Your North Node in Sagittarius wants you to divert your attention away from local politics and toward the world at large. While Sagittarius is more focused on the experience itself, Gemini is concerned with translating that experience for the rest of the world to understand. Aquarius South Node. It reveals the gifts that you bring into this lifetime, your sweet spot, your comfort zone. As a result of this, in the current life, they do not have too much natural wisdom. In a birth chart, the South Node represents what talents or abilities or tendencies you bring into this life from when you were born, or perhaps before that, Gonzalez says. In this lifetime, this person is meant to incorporate the Sagittarian qualities of seeking and knowing and realizing truth when they hear and see it and using that to propel their studies into different topics they are curious about but do not currently understand. Now, the difference between South and North Node is simply past and future, respectively. Regarding personality traits, Leo signifies self . Therefore, in current lives, the main emphasis is on working alone and isolating from large groups of people and friends in order to concentrate on realizing unique and creative ideas. The South Node in Aquarius is making these people more rebellious than others, unable to respect the rules, as well open to develop relationships with the elite and to obtain a good position. I have had a past life vision of being a priestess in an emerald gown it felt like a Celtic period so maybe this is the lifetime in question. South Node Aspects as Past Life Indicators in Synastry. An Aries South Node may indicate that, in the past, you may have been a bit selfishand now, you need to learn how to share with others. Using the past we can favor the present. You could also have been an artist who used creative mediums to explore the outer realms and express your imagination. They are dictated by the middle points of the moons orbit. iMaxTree; Adobe. The other assumption that I see about north node in . Create an account at and set up your birth data. Consider a person with the South Node in Libra in the 12 th House. The South Node, on the other hand, is the past, what you know and have experienced (in early life or in past lives). So we need to look at the Past Life Astrology by the south node placement and consider how we may have been limited and how it may be limiting our potential and distorting our present life experience. North Node - Life-changing descriptions of North Node signs and houses plus what you must know about your North Node before you can put it . Evolutionary Astrology of which I am a student and teacher believes that we have multiple lifetimes and that, as Steven Forrest states: The chart simply tells us what we need to know in order to effectively navigate the present life. It is the very definition of destiny.. If your south node is in Libra, then yournorth nodeis in Aries, and you are here to stand out from the crowd, not to go along with it. When it comes to not having control, Aquariuses are known to try and lead in the most unexpected situations, which can have them losing their grip on situations. Well in this lifetime, the people . It means that the generous, humble, wise, spiritual, righteous, philosophical, optimistic planet of abundance Jupiter combines with stable, persistent, down-to-earth, realistic, reliable, generous, loving, fixed earth sign Taurus. Or, you can get your full birth chart through an online chart . Is that truly the answer to all your problems? Life Purpose: To ultimately learn that we are better together. The traditional interpretation of North Node in Leo is the ability to realize one's desires. Speaking of which, the subconscious talents include a basic understanding of how networks are created. A Gemini South Node can indicate that you were overly talkative or too much of a gossip in your past life. You are less likely to branch out and become a little fish in a big pond and prefer to stick to the waters and lakes youre used to! Wanting to be in large groups, they dont like being in the center of attention, however. Herein the 6th sign represents challenges, obstacles, discipline as well as subordinates and teammates. Theyre good lovers, but at the same time, theyre in love with humanity. When it comes to them being fair and democratic, they prefer to teach themselves things and to shine like stars among others because theyre aware of their big destiny. Leo is the lion of the zodiac, so you're no stranger to commanding attention. However, they must not obsess over the idea that they have to be isolated from other, not to mention they need to not grow too attached to luxury. You came to this life with a level of charisma that youve acquired throughout your past lives, making you someone whos learned how to be incredibly persuasive. There was a strong sense of camaraderie and friendship between the people, each of whom had their special role to play in the society . A fallen Saturn indicates that they also performed many sinful deeds because of excessive greed. The North Node represents our life purpose and what we aspire to become. They know how the human race has evolved and can perceive different notions from the past. Their deeds and actions were largely motivated by their selfless goals. In this blog Im going to give you an overview of how you can explore this using your Natal Chart. With your South Node in Cancer, you have always been someone who placed value on your home life; someone who has no problem prioritizing family. Ruler of the South Node another layer or angle to the Karmic story of the past life in question and may sometimes relate to a pivotal event in this past lifetime. My intention is to deliver this knowledge in the most original form possible, i.e free of blasphemy, with elaborated explanations which are supported by actual observations to help Vedic enthusiasts get rid of confusion and introduce the right guidance via The Last Word to get closer to God and attain inner bliss. stories for every girl with a wanderlust spirit. Make sure under Calculation Options that you have clicked "True Node" and "Descending Node" and under aspects make sure you click to show aspects to "lunar nodes and eclipses". Theyre known as good observers of the human nature, so they can make the psychological profiles of many. North Node Leo in the 9th House / South Node Aquarius in the 3rd House. Changing of the Nodes: 6th May 2020. These people need to channel their Leo "roar" to reach a wider audience. There can be transits that awaken their consciousness and have them giving up old behaviors in order to make room for new ones. Take a look what ancient Sages wrote about your chart; Specific periods when the results of planets manifest fully - with personal interpretations; Dignities of planets with five-fold table - see if bad dignity is cancelled; Cancellation of debilitation calculation; Detailed analysis of planetary main and subperiods many years ahead; Solar Return Analysis - Monthly analysis of 2 years ahead; All the Divisional charts - Discover Planetary Effects in Different Life Areas; Mathematical Planetary Strengths - Determine how prominent the mentioned results will be; Many General Detailed Predictions by Classics; And much more in a 177+ page report (from 0.15 usd/page). If needing attention, they can get too much involved into other peoples issues. You loved to be politically correct, and even hate it when you become irrational (aka taken over by feelings). You observed everything and was aware of the workings of society but did not participate. More than this, they want to make new friends with every day that passes. Holy Prophet [PBUH] raised the status of and established legal rights for women which were never present before, and protected them from harrasment, and stressed duty and good treatment to mother. Whether or not you believe in past lives, discovering the sign . With the air sign Aquarius in your south node, you developed a sense of being above the human condition. North Node Aquarius / South Node Leo: Humanitarianism, progress, nonconformism; North . But is that truly what you need? And, if we are basing too many choices on what will bring us comfort without making choices based on growth and expansion, we may find our lives feeling small and pre-planned with no adventures or variety. And through this metamorphosis, youve been able to deepen your connection with spirit. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER. The considered placement of Jupiter is considered unfavorable because of its enmity with Last updated on June 29th, 2020 at 04:41 pm What does North Node in Taurus mean? When taking some risks and being confident, people with South Node in Aquarius can end up again being happy and feeling balanced. To regain a sense of . The God Almighty said: By My might and majesty, I will continue to forgive them, as long as they seek My forgiveness. Seda Unlucay February 6 . 1) Synastry of birth charts. The Astrology of Selena Gomez & Hailey Bieber Explains Because astrology can tell you so much about who you are, it comes as no surprise that it can also tell you who youve been. The North Node is the point in your chart that represents your life's mission. In their subconscious, they know how to influence others and how to have an influence in the society. When someone's planet or point conjuncts your natal South Node, a past life connection is indicated. Yet, anorth node in Geminisignifies the souls need to put down roots in one place for a while, nourish and take an active part in a community, and nurture longer-term friendships and relationships where there is a baseline of mutual respect, understanding, and learning from one another. Your north node challenges you to get out of your comfort zone. Therefore, the results and outcomes of Ketu, the South Node in Aquarius are highly dependent on the dignity of Saturn which is the ruler of Aquarius. We start exploring past lives through our natal chart by looking at our South Node. Without further ado, heres who you were in a past life, according to the zodiac sign of your South Node: iMaxTree;Adobe. Its possible for South Node Aquariuses to be happy because they want to spread their joy all over the place and to let the world function in the best way possible. . You embraced radical ideologies and in turn grew intolerant of opposing opinions or conflicting belief systems. Because you were born with your South Node in Aquarius, youve always been able to work a room and navigate a social environment. It also resulted in blessings, both materialistic and spiritual, in their current lives. However, because your North Node is in Pisces, youre meant to leave behind your need for perfection and your desire to be an expert in everything. Fate is a pretty big buzzword. The Leo/Aquarius axis represents the life purpose of self-expression, living from the heart, and developing self-identity. Often, this placement struggles with the push and pull of wanting to be seen vs. fearing to be truly seen. Ironically, as per the law of attraction, we attract what we detach ourselves from. The Virgonorth nodethat these people are moving toward teaches boundaries, routine, and implementing critical thought when emotions feel overwhelming. Instead, your preference for things that are sustainable and that you can find material value is the point from which you might begin a quest for the spiritual, the things that are not seen but felt and experienced but cannot necessarily be explained. A Virgosouth nodecomes into this life with superb skills of analysis and critical thinking. Therefore, in current lives, the main emphasis is on working alone and isolating from large groups of people and friends in order to concentrate on realizing unique and creative ideas. 3. This path may be smooth because weve already tread it many times in past lives, but now its time to get off the beaten track and on to a new journey. And because Taurus is naturally surrounded by wealth and abundance, you may have dabbled in profitable financial enterprises as well. A spouse or business partner may be significant in this life. Engaging life with warmth and vitality. South Node in Pisces You may be a natural dreamer, which probably helped you out in the past. Not only that, but they also trained their teammates to become very efficient, resistant, and disciplined like these natives were themselves. 2nd house opposes 8th house. Being conscious of themselves and trying to have their mind focused on intellectual subjects, they can no longer feel happy when others are admiring them for being themselves, in a setting in which theyre being successful all the time. That is to say, they were not doing hard labor in their past lives but rather harnessed their imagination and creativity while fulfilling their responsibilities. However, you may be realizing that career success doesnt necessarily bring you the fulfillment you desire. It can be challenging to accept that they are not the experts in every field and for them to receive advice from people who know more than them in other areas of life. AGemini south nodeandSagittarius north nodeperson will need to move from being the eternal student to being the eternal teacher in search of a deeper truth and wisdom to life. Muhammad [PBUH] was most akin to Jesus [PBUH], who is coming back, and the best of people will be under protection of Jesus [PBUH]. Self-knowledge is the first step to approach our destiny and heal from our past karma. The time of being a machine is in the past now with South Node in Capricorn. This is similar to having Saturn in . This person may be the "great love of your life." Their memory is likely to stick with you forever, as your relationship has spanned many lifetimes. However, you may have instead spent your time searching for deeper truths through research and educational pursuits, which means you may have been a professor; someone who acquired many different university degrees. They can work as social assistants because they want to serve and dont mind not having a career thats putting their name in the spotlight. A south node in Pisces has spent many lifetimes being a psychic sponge for other peoples ailments and can fall ill easily if they do not take enough time to recharge alone and out in nature. Now, with a Piscesnorth node, opening up to multiple realities and possibilities brings them the peace they didnt even realize they had been seeking. What natives with this placement arent realizing is that when theyre expressing their confidence, they obtain the freedom they need to be independent and as fascinating as they want to be. Your instinct to comfort and your inherent nurturing abilities indicate that you have been a mother in several lifetimes. Humanitarian ideals will always be at the core of this persons efforts, yet in this life as anorth nodein Leo, it just isnt enough. So used to being the center of attention, you either expect and welcome it in this lifetime, or you expect it and run from it. The 8th/2nd House Axis North Node in 8th House There is a need for the person to accept the unorthodox, to actively seek the unknown and the means to impose your own power on life. There are two lunar nodes in astrology, the north node and the south node. Aquarius governs large networks and groups of people in which South Node Ketu shows that they were mostly active withing communities in past lives. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster, zodiac sign that represents your South Node. Our South Node represents where we're coming from and what we're bringing into this life. North Node in Capricorn. For this reason, the south node can be easily overlooked when astrology students study the north nodetrajectory. They have at least a basic fundamental understanding of various topics without extensive studies. The north node in Aquarius and south node in Leo is often accompanied by a sense of superiority that can block you in this lifetime from achieving your full potential because it isolates you from society. This shows that these individuals harness the experience, talents, and imagination obtained in past to expand their wisdom and intelligence in their current life. 3. Anger also plays a significant role in these peoples lives; because of past lives where their rage could not be healthily recognized and expressed, there may be a lot of latent anger that these individuals are learning to deal with and release in healthy ways. Just like the current life youre living, our past lives are riddled with challenges and lessons. Are you a naturally gifted writer? It also indicates that they had an equally great amount of success and prosperity which is also carried on to current lives. In this lifetime, youre always ready to answer the call to adventure and live life to the fullest. A person with a Pisces south node is here in this incarnation to learn solid boundaries to differentiate where they end and another begins. Aquarius/Uranus/11th house: issues with emotional distance, erratic energy . They're good lovers, but at the same time, they're in love with humanity. As with anynorth nodeplacement, you will find that when you start making choices more in line with your north node, things will line up for you quite quickly, though it may not be in the ways you expect. It means that the shadowy, secretive, cunning, daring, adventurous, reckless, fearless, unusual, dangerous entity Rahu combines with the stable, persistent, down-to-earth, realistic, fixed, reliable, generous, loving earth sign Taurus. This tendency may play out in your intimate relationships or within your friendships. In this current one, you are learning how to translate that knowledge into everyday life and 3-D reality. Your South Node sits exactly 180 degrees opposite of your North Node on your birth chart.It represents where your karmic journey has begun and what gifts you're bringing into your present life from past experience. Leo is the 5th zodiac sign which denotes vitality, courage, adventures, will-power, honor, dignity, fame, nobility, leadership, creativity, etc. You do not show Birthdays for South Node sign 1938-39 . They are able to use this knowledge to prosper in the goals of current life, which are indicated by North Node Rahu in Leo. Classical Sources Used: BPHS, Saravali, Brihat Jataka, Lal Kitab, Yavan Jataka. Oursouth nodemay indicate themes of the history of our current lives and in lives that came before this one and our past life karma. People with asouth nodein Aquarius are used to working towards better humanity for all while downplaying the needs of the self. A Virgo South Node suggests that you may have been too critical of yourself and others in a past life and you need to learn self-soothing. Youre someone whos known for giving back to your community and lending a helping hand when it comes to charity work and humanitarian goals. (Sunan an-Nasa'i 4047)There must be no racism, sects, tribes, or gangs amongst you, and take special care of women, and increased rewards get those who educate women especially who suffer in calamities. In my course, Your Astrological Purpose, I also look at some other aspects of the nodes to provide additional insight. Once they do, they can claim the spotlight and shine, spreading a message of justice. Theres a strong chance youre in charge of something important, as Capricorn South Nodes are always ready to take on a responsibility. North Node Leo 1st House / South Node Aquarius 7th House. However, we cannot discount where we have come from to get where we are going. These people are natural diplomats and may have a difficult time expressing any opinion that has the potential to rock the boat. So this distinction is important, our chart is not describing every past life we have ever had can you imagine trying to interpret that?! . In this life, the challenge is to become selfless. Both tell a story of fate and destiny, in this life (the North Node) and your past lives (the South Node). If you have your South Node in Scorpio, you came to this life bearing a high level of psychic awareness and a deep connection with the spirit world. Saturn is the planet of karma or deeds and when it is dignified it shows that they were extremely responsible and dutiful. Dignified Saturn shows that they worked towards pious goals and invented new strategies or creations which helped and benefited the whole society. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. your Saturn reveals where you've fallen into extremes in past lives: either not stepping up in an area of life. If you were born with your South Node in Libra, then youve spent many lifetimes in love. The south node is the exact opposite zodiac sign of the north node. People with this placement were often adored in the past, and they lived like a royalty. Every year and a half, the lunar nodes change signs. Often these arent the things that come naturally to us. I can't read what mine would say, Please . In Vedic Astrology, Rahu shows where we are weak and Ketu indicates our power developed from multiple past lives. (Sahih al-Bukhari 3446, Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 5, al-Baqarah 2:228, Riyad as-Salihin 278)(Words From The Last Sermon Of The Last Prophet [PBUH])All people are practically beleivers if they believe in one God, The Prophets (some of them: Solomon, Moses, Jesus) and The Seal of Prophets (Muhammad) peace be upon them. The axis of the lunar Nodes in the 5th and 11th houses can make its natives ask themselves questions about friendship and love, meaning these people need to have their priorities established, all the time. Thats because your South Node also describes the innate talents and natural gifts you were blessed with from birth, shining a light on what youve already mastered in your previous incarnations. Youve spent many incarnations studying the fine print, asking the right questions and searching for the truth, as a South Node in Gemini indicates a soul filled with intellectual knowledge. Most North Node in Aquarius/11th house people struggle with connecting with others or feel accepted by society. You could have been someone who works in public speaking or communications. Your natal chart not only acts as a map of the sky at the moment of your birth, but it also holds the key to understanding your karmic path. Well most of my life Ive felt like I didnt really belong whether in my family, in workplaces or within friendship groups. Learning to relinquish just a tad bit of control is a lifelong lesson for these folks, who had previous lifetimes where they had to hold it all together. 4. Therefore, Chiron is rarely acknowledged in past life astrology. Because your North Node is in Capricorn, youre meant to place less priority on your home life and more priority on your career. After all, your past always contains clues about your future. With that being said, a dignified Saturn enhances their likelihood of becoming successful because of endowing them with unshakable persistence and durability. Aquarius North Node Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac, which means your life's mission is to recognize the impact your actions have on the world. 3) Synastry of birth x draconic chart. However, because Aries is also incredibly ambitious, you could also have been a politician, a government official or even a king! Instead of being a domestic caretaker, youre learning how to be a provider; how to be someone who goes out there and makes a name for themselves in order to support your family. First, youll need to calculate your birth chart. Having the tendency to rely on those who can still let them down in life, people with South Node in Aquarius can seem impersonal and cold when interacting with others. Thats because youve been independent for many of your past lives, which is where you get your individualistic flare from. The idea is that the chart illuminates past life issues that remain unresolved AND that we have a soul intention to work on in this lifetime. That is, do not be quick to judge and leave judgment to God except when there is direct threat to righteous beleivers. In fact, you valued logic over your emotions. With your North Node in Taurus, youre trying to learn how to establish stability in the form of financial independence and material comforts. South Node in Sagittarius: Past Lives as a Vagabond, a Gypsy, a Scholar. Throughout your past lives, youve likely gone through life-altering experiences that shifted your reality completely. The House of the South Node - the realm, physical environment, and circumstances of the significant events of this past life. Those with a Pisces south node or a Piscesnorth nodemight naturally draw people to them that feel like or project that they need fixing. So in this lifetime, they must learn financial independence. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Nov 22, 1942 - May 11, 1944; Jun 11, 1961 - Dec 23, 1962; With your South Node in Leo, you have spent many lives as an entertainer (and being loved and adored for it). Unfortunately, the north and south node placement isnt always given when looking up a free birth chart, but some sites -, for instance - provide this information. Because of their highly humanistic nature, they were competent guides and team-leaders who guided their people towards betterment. We can be too quick to immediately reject the qualities of thesouth nodebecause the comfort zone is looked down upon as something to avoid. So, how do you take what you have learned and conquered from previous lifetimes and apply it to this life? The North Node and South Node of the moon encode your soul purpose and past life karma into your astrological birth chart. You could have been a match-maker and a party-planner; someone who brings people together. However, your desire to be an influential member of your community has often come at the expense of your own goals. More on Jupiter More on the 2nd house It is important to note that the positive placement of the 2nd house lord (in addition to Jupiter, the significator of 2nd Last updated on August 26th, 2021 at 11:05 pm What does Jupiter in Taurus mean? Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. This placement can also indicate a sudden change in condition or circumstance so look to the house for clues on this. The House of the South Node the realm, physical environment, and circumstances of the significant events of this past life.