The Tilly we saw as Earth, check that United (eyeroll) Earth was being evacuated is NOT the same Tilly we saw for the previous 40+ episodes. Its been a continuing book series since 2009 and still going. And if youre able to use that against someone, that could be very, very dangerous. Have to disagree. But respect is always earned and never enforceable. That is why you never saw councelors on any other class ship. I agree, the writing, character development, and story telling needs to improve. Shes loved. In fact, at least on this website, I often see the contrary. Everyone has their gifts. I keep reading she shouldnt be in Starfleet because she is socially and emotionally immature. A statistical average does not justify shaming or ridiculing anyone. Having a discussion about healthy weights, healthy eating and physical activity and how thats important is a good Star Trek message. I am a therapist in real life, and even *I* think it was crazy that they had a therapist on the bridge. No, from Starfleets POV its 3 years. Good points. It doesnt look like unhealthy curvy but just different type of genes. I think theres room for it. (Hey, Im likely one of the oldest people here, and its too easy/lazy to remain stuck in the 1960s and 70s! Watch as SFX makeup transforms Doug Jones into Saru for Star Trek: Discovery. Weve seen a lot of big men in Star Trek but no big girls. I hate the body shaming of actresses Theres recently was yet another fanboy arse-hat bloger who on their twitter account made an unkind comment about Mary/Tilly regarding her weight. The accent is too colloquial. I love Tilly. Diplomacy? Smart doesnt mean competent. David Ajala: I think its made Cleveland Booker even more attracted to Michael Burnham because I think he looks and goes Oh, scrumptious. The fourth episode of the new season of Star Trek: Discovery ("All is Possible") arrived this morning and it has fans buzzing about Lt. Sylvia Tilly. Han Van Sciver and Mary Wiseman in At the Wedding (Photo: Marc J. Franklin), Watch Wiseman and cast and crew talk about the season four finale. Regarding fans, tons of them love Tilly. Thats kind of what I was playing with. Oh, I think its fine they had a counselor on the SHIP; I just think its weird they had her on the BRIDGE. Its odd that the bridge crew still feels in the background although they are being used more. The Enterprise D was the only place we saw a councelor. There is a wealth of other outlets for health and fitness information, that frankly are more dispassionate and factual than getting health and fitness info from celebrities. I let go of my preconceptions about what star trek is. Hopefully its . However, Tilly's rise to Lieutenant in Thursday's episode of Star Trek: Discovery did not invoke feelings of joy. And tons dont. I for one have always had to watch my weight and I still wage the battle to this day. Shes beyond perfect with her line delivery. A rare, successful example of this is James Gunns Guardians otG and Suicide Squad, in which a similar premise is treated comedically yet with a touch of sincerity, so as not to devolve into outright farce. Mary Wiseman Net Worth The net worth of Mary Wiseman has been estimated at $1 million. It makes it quite American centric. Tons do, yes. Also, quite likely theyre pointing her towards a bigger role in their upcoming Academy show, when she does want the work of tv again. Shes fantastic and looks fantastic doing it! By being visible on your TV screen? I have considered it and rejected it. Heaven forefend women feel good about themselves! I actually had an entire epic story mapped out that I was seriously considering turning into a series of novels. The other big issue Ive always had is the graphic nature of violence, this We are TV-MA streaming, so we can do anything attitude I simply hate that. You know what, fvck you, Vulcan Soul. As for the debate about sending the message being overweight is good: the heart of the issue is that everybodys body is their own, not health and physical fitness. Mary Wiseman told Forbes, It was tricky, but it was a really, really fun and satisfying challenge.. As long as the stories remain laser-focused on the *people* their *relationships* and the *emotions* generated therein, instead of ships, gadgets, and effects, well be fine. Development for the fifth season of Discovery is well underway, with production expected to begin in June. I see other people mentioning the books on Reddit and Youtube because of the new show obviously. They should all try for the standards of randos on the internet like you My condolences to you, for your mum. American actress Mary Wiseman payed several smaller roles in the past but recently gained a big recognition as Cadet Sylvia Tilly in new iteration of Star Trek franchise called Star trek: Discovery., Kate Mulgrew (@TheKateMulgrew) December 18, 2020. And it all happened OFF SCREEN! Because Book is someone who doesnt just have cerebral, intellectual intelligence. Btw have you come across any good DS9 books about what happened to Sisko or the rest of the crew after the finale? For your own good, please seek help. We have both Mary Wiseman and Sonequa Martin-Green talking about body issues, Kate Mulgrew jumping in too, and some more behind-the-scenes photos. My lady, you are so fine that I want to have your baby. Im a human being, you know? Although there are speculations of Mary Wiseman's pregnancy, she is not. The writers may love the character, but they also appreciate that the actor is a real person who might want variety in their career. Sincerely, obesity is defined in terms of the proportion of body fat associated higher risk of illness. This is a part of the reason people cant take to them, alongside their poorly written characters. I guess making Tilly first officer isnt anywhere close to ridiculous as making KT Kirk a Captain who was still a cadet and had probably spent 2 weeks in space before he got the jobbut its pretty damn close. Just like every other character in a show that generally is badly written. Shes a geeky, nerdy character, so wonderfully over the top, like so many of us in the fandom. Whereas Tilly is an oh shes just like me and validates all my insecurities so its ok to be as I am. I personally have battled weight issues all my life since high school and when I am eating healthy and trainng hard, I feel great and can do almost anything (power skating, fast hockey, tons of physical activity) meanwhile the opposite is true when I let myself go (and that does happen). It would definitely be great if Rhys was promoted to first officer. To me, at least. I can see myself having a few bottles of synthehol with him. So. STAR TREK and its various marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. 2023 CBS Studios Inc./Paramount Pictures Corp. 2006-2023 SciFanatic Network | Legal/Privacy Info, Copyright 2023 | MH Newsdesk by MH Themes, Podcast: All Access Dives Into The Latest Episode Of Picard And Probes Star Treks TV (And Movie) Future, BREAKING: Star Trek: Discovery To Conclude With Season 5, Review: Star Trek: Picard Runs Deep In Seventeen Seconds, Watch Picard And Riker Reverse Their Classic Roles In Star Trek: Picard Episode 303 Clip, J.J. Abrams Talks Compelling Story For Star Trek 4; Chris Pine Expresses Frustration Over Wait, Just when it looks like the character has finally grown as a person and doing her own thing, comes right back., I love how Disco has put the human back into the human experience. And I agree wholeheartedly. I would expect more from the Star Trek crowd, which is usually quite enlightened. When I was around 12 I used to eat peanut butter and drink Ensure, a meal replacement drink, before I went to sleep. Thanks for the heads up about Beyer and the Voyager books. From the next episode on season 3 which was at least okay up to that point started to completely fall apart. Saying that its the job of actors to tell people whats healthy and whats not is the problem, not a solution. Bad writing, illogical story arcs, unbalanced tempo, underdeveloped characters or sudden jumps in character development. Why does the therapist appear to outrank the CMO? Im sorry but what youve described about Tilly is like something out of a Nickelodeon teen high school drama. This sounds kind of racist. In large part that is down to getting set in my ways with this franchise, so I have to temper my critiques with that knowledge. I always have to correct it, so its not terribly efficient. Picard is the third Kurtzman Production. So many jerks in this world, its good to see decent people. Perhaps they had a second or third language that they use regularly. She is one of the best things about Discovery. Anyway, another Discovery-ism, amongst the many other weird decisions on this show. It is also available on Netflix in 190 countries around the world. I would encourage her to do the same. The mirror Tilly and the ISS Discovery appear in the "Mirror of Discovery" storyline in Star Trek Online, as part of the game's 9th anniversary in January 2019; she is voiced by Mary Wiseman, who also . Star Trek: Discovery currently streams exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S. Its very possible Mary Wiseman wanted off the show, or needed a bit of a break. You two are Michaels boyfriend and best friend, so does Michael becoming captain create any new tension in season four? Mary Wiseman: That was a really good teaser. I agree 100%. Even though he is one of the worst characters in Trek, he was the main focus in arguably the best episode of Voyager: Timeless. Wiseman was appreciative of fans who had her back online: I just want to say that all the people who step in, to back me up like that, your presence is like little angels, like blocking out these little trolls. Would a woman watching this aspire to be a Tilly or aspire to be a Dax, Kira or Janeway? Unity? Ive learned a lot of bad spelling comes from dictating into your smartphone. I see them as similar. KevinB: Oh, I agree with you, in the sense that nothing is perfect and there are flaws and issues here and there. but it looks like she did simply did it because she was her friend and room mate. Shes a little overweighed, so what? If I was a public figure I would do zero social media, ignore the internet, cash my massive paychecks, sign autographs for real in-person fans I meet, and be so thankful Im not working in a grunt job making minimum wage. Patrick Kwok-Choon is the only one of the bridge officers that doesnt have another regular acting or producer/director role. To be clear, my opinion on a show has no bearing on how it helped you at a terrible time in your life. And I belong., After reading the Forbes article, Wiseman got some backup from someone who knows what its like to be a woman in the captains chair: Kate Mulgrew, who thinks Mary is killing it on Discovery and should pay the haters no mind., I saw the @Forbes article on Mary Wiseman @may_wise clearly killing it onscreen & off in #StarTrekDiscovery. Mary Wiseman: Right, when you use empathy for evil, its manipulation. Please back up your statement. Yeah, self absorbed is an excellent way to describe her character, Id never thought of it that way. She wears 36D bra size and weighs 147 pounds. Conversational, easy to listen to and understand every point. All are different. But one could argue a ship full of Barclays is not the most convincing portrait of humanity. And now, with only three years under her belt in the field, only two of which were as a ranked officer, they think shes somehow ready to train the next generation of recruits?! Star Trek: Discovery's Mary Wiseman and Blu del Barrio reflect on their character's journeys and the possibilities ahead. No one of my Trekkie friends, growing up with TNG watch this anymore. Her character, Sylvia Tilly, has had plenty of opportunities to shine without giving anything away, and Wiseman has risen to the occasion. Seasons one through three are available to stream now on CBS All Access. So, hes likely a good fit for the Hageman brothers who say that they want to bring the Wrath of Khan feeling to the Prodigy audience. This is why Discovery is polarising and this is why people four seasons in still dislike Burnham and Tilly as characters. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. However, if we got to see Tilly gradually improve herself. I cant spoil anything into season five, except to say that we love Tilly. I dont think youre ready for that kind of interaction, online, or anywhere else. David Ajala: I would be very dangerous. I dont read the same type of criticism for their male actors. Jerks. How is she supposed to sound considering nobody knows what people in the 23rd century will talk like? The rumors started and spread like wildfire when some fanatics of Star Trek Discovery found out that Mary gained a few pounds between the seasons. CBS/Paramount+ For Wiseman's Tilly, the danger and near-loss of all the cadets, including Adira (Blu del Barrio) forces her. In fact, thats all the Discovery crew is qualified as in the 32nd century. My only issue with Captain Killy is that she died that wonderful red hair blonde. She is relatable and human and wonderful. I do find their quirks annoying at times, but the most important reason I like them is because theyre honest, kind people with a good heart. | November 13, 2021 | No character like her would ever have graduated Starfleet. I just dont remember if it was something I read years ago or if it was in an interview with Gene. Then that very well could be something for not just women but everyone to aspire towards. The actress also discussed how Killy inspires some fans: Killy is somebody whos very important to a lot of fans, especially my curvy women out there who like to see another full-figured, fat, curvy, chunky woman get to feel powerful and use that size to command authority, said Wiseman. Is her awkwardness all that different from Ezri on DS9? Rumors started when some problematic fans of Star Trek Discovery found out that she gained a few pounds between the seasons. Tillys character arc was mishandled once they realized Mary Wiseman was cast (Marys a decade or more older than Tilly). So it has been hard, and its really hard to avoid, because it pops up on all the [social media] accounts, or people comment on my posts with cruel, unscientific comments. I think the ship can handle a little chonk. :). They seemed to only be limited by what that particular script called for that week. The problem is, very deep into his 80s, and theres still chatter about him playing the action hero. The only writers they need are people who can polish it up enough so that you cant tell its machine-written. Mack is one of the core group of Trek authors going back to shortly before Nemesis. And Id add she has a hero complex too always wants to save the day/galaxy/whathaveyou. "Hope springs eternal" was the central thesis for Star Trek: Discovery's Season 4 finale . Well, Renos really more engineering. Any accent would be acceptable for a time that hasnt happened yet. Im sure nearly everyone of the crew of TNG had issues and problems. You can start with those or the later books in the Time to sequence without significant confusion. Learning? Its been sooo inconsistent from day one. Me thinks that your issue is not that fans of nu trek are pandered to to feel better about themselves. My point was Why does the ships therapist have a bridge station? So I was also just very excited for the fans. The burden is now on SNWThat show can either make or break it with regards to these issues. Whether you choose to believe it or not, youre actually part of the problem. Sick and tired of T and A being the main focus. All Access Star Trek Podcast, Discovery, DS9, Lower Decks, Section 31, Star Trek 4, Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Prodigy, Strange New Worlds. DS9 Avatar books 1 and 2 were quite good and helpfully kicked off the DS9 Relaunch sequence. Speaking to Glamour UK, Sonequa Martin-Green revealed that she has dealt with body image issues too: Back in the mid-to-late eighties, early nineties, everything I saw, with hip hop, was all curvy, curvy, big butt, she recalls. By: Laurie Ulster Its all relative, but I dont see a lot of actors being body-shamed. It just came to me and wanted your opinion. Actress Mary Wiseman did a series of media . Mary shouldnt listen to the haters and Sonequa, I never noticed she looked any different than she did before, body wise. | December 23, 2020 | )Granted, I think the special effects, space battles, bizarre technology and explosions are the proverbial tail wagging the dog, but thats always been the case, and is increasingly expected in these post-Star Wars, high tech decades. After Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Tilly (Mary Wiseman) journey to a planet alongside Burnham's mother Gabrielle (Sonja Sohn), things get a little hairy when the Qowat Milat nun they're . Barclay was funny and silly but relatable due to his social anxiety. Everybody loves Tilly. Except the writers of course. The Delta Quadrant is a dangerous place, and the remnants of species and societies that survived around the edges of the Borg network and incursions were harsh and justifiably skeptical of the Federations. I believe we can thank Mack for helping the Showrunners and writers identify species that would work in Prodigy and for some deep cuts. Yet, she is. There is a great scene back in S1 when Tilly and Burnham are doing cardio training and post workout are eating their protien, carbs and fat nutrition, something that the body requires after a hard cardio workout. And another way to look at it: at least its not another hour of tv taken by a reality show, right? Definitely not a dig at the actress, she is only delivering what the directors and producers have asked her to deliver. I assume my feelings towards them are what Wesley-haters endure. . Well, its certainly a good thing that Tilly is a fictional character, and neither she nor the woman who plays her (Wiseman) is in todays real-world Navy.. Jury still out on Books character.definitely ahead of the 2 dimensional bridge crew though. No probably not. Heck I think it was more unrealistic when some chick was upset he wasn't ready for sex. The reed-thin part sometimes involves unhealthy behaviors. Please dont ban me!). But my initial annoyed response to DISCO in particular, well, Ive let go of that in the past two years, as life is too short to get all worked-up angry over personal quibbles with a tv show. Star Trek: Discoverystreams exclusively onParamount+in the U.S. I want to really like Discovery, I do. I think the CW has been using something like this for years. Come on she looks great. But the show almost seems to go out of its way every season for some of the dumbest story points you can think of. In the latest Star Trek: Discovery episode, Sylvia Tilly ( Mary Wiseman) was tasked with . Sad but true, yet we always opt to genuflect in the direction of the elephant. Between 2011 through 2015, she attended Juilliard School's Drama Division, where one of her students was future Star Trek: Discovery actress Mary Chieffo. Only showing up for briefings when that specialty was needed for that particular situation. Her character Tilly is not my favorite on the show but body shaming is a shameful act by itself.
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