We typically remove the aft two seats (very easy to do), leaving a cavernous baggage area along with the two wing lockers. Experienced owners report that its easily damped with proper technique, however. Many callers are desperate for 310 information, with questions about the exhaust, landing gear, engine models and fuel system. Distinguishing marks of these early models are multiple rear windows, a straight tail, and tuna tanks, so-called for their shape. The general Cessna group of choice is the Cessna Pilots Association (www.cessna.org, (805) 922-2580). Occasionally I consider trading up to a 414 or a 421, but the marginal benefits of the air-stair door and pressurization compared with the tremendous cost differential dont make them worth it. Before choosing the option to send out for repair or install new, the leaking bladder must be inspected to determine the best course of action. Unlike many airplanes with long production runs, the 310 went through steady refinement over the years, with a slew of designation letters following the model number. Your airplane parts headquarters for everymulti-engine Cessna Aircraft built since 1955! I fly the aircraft about 100 hours per year and total hourly expenses have been $178. Fortunately, aside from the gear troubles noted earlier, there doesn't seem to be any one recurring trouble spot with the 310s. The debate has gone on for many years. Jamie comes from a long line of military and civilian pilots! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Goodyear Aerospace Corp Cessna 310 RH Fuel Cell Bladder PN 0823343-6 0823343-4 at the best online prices at eBay! Basic empty weight started at 2840 pounds for the original. Newer model 310s benefited from a one-year warranty on the airframe, the avionics, and the engine. Engine-out performance is better than average, with normally aspirated single-engine rate of climb pegged at anywhere from 330 to 380 FPM, depending on model. Condition. A T310R, for example, has a zero fuel weight of 5015 pounds. Cessna introduced their canted Stabila-Tip tanks, said to be more aerodynamically efficient than the old tanks. The proboscis grew 32 inches, and housed a sizable baggage compartment. Cessna Models - 210 Models - Fuel Cell/ Bladder - Knots 2U, Ltd. Home Cessna Models 210 Models Fuel Cell/ Bladder Fuel Cell/ Bladder Sort By: sku: EA-1200065-2E Fuel Cell, RH Main Tank. The biggest gap is between the 310Q and 310R-the 1974 310Q averages $117000, while the 1975 310Q averages $139000. I think FFC in Memphis makes their's out of the same material and maybe some others. Send questions and comments to . They use a cartridge design and can be easily serviced, unlike factory ports that must be completely removed. Most of these problems can be traced to a lack of proper maintenance and/or hard usage. An AOPA analysis of 225 service difficulty reports (SDRs) from a sample of 150 units from different Model 310 families showed that 40 of these were related to the landing gear. All parts are stored in modern warehousing, to preserve their quality. While these prices are only listed ones and can be negotiated down, there are also aircraft that exceed the bracket considerably, but not without good reason. Then the rubber of each nipple can be softened by wrapping it in a towel or rag thats been dipped in hot water. Then I renewed the bay tape where necessary. We used a Hartwick bladder, but the customer service was somewhat lacking. Center frequently leaves me high and then assumes that I can make a turbo-prop/jet type descent. Aircraft: Cessna 182B. I find that burning about 20 gal. Costs have been going up, but that speaks more of trends in general aviation economics. We stock parts for all Cessna Multi-engine airplanes: Copyright 2023 Preferred Airparts. Theres no separate gauge for each tank, though the gauge does switch automatically to read the tank being used (but not the wing locker tanks, which have no fuel level senders). Annuals have averaged $1500-2000, which may seem low-but not unrealistic if you look for an airplane that has been flown and maintained in a consistent manner. Still, for a twin-engine aircraft, the Cessna 310 performs reasonably with only one running. The cockpit features an elevator trim indication with a mark noting the take-off setting, and for a good reason. Marine Boat Fuel Bladders; Flexible Water Diesel Holding Yacht Tanks; . The were some fiberglass tanks made to replace bladders in some Cessnas, but the wing has to come off and the root rib removed to get it into the wing. horsepower increased and so did demands for fuel. One of the earmarks of the line's changes concerns horsepower. Cessna 310 pilots have instruments displaying fuel flow, quantity, and low-level light. This should be a mandatory investment for all R owners. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. The avionics suite fitted on most Cessna 310s has been found to be on the lacking side by modern standards. Early models can go four hours. Int. The flap and engine exhaust configuration makes corrosion a problem which must be monitored continuously and treated when necessary. Cells are evaluated, repaired, and returned to service in accordance with US AIRFORCE TO-1-1-3 or NAVAIR 01-1A-35. The fact that theres a lot of fuel hanging out on the wingtips tends to exacerbate the side loads on the gear, as well. Free shipping for many products! (Before my time at the club) Aircraft has been hangered the entire time. Cessna entered the light-twin market a clear overdog in late 1954. The fuel vent valve must be reinstalled with the hinge line up. In line with many 1950s Cessna products, the cockpits were not originally arranged in the now-classic basic-T configuration, which can be ergonomically challenging for pilots used to it. Money talks, though, and the true cost of a twin is doubled engine maintenance and fuel bills. Naturally, the turbocharged 310s are the quickest, showing 198 knots at 10,000 feet (on 74 percent and 31 gph) and 220 knots at 20,000 feet with the same settings. When we're not in the air, we're here helping others how to join us here at Aviator Insider. Cessna 310 Series; Cessna 320; Cessna 335; Cessna 340; Cessna 401/402 Series; Cessna 402; Cessna 411; Cessna 414 Series; Cessna 421; Looking for an aircraft fuel tank repair, a helicopter fuel cell to buy, or have a rotorcraft fuel cell that needs repairing, or maybe you need to purchase a Cessna, Beech or Piper fuel bladder? Also, consider it a bonus if the airplane is fitted with retrofit Cleveland brakes; the original Goodyears are known to be somewhat troublesome and expensive to maintain. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. During repair new nipples are installed and repaired tanks are guaranteed for two years. The tanks are generally filled after each flight. Many operators have reported the problems to be gone after overhauls while keeping the chrome cylinders, while others found solutions by installing steel cylinders during teardown work. Please select all the ways you would like to hear from AVIATION GROUP LTD: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. In an interview with Cessna Flyer, pilot Gale Cawley of USAF, Indiana ANG, and American Airlines experience described his scheduled annual maintenance costs at around $3600 during his 15-year ownership period. Cessna part 1200065-5 Fuel Cell. Payload with full fuel varies depending upon the model, equipment and fuel tank arrangement. The locker tanks are placed in the wing baggage area at a capacity penalty. (The tuna tanks also had a fuel-pickup problem and an AD mandated a hefty increase in unusable fuel.) This has caused accidents. A 1981 Piper Aztec (250 HP engines) about $157,000. Thanks to the long life of the airplane and the many changes made to it, an almost bewildering array of choices exist for the 310 buyer. The spoilers can be deployed at any speed, and the POH permits using 15 degrees of flaps below 160 knots. Combined with the relative fragility of the gear, these can be a real problem. All overhauled or repaired aircraft fuel cells are returned to service with a current 8130 and carry a one year warranty. Cessna's landmark twin also begat a larger turbocharged model, the 320, in 1963, and provided the basis for the pressurized 340. A leaking fuel bladder. The T-310P had 285 HP Continental TSIO-520-B engines, standard three-bladed props and a 5400-pound gross weight, compared to the 310Ps 260-HP IO-470V Continentals, optional three-bladed props and 5200-pound gross. First and foremost is the gear, which is relatively delicate and sensitive to proper rigging and maintenance. During its early years, the Model 310 was sold for $59400. If you are already a member, please log in. Drop the wheels and 15 degrees of flap, and the pitch changes will cancel each other out. Cushioning the edges of the access hole with tape lessens the chances of damaging the bladder during removal (and installation) and reduces the amount of skin rubbed raw while working through the hole. The 310 was Cessnas first modern business twin, reflecting the companys strong growth in the 1950s. Lower power settings (60 to 65 percent) result in 170 to 180 KTAS in the normally aspirated models. The competition for the Cessna 310 has changed from its introduction. They are truly dedicated to spreading information vital to the preservation of the fleet. All Filters; 1974 Cessna 310Q Twin Engine Aircraft 5970TT Fresh Annual With Sale. Another aspect of the gear that deserves mention is the brakes. This coupled with the natural rolling tendencies caused by the tip-mounted fuel tanks, can make for a busy few moments immediately following engine failure. The shortcomings of the Apache were partially addressed with the Aztec series, but in 1963 it passed the torch onto the more powerful and maneuverable Twin Comanche. Hence the following fascinating tidbit: a 1981 Beech A36 Bonanza, average price new $160,000, now goes for about $200,000. Radio navigation initially included LORAN gear, but the networks demise with the emergence of satellite navigation systems has made it little more than ballast for most pilots. When it happens, this is a relatively simple fix but requires some attention during pre-flight inspections. The tip tanks are made from aluminum and contain two pumps, auxiliary and transfer. The chart on the right contains construction specific details exhibited from past and present manufacturers. (We do not part out singles.). System Emergency Procedures. Used parts- We've parted out over 350 Cessna twins, from 303 thru 441. (Such nicknames come from the tank's fish-like profile.) The wing area is of 175 sq ft. According to owners and 310 support groups, parts are readily available for the airplane, although, as is true with any model these days, the costs can be dear. Search more Cessna airplanes on Hangar67. Local Pickup. Tanks collapse because the air vent valve tubes and vents get plugged by insects or dirt and dust. An optional large baggage door was introduced on the 310P. The pilot then takes off without checking, and with the fuel selectors on the main (tip) tanks as required in the POH. I have been taught by 310 drivers with much more experience to set the nose down lightly and avoid high-speed turns that induce side loads on the gear components. Depending on the option fitted, this could expand the aircrafts capacity from 102 gallons up to 207 in total. Copyright 2023 Aviator Insider | A Topsail Media Company | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Instead, locker fuel must be pumped to the corresponding main tank. The idea is to get as much of the fuel as far from the cabin as possible. About every six hours I am on my back under the airplane cleaning the areas in the line of fire aft of the exhaust augmentors. The Cessna 310 is known for its speed, but owners use this ability sparingly due to the high fuel consumption required. The Twin Bonanza, in turn, had a rather short life in the market and lingered on primarily as a military trainer, but its performance and high operational costs made it unable to compete with the Cessna 310. A new bladder for our sample Cessna 182 was quoted at $850, however their Website catalog listed it at over $1000. The last development in the Cessna 310 family came in the shape of the Model 310R and T310R, which added a baggage compartment to the lengthened nose section. 1976 Cessna 182P in very good condition located in Southern California presently at KAJO Corona, CA Airport. Fuel Capacity: 130 Gallons 50 Gallon Mains 15 Gallon Aux Tanks Weight and Balance: Max Allowable: 4830 lbs Basic Empty Weight: 3287 lbs Useful Load: 1543 lbs Empty Arm: 35.19 inches aft datum Empty Moment: 115674 inch lbs Engine Specs: Right: Continental IO470D Serial Number 75850-0-D 1089.7 SMOH Compressions at May 2007 Annual: 72/73/72/75/73 Also the landing gear must be adjusted carefully and properly to insure smooth and dependable operation.The 310s fuel system has been unfairly criticized in the past. All the T310s come with Garrett turbochargers and automatic wastegates and are conservatively boosted. Single-engine service ceiling is about 7000 to 7500 feet, or 17,000-18,000 for the turbo. Answer: The nominal range for an early Cessna 310 is 870 nautical miles, but this can be significantly expanded with additional fuel tank options. One significant difference was the switch from overwing from underwing exhaust on the 310I, and the accompanying introduction of wing lockers. The BTC-39 bladder cant be repaired and must be inspected every 100 hours for leakage in accordance with AD 78-05-06 until its removed from service. from the aux. The landing gear system has been said to be the most common source of trouble for Cessna 310 operators. The single-engine ceiling, however, grew considerably in the turbocharged versions. RAP provides a fast response time with very extensive aircraft fuel cell repair capabilities. These vents have top etched into the valve body. ), Many used parts are not listed on our web site parts, We have a full-time sheet metal crew assigned. That's actually a bit amazing, considering the overall age of the fleet and the complexity of the machines. Approach speeds are relatively high. . While Cessna president Dwane Wallace built an aircraft for the business flier, the actual demographic taking the Model 310 to the skies today has changed a lot since then. Owners groupOwners of twin Cessnas have their own support organization in the form of The Twin Cessna Flyer, headed by Larry Ball. The Model 310Q and its turbocharged version, the T310Q, redesigned the cabins rear to include a new window design. Cessna has a kit available to retrofit earlier airplanes. If the pulled up section is near the wing root the float part of the fuel level sensor will also be pulled up, and the fuel gauge readings will be wrong. According to owners and mechanics, the 470s live a long and happy life under 310 cowls, and the number of service difficulty reports slated for the 470-powered airplanes is proportionally lower than for the IO-520 and TSIO-520 versions. Cessna was moving aggressively into the business market, and the 310 was a key part, and first element, of that plan. Learn more, Cessna Flyer Association1042 N Mountain Ave Suite B #337Upland, CA91786Phone: 626-844-0125, Cessna Flyer Association 2004-2022 All Rights Reserved. When the auxiliary tank runs empty, it automatically shuts off. LH Main Tank. I have owned a 1968 310N for the past four yeas. Ive also followed the advice of many to keep the gear properly rigged and lubricated. These characteristics were a perfect match for business fliers, who needed to be across the country on short notice to do their thing. This speedsters reputation is well-deserved, and it is likely to linger for many more years as older, low-hour Cessna 310s are finding their way back to the skies after restoration projects. In fact, the current owner of the third and final 310 used in the show (a 1967 D model), Songbird III, wrote to tell us that its being fully restored. As with most companies products, sourcing spare parts for the Cessna 310 is a relatively painless affair. UPJR740L). Still, the 310 is large and heavy enough that braking performance can be marginal. Through its 28-year production span, the 310 evolved from a five-seater with pressure-carbureted engines to a high- flying turbocharged six-placer with known-icing certification. It is a challenge to grease the landings, but I make every effort to protect that long, spindly gear. The 310 is a hefty airplane, particularly in its later variants. HOME | ABOUT | REPAIR | WARRANTY | DOCUMENTS | REQUEST FOR QUOTE. Prices have a very smooth increase between variants, starting at a mere $30000 for early aircraft and going up to $148000 for a turbocharged Cessna T310R, according to the 2019 issue of the Aircraft Bluebook. All of the major bladder repair companies offer a test and advise option that clarifies the repair/new decision. In 1960, Cessna put a swept tail on the airplane, calling it the 310D. https://www.cessnaflyer.org/cessna-twins/cessna-310/item/1315-the-cross-country-capable-cessna-310.html, https://www.aopa.org/go-fly/aircraft-and-ownership/aircraft-fact-sheets/cessna-310, https://www.aviationconsumer.com/used-aircraft-guide/cessna-310-2/, https://www.risingup.com/planespecs/info/airplane399.shtml, https://bwifly.com/cessna-310-insurance-cost/, Bombardier Challenger 300 Guide and Specs. Handling on the Cessna 310 is in line with expectations for most Cessna aircraft pleasant, predictable handling, with certain aspects scaled up in line with the series larger dimensions compared to the Model 152 or 172 many learned to fly on. Although the engine-compartment systems of the various 310s are fairly straightforward, the same cannot be said for the fuel system. Although my remans started immediately, ran smoothly, and used very little oil (about 1 qt. According to a report prepared for ASF by Aviation Consumer contributor Mike Busch (a 310 owner), two-thirds of the machine-caused accidents in 310s are gear-related. 1959 saw the first big change in the 310, with the switch to fuel-injected 260 HP Continental IO-470D engines and another rise in gross weight This airplane was dubbed the 310C. Two major downsides of the Beechcraft offering were the narrow cabin, a holdover from the much smaller Beech 36 Bonanza, and the considerably higher price: in 1980, the base price for the Cessna 310R was $200000, compared to $300000 for a standard-fit Baron. The marketplaces answer to the single-vs.-twin question seems to be go for the singleyour wallet will thank you.
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