uss stump commanding officers

We keep making under armed ships that will get folks on our side killed, and loose the battle. Pingback: A Closer Look at the FFG-62 Class | laststandonzombieisland, Pingback: The Rat Attack! (TWS) contains comprehensive military records . OS2 DEL. All of you will always stay with me. Amazing experience!! but the Spruances were in such bad shape that they ended up replacing them instead and the OHPs stuck around as glorified gun boats a lot longer than desired. Where to start? Whenever I play the song: Jazzman by Carol KingI think of the Spruance Class destroyers. During the deployment, Stump showed the flag in port visits to eight South American nations and six West African nations. Retired ENC(SW) 1975-1995, USS JOHN YOUNG REUNION JUNE 2018 EMAIL REUNION@DD973.ORG FOR DETAILS. Jenkins will be temporarily reassigned to the staff of Commander, Naval Surface Squadron 14, the Navy said in a statement Thursday. San Diego, California, United States Executive Officer USS Coronado (LCS 4) . He was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for "exceptionally meritorious serviceas Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet; United States Military Advisor to the Southeast Treaty Organizations." The crux of the argument in the post is that the Spruances were put to pasture too early when they clearly had another decade or more of life in them. What's up Dookie! Exercises at Fort Story, Virginia, in June 1994, Ocean Park Volunteer Fire and Rescue, Virginia Beach VA. 001128-N-6097C-502 Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia November 28 2000, the destroyer USS Stump (DD 978) departs from the piers at Naval Station Norfolk in Norfolk, VA. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Leland Comer. to For this action he was awarded a second Navy Cross. The U.S. Army Distinguished Service Medal, received for exceptionally meritorious services as commander of a combined operations center during the early part of the war, is represented by the colors scarlet, white and blue, the colors of the suspension ribbon of the medal. Both were fine ships. hb```f``b`a`cb@ !F sK,":l$6iu R|@aEcHuf&H I was on Board the Fletcher 1993-1996 when I got out from active duty. Also, the irony is that the first four Ticos themselves were originally drawn up as DDGs! We were down there in 80 doing radar picket with new Outboard listening system. | Went from Talos, Long Range Fist of he Fleet to pop gun, NATO Sea Sparrow. I never said the DDG-51s are not capable, or that a Spruance class was comparable, the 51s were laid down in 1989 and are a generation evolved. Hull Number, to sign in on the Moreover, the class had an enormous RF reflectivity, making them huge targets. First, STUMP was chosen to become the test platform for the Navy's newest Hull Mounted Sonar, the AN/SQS-53C. Mathias Vorachek as commanding officer of Albany. I am so disheartened and can only shake my head. Plankowner on USS HAYLER DD997. It was a great ship. DN-ST-88-03644. In 1988, Stump deployed to the Mediterranean as part of the USSDwight D. Eisenhower carrier battle group (MED 388). I too thought that they were decommed WAY too early. However, the Ticonderoga-class cruisers are roughly the same age. From top to bottom: USS Peterson (DD-969), USS Arthur W. Radford (DD-968), USS Elliot (DD-967), USS Hewitt (DD-966), Kinkaid (DD-965), USS Caron (DD-970) PCUs are visible, At least five Spruance-class destroyers being built by the Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton Industries at Pascagoula, Mississippi, with the two closest being USS Conolly (DD-979) and USS Moosbrugger (DD-980), 25 May 1977. Josh Echt, on the elliot DD967 forward engineroom. First paragraph.Five inch/thirty eight caliber gun.there is no such critter as a five inch/fifty eightthat would wind up with a barrel three hundred inches long or so. The ship suffered a fire last month while pierside, causing six sailors to seek treatment at an area hospital for smoke inhalation. We had some good times Sullivan. These were small, 3500-4000 ton ships that carried an 8-cell ASROC launcher, 4 5-inch/58 guns in twin mounts, and two triple Mk32 ASW torpedo launchers. 1940s complement for the Sumners as designed was 336 Officers and Enlisted while some wartime designs (such as DMs) were 363 . The 15KV power supplies were made by Espey Manufacturing in Saratoga Springs, NY. In some warped wayI miss those daze. I laugh when I see that the Navy saved 28 million a year on operations! BZ!!! A fine ship gone far too soon. Im as sentimental as the next sailor about the passing of the Spruance class having been a plankowner in Nicholson DD-982 from 78-80, but the fiscal and technological realities/limitations of the Spruance class fast became apparent. Lots of blurry nights I don't remember. Sketch in the 1973-4 Janes Fighting Ships on the planned Spruance class, Artists conception of the Navys DD-963-class destroyer. The ship went through a ten-month major overhaul at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Leadership. A-gang. Catalog #: USN 1144349 Copyright Owner: National Archives. and a missile launcher on the fantail. They have actually served as long in the RCN as they did in the USN. Great ships!! Email for details, or visit website at In 93 we launched 14 Tomahawks on Baghdad and on two deployments with the Ike we were rarely with the carrier group. Didnt see your name listed there. Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories. Served aboard the OLY 1990-1995. What state was he from? While in the Caribbean, Stump again shot naval gunfire support qualifications and scored 495 out of 500, winning the Atlantic Fleet "Top Gun" award for an unprecedented second year in a row. They whipped up a bogus hostile and even sounded some alarms for my benefit. to NAVSOURCE.ORG a Sumner rated a crew of 336, still a tight squeeze. Decom set for 10/19/04. After returning from the Gulf Stump was dispatched to meet and escort the Mighty Savant II carrying the damaged Samuel B. Roberts from the Suez canal to Rota Spain during part of its return journey to the US for repairs. Just one of their number, the former USS Paul Foster, remains. Instead of being refurbed to serve another decade or two, they were stricken from the Navy List. I was Pre-com Connolly DD-979 and then regular ships company, 78-81. He was Chief of Naval Air Technical Training Command from May 1945 to December 1948, after which he served successively as Commander in Chief, Pacific and U.S. Pacific Fleet, with headquarters at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on July 10, 1953. I went from BM3 to BM2 on her. Personally I think to many people are in a hurry to use these fine ladies for target practice. I think they were sunk so that the Navy wouldnt have to slow down Burke production or Zumwalt development. Best years of my life were on a Sprucan. | Cmdr. Also, they had a twin helicopter hangar that could support a pair of sub-busting choppers, a battle implement WWII destroyers never dreamed of. Whenever we got underway, we would announce, The Moose is Loose! he had a set of moose antlers on the fwd superstructure, on the mess decks, the ward room and the chiefs mess. I was on the USS John Rodgers DD983 and she died a death no ship should go through, she was scrapped at Brownsville TX shipyard. I had the privilege of being part of something special and have some truly amazing memories. Repairs and upkeep were very expensive. and is slated to go to Jacksonville in the coming months. I was on the John Rodgers. Two homeports two northpacs two westpacs two yard periods and 3 captains. Hey shipmate I also broke my cherry on the jolly Rodgers from 1985-1989 as an HT than a D.C. left there as a DC2. The DDG-51 Class was originally supposed to replace the OHP FFG-7 Class, How come it shows the Orleck with white railings? The Hill was a good ship with a fantastic commissioning Captain. I was on Her from 91 until 93 as a CTM1 up in outboard on 03 level you never made it that high I am sure nose bleeds and all. He stopped, thought for a moment, and then told me Never mind, Ill handle this. On Friday, July 8, the Navy announced that it had removed Cmdr. They installed the CIWS, the helo recovery tracking system, ungraded the radars and expanded the helo hangar for extra sonar buoy storage. Bauernschmidt, who previously served as the carrier's executive officer from 2016-2019, relieved Capt. No less than 16 Spruance class destroyers are on the way. We have rooms blocked for this event beginning 03/25 thru 03/29. Served in this Destroyer? The ship was specifically designed to accommodate air cushion . Most of the battles in which he engaged ended in defeats. He then had two tours of duty in the Bureau of Aeronautics; and was Commanding Officer of the SARATOGA's Scout-Bombing Squadron 2, and Navigator and Executive Officer, respectively, of the carriers LEXINGTON and ENTERPRISE. Gone were the days of boilers and steam plants. Like Megatron and Osama Bin Laden, most of the Spruances were sunk in deep water. My first thought about the justification was of the lack of stealth. Diffenately my favorite cmd. does not share your information. I bet that today, in 2018, there are a lot of Admirals walking around wishing they had some of those still above water. Our mission is to embark, deploy, land and support a Marine landing force. 345644 entries available online. Although I wasnt in the Navy I was very Proud to do my part. GOING BACK TO A CARRIER, IT'S NOT WHERE IT'S AT!I DON'T MISS THAT MANY PEOPLE BECAUSE MOST OF THEM CAME TO THE ENTERPRISE, BUT THOSE WHO DID NOT. STUMP returned to Norfolk in August. Were all Navy ships of the 70s and 80s like that? Only once in three years did we ever experience water hours when our evaporators failed. Shame that they sunk the Spruance class of ships, Way to soon. Complement: 19 Officers and 315 Enlisted. Bring on the Red Banner Fleet! DD-974 Plankowner. Control 360.315.2388 NAVAL STATION NORFOLK, Va. -- The Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Albany (SSN 753) conducted a change of command at Naval Station Norfolk, Oct. 30. She was the Rodney Dangerfield of ships then; fantastic job in Gulf of Fonseca but got no recognition because we werent officially there. A hundred surface ships cant be everywhere at once. 9th Spruance, 7th Fleet, 1 speaks for itself (971). Available for both RF and RM licensing. While in the Persian Gulf, Stump completed over 40 boardings in support of maritime interdiction operations and participated in 11 Persian Gulf Tomahawk exercises, including one as launch area coordinator. Commissioned Thorn DD 988 in 2/80. He was my cousin and I was an ENC M-Division on the USS David R. Ray DD-971, Plankowner. She was my last ship in a 20 year Naval career. Commanding Officer, USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) Captain Cassidy "Dudley" Norman, a native of Austin, Texas, graduated from the University of Texas with a B.S. Donald D. Engen July 1966 - July 1967. The Spruance with Class She served us well and glad to see our old girl still afloat. Ralston, a native of Rota, Spain, has been in command of Porter since Aug. 12, 2020, leading Porter and her crew on two multi-mission forward-deployed naval forces patrols throughout U.S. Sixth. Named for: Felix Budwell Stump. them go. Over the 1980s and 90s, they were increasingly armed with other weapons systems. Funny thing were all correct, and all saddened at the premature end of every damn one of them,regardless of the reason for it. SHAREM is an established in 1969 to continuously improve the quality of undersea warfare. The deployment included extensive operations in the Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean and primarily the Persian Gulf. Requests should go out at Cost plus 7-10% and due on specific dates 100% certified and complete with a Bonus paid upon completion of contract when completed early and 100% . Served aboard Elliot 77 81. In 1942 he served as Air Officer for Commander Western Sea Frontier, was promoted to Captain, and took command of the new carrier USS LEXINGTON (CV-16) in late 1942.

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uss stump commanding officers