster of Persona 5). Subaru was a skilled Kung fu fighter thanks to his parents. After his worst nightmare involving Emilia comes to fruition and Return by Death fails to reverse it, Subaru must learn to accept the help of his friends and begin to realize a new purpose in the world of the four nations while the manors senior maid helps him learn to love again For Pidgie's Fic Exchange Event It has been a couple of months since arc 4, and Subaru is worried and frustrated due to his relationship with Emilia not getting any better, not going towards anything romantic. Instead of the fantastical nation of Lugunica, Subaru Natsuki is transported to the dark and chill Lands Between, now a graceless Tarnished destined to walk the path that leads to the Elden Ring. This means, our job here is already done." The ones who have met him in their world will now see how Natsuki Subaru went t #beatrice Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. For more information, please see our [Fanfic] Okay, so, this is a fanfic where Subaru gets summoning perks. "I don't know if you can hear anything around you but, this is it for us in guiding you to watch Subaru's adventures to your world. Emilia wasnt sure what the others had discussed or when had they awakened, but now that she is finally aware of her surroundings and figured that no one around her looked like a threat, she decided to move towards the oddity. The series tells a story of Natsuki Subaru, a young man that lives his normal life in modern Japan. Outside the Mathers mansion, Subaru is confronted by Rem, who believes him to be a Witch Cultist. : ??? lol it is so easy to make a fanfiction of it that even the author of rezero himself made one xDD. Para o azar de Subaru Natsuki, isso ocorreu com ele!Agora ele ter que viver neste mundo, mas nada to fcil assim! . A series of one-shots dedicated to girls going full yandere for Subaru. Subaru fue enviado al bosque de Elior antes de los hechos de la historia original pero esta vez no tiene regreso por muerte y satella no tiene ninguna conexin con l. Please show some love to Subaru by reading and commenting your thoughts. A hand grabbed her before she got close to it, turning, she saw that it was Reinhardt, I doubt that we are meant to interfere with it. Please consider turning it on! And we are here to be with you guys in watching Subaru's life and your future as well!" When a time traveler from an alternate universe appears in Subaru's life, hes simultaneously horrified and entranced. But decided otherwise and that he need. 6. Brightening the place, everyone got a good look at each other. I made this for fun, but since it blew up, i continued it. Made an OP!Subaru fanfiction. After a stressing interview, Natsuki Subaru is accepted in a very prestigious academy where he can study his life's carrier. Crusch asked. by Blazer62 47.6K 1.2K 14 Monkey D. Luffy, the man who aimed to conquer the Grandline to become the king of pirates, found himself somewhere different, somewhere unfamiliar without the rest of hi. Episode 2: Part 2 Frederica has to deal with a lot. ". Subaru gets sealed with the Dreadful Witch of Envy, a woman with an obsessive love for him. Scorpio warned through telepathy to the witches and the other casts, making them shudder in fear. He will discover more about the time travel and who sent him back, while his story will intersect with . [deleted] 6 yr. ago. This is my version of how Subaru would act if he was forgotten and tortured. Tulips from Amsterdam! None of it would be as happy as shes imagined it to beas happy as this is supposed to be. A one-shot version of Subaru where his life goes different before going to the Re:Zero world. What if Arc 6 ended a little differently, but in a good way? Simple, he has now to work as the servant for seven weird girls. On the bright side, he survives said encounter. Years after the events of Re:Zero, a guy, who is related with Subaru and Emilia, will be sent back in time without knowing the reasons behind it. Subaru is shocked beyond words. The Sounds That Make You Want to Cry, Re:Zero Cast Watching Natsuki Subaru's Adventure to Death. The cast react to a Subaru getting reversed.. 7. But there seems to be a dearth in Re:Zero fanfic in general, so. Making sure they are happy. Qu pasa cuando juntas a un tipo, sin preocupacin por l o su vida, y dispuesto hacer cualquier cosa para ayudar a sus amigos, y un grupo de 6 mujeres con una nula comprensin del conocimiento de "ser humano", pero igual de dispuestas a ayudar? Being the head maid does horrible things to your muscles after all. Sitting up, no less. and our Said Warden has told them that they'd be watching alternate realities, and the Cast would be responsible for what they'd be watching. The new people who appeared are the additional cast of Re: Zero in Season 2. Echidna uttered nervously. He should just die. Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy! I. The others just shrugged and read the last line. We reminded you that the gods that will join you aren't as kind as us. The End of the Beginning and Beginning of the End, III. Yet deep down he realized that he wouldn't be able to forgive himself It might be something he could forget but to always appreciate friends like Subaru, he will never forget. A thousand year old warlord who fought for peace and the protector of ta lo. Theres no mom and dad to leech off of again. 9. With nothing to lose, Subaru left his fate to the hands of Lugunica's Love Line. Re: Zero (Rewind and watch from Zero) 1StoryMaker Summary: Trapped with the other candidates and their knights, Camp Emilia gets a VIP seat to watch the truth unravel. Subaru shot the masked man in the head and then made eye contact with Sayaka, "I'll see you in hell." *BANG* Subaru put the gun to his head and hit the trigger, but nothing happened. His seemingly weak nature a hinderance at the best of times, can his hidden heroic spirit conquer this harsh environment, or will he wither like so many Aeonian petals? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Emilia looked at her necklace. left kudos on this work! Will Subaru achieve the happy ending he is dreaming of or will he get more than he bargained for?. Notes: After defeating the dweller in t it's a normal day at school and Kazuma, Subaru, ainz, Tanya and Naofumi are talking to each other, suddently "the button" shows up and teleports them to anothe yu ca g in ch gi gn trong hai ch. One day, he's summoned to another world. Would they understand his pain and suffering or would they feel betrayed? He has been offered a place to live, a chance to study, to make new friends, and most important, thing o start again after a horrible first year of High school. " Even in a different game from a different Japan, Subaru Natsuki is taken to the New World. It's been nearly four months since Natsuki Subaru came to Lugnica, four months where he had no contact with his parents. Episode 1: Part 1 They are dressed in casual attire and a special cloak to prevent the current viewers to know about them. What's the catch you ask? (CHARACTER TAGS WILL BE ADDED AS THEY APPEAR. Said Warden has told them that they'd be watching alternate realities, and the Cast would be responsible for what they'd be watching. "Take it easy, Rem. ||please not that i do not own any characters,settings,storyline, or anything portraying towards th A story where Subaru is born in Japan in the sonic universe. After spending over a year training in parkour, this was quite easy for him. #rezero Feb 24, 2023, 12:15 AM. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Cookie Notice Minerva said. And that girl" Echidna uttered while looking at Emilia and Scorpio released a menacing haze on her. It took her a few seconds to realize that the blue haired girl was indeed someone quite familiar to her. The only fanfics I ever see are "What if Subaru confessed his feelings for Rem in episode 18?" Now, years later, after seemingly all the conflict is gone, Echidna's final gambit to get Subaru to contract emerges just as Satella takes pity on him one final time. Cookie Notice 1: Prologue2: Introduction pt 13: Introduction pt 24-9 : Arc 6 till Shaula's Introduction10-18: From amnesiabaru to Tower's capture19-? Subaru had fallen asleep almost as soon as he sat down on the unexpectedly comfortable material that made up the interior seats. it's getting kinda old, especially since re:zero is such an easy anime to make fanfics about. Ehem i don't know if this counts as a fanfic but i just found this "particular" "fanfic" between Echidna and Subaru made by Gero_Gear Art and you can find it using this nuclear code . They expected him to finally get his happy ending he more than earned after countless deaths and indescribable suffering. He comes face to face with a nearly empty shell of a person that is Satella, after years of being confined to solitude and regret. Something you would know very little about." Re-Zero Wrath AU by 9upforall 21 1 1 Subaru ran, he ran as fast as his legs could go. Ajzx101 2 yr. ago. Privacy Policy. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. What happens if Subaru who got summoned to another world is not helpless, but someone who is well prepared to tackle the problems this world throws at him. Okay, so, this is a fanfic where Subaru gets summoning perks. Self-Proclaimed Knight Natsuki Subaru, XXIV. Seeing that their first option is Emilia arriving in Japan, Subaru makes sure that his secrets remain his. [chim hu] If we could if you could. Subaru is consumed by her shadows but instead of resisting he resigns to his fate. Work Search: Yorna Mishigure is a beautiful and tall fox woman with a thin and alluring physique. "I-I know, I know." 7. Who lives a normal life, until two women come into his life to remind him of a past he never had. And why is she being so clingy! The lines between becoming him and loving him have always, always been blurred, and Subaru couldnt give any less of a shit about which came first. Now, a new star has been transported to the world of Od Laguna, a star who dabbles in magic far more complex, far more Arcane. The royal candidate's will also watch smut with Subaru. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. RE:Chad "Subaru the Chad", a re:zero fanfic | FanFiction. Subaru Natsuki, currently a 24 year old living in modern day Japan. The cast were promised a chance to glimpse into Subaru's future. Every cloud has a silver lining, every tragedy a bright side, and to Shaula, the overcast sky that is her life is anything but. Subaru helps Shaula make a baseball team. Subaru was going to take his first mission until he was summon in a new world. Work Search: He thought of using Return by Death. An ominous feeling was present in the room, as some of the members remember how they treated Subaru. Crusch was there as well, along with Ferris. Where is Subaru? Nezuko whispered. ? tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Ser mandado para um mundo de fantasia no to fcil quanto parece. King of pride is my favorite because it focuses more than just OP Subaru but also handles the consequences of it, like the last Arc of it is completely different from the previous ones. Prologue Hey there, everyone!" He wanted to die. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. TheCurseGrows 2 yr. ago. Three years ago in the Sanctuary, out of grief for her beloved, Satella allowed Subaru to know the love of his friends. After being transported into another world, Natsuki Subaru has gone through all kinds of pain and died many times but still returned to life for a very enigmatic reason. Subaru can see it just in the way they look at Natsuki Subaru like he's their entire world. walk of the main train station. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Subaru wants to kiss him, too. 4. boktay 6 yr. ago. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He was so close to his goal he was quickly growing irritated by these tiny distractions minute obstacles on the path toward Truth. Everyone leaves the Watchtower together and Shaula get recruited as the newest addition to the Emilia Camp! The link to the fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13759849/1/Re-Zero-New-Arsenal You can help me if you want. The show is a literal angst fest, I did put everyone in a room to break the 4th wall by gaining forbidden knowledge. Histria Re: Zero : Subaru o duelista celeste. "Adventurers from a world near ours? Privacy Policy. Tuschinsky Theatre 3:20 am. Because if any of you act strange or up against what they'll see in the future episodes, those gods will restrain you until you accept what happened to the future." For example, "instead of completely failing at magic he gets extremely proficient at using it and manages to get betty to tutor him", or something like that. Oh, Fredericka, you returned.. But when he finally managed to get rid of an arrogant naive girl who is more often than not a hindrance, a target, or an obstacle to be conquered his life drastically improved . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Subaru is granted another ability by the Witch of Envy. One thing leads to another, and now he has to help a young maiden find her lost valuables. "What do you mean we're back at the starting point?!" A one-shot version of Subaru where his life goes different before going to the Re:Zero world. Subaru leaned in closer. public transport to Haarlem 10:40 pm. You don't have the right to scare or intimidate them with your personality. On the not-so-bright side, he finds that Rem was not too far off the mark. It appears that the other candidates and their knights are with us as well. Julius spoke up, indicating towards Anastasia, Felt, Priscila, Al and Reinhardt. This will be some drabbles for characters and ships. She could see some of them looking around the place, others striking up a conversation, most likely trying to figure out if they knew anything. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Re: | Re:Zero Starting Life in Another World (Anime), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Episode 3: Part 1 as well as Episode 2: Part 1 lol it is so easy to make a fanfiction of it that even the author of rezero himself made one xDD. Its not safe. Na verdade, o completo oposto! Read this very short story and you'll see. However, after finding a peculiar person out in town, all notions of normalcy are extinguished. When Subaru opened his Eyes he was standing at eye level to a wooden stand in a bright and sunny street instead of the darkness of the Loot house but again that was not the strangest thing it was why the hell this stand was near eye level but as he was thinking he heard a voice beyond the stand "So little girl you want this appa or not?" "To prevent her from eating someone." Perhaps her most striking facial feature is her slit blue eyes that give off a languid yet sharp look . It wont be of use to simply head towards danger, especially when we have no idea of what is going on., The knight is right. What could possibly go wrong? This thread is archived Turning towards the sound, Emilia noticed the demon twins. "And by the way, you'll be having new friends joining you guys in watching the future!" a short poem written from Echidna's perspective. 'Remember, you damn witches have no powers in here anymore. Said Warden has told them that they'd be watching alternate realities, and the Cast would be responsible for what they'd be watching. #ram The lines between becoming him and loving him have always, always been blurred, and Subaru couldn't give any less of a shit about which came first. Work Search: YOU ARE READING. Work Search: Emilia asked as above them, a bright light appeared and several people fell from it. #rezero #rezeroamv #rezeroedit Donation: https://bit.ly/3Hjxap9re zero,re zero op,re:zero,re zero opening,re zero season 2 episode 13,re:zero kara hajimeru. "Huh? Everyone does. A post Lone star fic. However, there is something similar in a What-If story where Subaru becomes contracted to Echidna and takes RBD to its logical extreme :'). The knowledge one seeks can cure the suffering of one who still pushes on never satisfied with all that is given until the end is achieved. Some of the re: Zero cast finds themselves trapped in The Backroom. It was much the same for the half elf, whom he finally learned the name of just before leaving, was Emilia. But if she even lasts, if she even makes it to the end of this, if she even manages to give birth, is she even ready? Frederica has been summoned late at night by her master, the man known as the purge king.Given his reputation, what could he possible want from her at that time? Oh, Subaru wants to kill Natsuki Subaru, just to make that fear go away. Theres no suitable resources in a medieval fantasy world, right? "Now, shall we begin watching the next episode?" With Subaru's entire life at Lugnica revealed, how will the others react? Re:Zero Cast Watching Natsuki Subaru's Adventure to Death Fanfiction After being transported into another world, Natsuki Subaru has gone through all kinds of pain and died many times but still returned to life for a very enigmatic reason. 10. After being transported into another world, Natsuki Subaru has gone through all kinds of pain and died many times but still returned to life for a very enigmatic reason. Trapped with the other candidates and their knights, Camp Emilia gets a VIP seat to watch the truth unravel. Nice to meet you all!" "Ah! Now nothing is impossible, and every dream can become a reality. With summer vacation here and no more high school to look forward to, Subaru wants to spend the week with his best bro! Unleashing a beast hungry with unkempt desire onto the world. Kiss the wound, pour salt into it, and then slap on a bandaid and worship the ground he walks on. Subaru can see it just in the way they look at Natsuki Subaru like hes their entire world. I haven't any of these here and this show is a masterpiece and a an angst mine. Rem (Re:Zero) Ram (Re:Zero) Melina (Elden Ring) Action/Adventure Instead of the fantastical nation of Lugunica, Subaru Natsuki is transported to the dark and chill Lands Between, now a graceless Tarnished destined to walk the path that leads to the Elden Ring. But how can Subaru come to terms with the fact that its an alternate universe version of himself????? Nezuko said. In 2013 there was a hotel named Queen Elizabeth ll in the Central District of Amsterdam within 10 min. As they all got together and sat down, the panel shifted and words began to float over it. Let us discuss what we know of the situation and plan our actions accordingly., Miss Crusch, It is wonderful to see you back to your usual self.. ), Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (489), Re: | Re:Zero Starting Life in Another World (Anime) (1247), ! What good deeds did his past reincarnated self, achieve to have such adoration and love showering upon him. "Do we have to act like different people for these people? Subaru Natsuki finally got the chance to prove himself, summoned to a new world for a fresh start.Magic, monsters and all in between, can this NEET-turned-Sorcerer find his way in the new world. He'll be a G.U.N. Would they understand his pain and suffering or would they feel betrayed? tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (5), Re: | Re:Zero Starting Life in Another World (Anime) (15), Overlord - Maruyama Kugane & Related Fandoms (1), Re: | Re:Zero Starting Life in Another World (Anime), Una Nueva -y Codiciosa- Ruta Lujuriosa (A Re Zero Fanfiction), Overlord - Maruyama Kugane & Related Fandoms, Ainz Ooal Gown | Momonga & NPCs of Nazarick, Ainz Ooal Gown | Momonga & Natsuki Subaru, Ainz Ooal Gown | Momonga & Swords of Darkness (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane), NPCs of Nazarick (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane), Swords of Darkness (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane), Subaru's the closest thing to a moral compass for Momonga, Unlucky Clementine (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane), ReZero: The WHDAAA cast react to their kids and smut, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, but it's like very minor and will appear like twice.