Factory Colt Original Caliber 32 S&W Police Positive Grips W/ Screw H85B AS IS, Colt Detective Special .38 Special - Black Pachmayr Grips and Grip Screw, Reproductive Grips For Colt D frame Short butt DIAMOND BACK Police positive#02, colt python special wooden grips is made of first class Turkish walnut, Leave feedback about your eBay search experience - opens in new window or tab. This process takes time and requires that I have your handgun in my shop. Calibers were .32-20, .32 New Police, .38 New Police (.38 S&W), and .38 Special. Every Hogue product from handgun grips to long gun stocks to specialty knives to gear and accessories is built in the spirit of fine craftsmanship, attention to detail and complete dedication to the legacy of founder Guy Hogue, carried into the next generation by his sons Aaron and Patrick Hogue, by Hogue Tool & Machine Company president Jim Bruhns, and by Guy Hogue's grandson Neil Hogue. Thomasboro, IL 61878 0 Schematic w/ Parts List . . Made from genuine Sambar Stag, Fits : Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Secret Service Rosewood Grips Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Secret Service Rosewood Grips. 3 SINGLE ACTION and all the reproductions. TV Character Deputy Barney Fife on . Colt 1903 .32 & Colt 1908 .380, Pocket Hammerless Grips. Ready to Ship The grips you see here are the grips you will receive. It was manufactured from 1905 to 1941. Welcome to Hogue, Inc., home to a proud family tradition of American quality and innovation since 1968. Mustang Walnut Combat Grips for Colt Python or Official Police Models. The Police Positive .32 Or .38 Is Approximately 1 1/2+" Wide At T. Does Not Fit the Super Blackhawk, Ruger Wrangler .22 Revolver Grips Classic Imitation Jigged Bone Ivory-Like Urethane Reproduction Grips. Design types includedfaux ivory,walnut, and stag horn grips. Website by Hudson, Grip Left Side w/ Escutcheon Black Plastic Checkered, This product is no longer available, however, Colt Police Positive Schematic W/ Parts List, Barrel .38 Spec, 4", Large Dia Thread 9/16" - 32 TPI, Used Factory Original, Barrel Assembly, .38 Cal., 4", New Style (Shrouded), Barrel Assembly, .38 Cal., 4", New Style, Nickel (Shrouded), Barrel Assembly, .38 Spec, 4", New Style, Shrouded, Matte Blued, New Factory, Barrel Assembly, .38 Spec, 4", Nickel, Used Factory Original, Barrel, .32 Mag, 2" New, Blued w/ Front Sight, Barrel, .32 New Police (.32 S&W Long), 4", Nickel, Barrel, .38 New Police (S&W), 4", Blued, Large Dia Thread 9/16"-32 TPI, Used, Barrel, .38 New Police (S&W), 5", Blued, Large Dia Thread 9/16"-32 TPI, Used, Barrel, .38 Spec, 5", Blued (Stamped Police Positive Special), Barrel, .38 Special, 5", Blued, Large Dia Thread 9/16"-32 TPI, Used Factory, Barrel, .38 Special, 5", Nickel, Large Dia Thread 9/16"-32 TPI, Used Factory, Barrel, .38 Special, 6", Blued, Large Dia Thread 9/16"-32 TPI, Used Factory, Bolt (aka Cylinder Catch), Used Factory Original, Bolt w/ Screw, Early Style (a/k/a Cylinder Catch) - -, Bolt Screw, Old Style, Used Factory Original, Crane Lock Screw, Blued, New Reproduction, Crane Lock Screw, Blued, Used Factory Original, Crane Lock Screw, Nickel, Used Factory Original, Cylinder Assembly, .32 New Police, Nickel, Used Factory Original, Cylinder Assembly, .32 New Police, Old Style, Nickel, Original Colt Manufacture, Cylinder Assembly, .32 New Police, Old Style, Blued w/Ratchet & Ejector Rod, New, Cylinder Assembly, .38 New Police (.38 S&W), Early Model, Nickel, Used Factory, Cylinder Assembly, .38 New Police, 6 Shot, Used Factory Original (w/ Ejector), Cylinder Assembly, .38 New Police, Old Style, Blued, Original Colt Manufacture, Cylinder Assembly, .38 New Police,New Style, Blued, Original Cot Manufacture, Cylinder Assembly, .38 Spec, New Style, Used (w/ Ratchet), Cylinder Assembly, .38 Spec, New Style, Nickel (w/ Ratchet), Cylinder Assembly, .38 Spl, New Style, Blued, Used Factory w/Crane, Ratchet, Cylinder Assembly, 38 New Police (.38 S&W), Early Model, Blued, Used Factory, Cylinder, .38 Spec, Stripped, Blued, New Factory Original, Cylinder, .38 Spec, Stripped, New Style, Blued, Used Factory Original, Ejector Rod, Old Style, Blued, Used Factory Original, Ejector Rod Head, Used Factory Original (For 3" & 4" Barrels), Hammer Assembly, New Style, Used Factory Original, Hammer, Stripped, New Style, Blued, New Old Stock Original, Hammer Strut Spring, Used Factory Original, Hand Detail Assembly, Blued Steel, New Reproduction (Final Fitting May Be Req'd), Hand Detail Assembly, Used Factory Original, Latch Pin Assembly, .17" Dia., Used Factory Original, Latch Pin Assembly, Used Factory Original (.198" Diameter), Safety Assembly, New Style, Used Factory Original, Safety Assembly, Old Style, New Factory Original, Safety Assembly, Old Style, Used Factory Original, Sideplate Screw, used Factory Original (2 Req'd), Grip, Left Side, w/ Escutcheon, Black Plastic, Checkered, Used Reproduction, Grip, Right, Short Frame Models, Checkered Walnut, Used Factory Original, Grips, Early "C" Type Square Butt, Checkered Walnut w/ Colt Medallion, Old Mdl, Grips, Wide Butt, Stag Horn, Early "C" Type, 3", Molded Plastic, New, Grips, Wide Square Butt, Mahogany w/Screw & Escutcheon, New Jay Scott, Grips, Wide Square Butt, Old Style, Mother Of Pearl, Mfg. Sports, Inc made numerous Franzite Grips for the Colt Police Postive, Colt Police Positive Target, and Colt Police Positive Special. Here are the collectible offspring of the decidedly noncollected Colt Police Positive. $69.95 Sold Out. The Poli COLT POLICE POSITIVE SPECIAL The Police Positive Special Is Approximately 1 13/16" Wide At The Bottom. As used on the 2 1/2" barreled Python. Colt Python,Official Police,Officer's Grips, Leave feedback about your eBay search experience - opens in new window or tab. Handgun Grip for a Colt D frame Long Square-butt Revolver (P1120273) $69.95 Sold Out. Quick View. MSA Marbles Knives, Axes, Grips & Parts, C16 Colt Police Positive Ivory-Like Grips, C16M Colt Police Positive Ivory-Like Grips With Medallions, CB16 Colt Police Positive Ivory-Like "Barked" Grips, CB16M Colt Police Positive Ivory-Like "Barked" Grips With Medallions, FWI16-2 Colt Police Positive Fossilized Alaskan Walrus Ivory Grips, FWI16-3 Colt Police Positive Fossilized Alaskan Walrus Ivory Grips, G16P Colt Police Positive Grips, Full Checkered, J16 Colt Police Positive Imitation Jigged Bone Grips, J16M Colt Police Positive Imitation Jig Bone Grips with Medallions, MI16-1 Colt Police Positive Siberian Mammoth Ivory Grips, MI16-2 Colt Police Positive Siberian Mammoth Ivory Grips, MI16-3 Colt Police Positive Siberian Mammoth Ivory Grips, RJBH16 Colt Police Positive Imitation Jigged Buffalo Horn Grips, RJBH16M Colt Police Positive Imitation Jigged Buffalo Horn Grips, Medallions, RRH16 Colt Police Positive Reproduction Ram Horn Grips, RRH16M Colt Police Positive Reproduction Ram Horn Grips With Medallions, RW16 Colt Police Positive Royalwood Revolver Grips, S16M Colt Police Positive Stag-Like Grips With Medallions, WC16 Colt Police Positive Walnut Grips, Checkered Medallions, C173 Pietta 1873 SA Revolver Ivory-Like Grips, Smooth. As used on the 2 1/2" barreled Python. Kingston, NY 12401 Phone: 866.686.7424 Fax: 877.486.7278 Colt 1905 Auto Grips. COLT PYTHON ORIGINAL LEW SANDERSON CUSTOM GRIPS PLS1 Colt $ 500.00; COLT PYTHON SAMBAR STAG GRIPS CPSS15 Colt $ 450.00; COLT PYTHON PREMIUM GRADE GIRAFFE BONE GRIPS . One piece grips Polyurethane and 20 to 60% Ivory or bone get the perfect finished color and antique look. Vintage Colt Fits D Frame Factory Round Butt Grips Detective Special. Here is the answer! They are highly polished natural bone grips that look and feel just like Old Ivory, with all the strong grain, Hand made from Mother Natures material to fit the Remington Model 1875 or 1895. All Rights Reserved. $189.95 More Info Add to cart Add to Wishlist Add to Compare Model CO27-CLRO-NAC3 Python Rosewood Classic Grips "Third Type" Checkering Vintage Gun Grips Colt Vest Pocket Square Top 25 ACP Polymer Black. Buy 1 Set of Real Mother of Pearl Colt Police Positive Grips: GunBroker is the largest seller of Pistol Grips Pistol Parts Gun Parts All: 972058696. . The Police Positive Special, Second Issue, added a grooved top strap to cut glare, and used smooth walnut grips changed to checkered walnut later. Police Positive; Police Positive Special; Banker Special; Early Detective; D Frame - Short (after 1966) Detective Special; Cobra; Agent; Diamondback; Viper; Police Positive . Does Not Fit Colt Police Positive, Even in .38 (It Is Smaller Than the Specia COLT POLICE POSITIVE .32 or .38 Does Not Fit Police Positive Special (Special is Larger). The Police Positive .32 Or .38 Is Approximately 1 1/2+" Wide At The Bottom. Grips ~ Cimarron Thunderer - Stag grip RJT#5254, Grips ~ Mexican Eagle 1860 Army 1872 Colt, Uberti, Pietta & 1873 El Patron Grizzly Paw - Antique Ivory grip RJT#5303, Grips ~ Ruger Bisley model - Checkered RJT#5797, Colt Python Grip Pin For All Finishes. CONTACT US 901 N. Church Street. These grips are as close to the originals as can be created today. The Police Positive .32 Or .38 Is Approximately 1 1/2+" Wide At The Bottom. Thomasboro, IL 61878 As used on the 2 1/2" barreled Python. Does Not Fit the Super B, Colt Python or 2021 Anaconda Alaskan Dall Sheep Horn Grips, Small Panel, Colt SAA Single Action Army Oversize Alaskan Dall Sheep Horn Grips, Hand made Bone 1875 or 1895 Original or Uberti Remington two piece Grips RJT#6309, Grips ~ Hand made and hand fit Bone Grips, Grips ~ Hand made and hand fit Bone two piece Grips RJT#5464 - $379.95, Hand made Bone Colt Bisley two piece Grips, Colt Lightning & Thunderer Grips ~ Hand made Bone one piece Grips RJT#5528 $330.00, Stag Jigged, Elk Horn grips highly decorative, Colt Python or 2021 Anaconda Siberian Mammoth Ivory Grips, Small Panel, Pietta 1873 SA Revolver Cocobolo Rosewood Grips, Smooth, Ruger New Vaquero & 50th Anniversary Blackhawk .357 Grips With Antiqued Relief Carved Rose, Ruger Vaquero XR3-Red Rosewood Grips With Red Ruger Medallions, Ruger Wrangler .22 Revolver Imitation Jig Bone Grips, Smith & Wesson K & L Frame Smooth Walnut Combat Grips, Square Butt, Smith & Wesson N Frame Smooth Walnut Combat Grips, Round Butt, Uberti Remington Model 1858 Grips Take Offs, Colt Single Action Army 2nd/3rd Generation, Grips ~ 1860 Army 1872 Colt / Uberti 1873 El Patron Grizzly Paw Plain grip RJT#481, Grips ~ 1851 and 1861 Navy colt - Plain grip, Grips ~ Cimarron Thunderer - Fleur de Lys checkered grip, Elk Horn Stag Two Piece Grips for Colt New Service, Colt SAA 1st Gen. ELK HORN "Jigged" grips, Grips ~ American Eagle 1860 Army 1872 Colt, Uberti, Pietta & 1873 El Patron Grizzly Paw - Antique Ivory grip RJT#5302, A recreation of the famous John Wayne finger grooved grips. Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. Fits : Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Kirinite Presentation White Secret Service Grips Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Kirinite Presentation White Secret Service Grips, Fits : Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Kirinite Red Pearl Secret Service Grips Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Kirinite Red Pearl Secret Service Grips, Fits : Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Kirinite Root Beer Secret Service Grips Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Kirinite Root Beer Secret Service Grips, Fits : Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Python, Official Police, and 2021 AnacondaKirinite White Pearl Panel Grips Python, Official Police, and 2021 AnacondaKirinite White Pearl Panel Grips, Fits : Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anacondae Sambar Stag Grips. These Grips are made of polyurethane to which the maker adds 20, These Grips are made of polyurethane to which the maker adds 20 to 60% ivory or bone to get the finished color and antique look. Auction (30) MI16-1 Colt Police Positive Siberian Mammoth Ivory Grips. Cocobolo Rosewood Reproduction Grips Smooth With Oil, RUGER NEW VAQUERO 2005 XR3 GRIPS RUGER 50th ANNIVERSARY BLACKHAWK .357 2006 GRIPS Antiqued Relief Carved Rose Similar to the Gene Autry Style Hand Painted With Acrylic Paint Dennis Holland Col, RUGER VAQUERO XR3-RED GRIPS Grips Also Fit Ruger New Model Blackhawk, New Model Single Six Revolvers & Ruger Super Blackhawk with the Round Trigger Guard Only. New Hardwood Grips For Colt D frame Short butt Police positive . Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Sort by: Show Available. Price: $475.00. The Grips are made to c, Colt Python Grip Pin For All Finishes. These grips are as close to the originals as can be created Toll Free:(800) 323-6144 National Number: 630-260-0400, Hours Of Operation: Monday- Friday: 9am To 4pm, 2023 Eagle Grips, Inc. | Powered by forcitcample.com, Colt Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Grips, Python Kirinite Presentation White Classic Grips, Fits Colt Python, Official Police, Original Trooper, and 2021 Anaconda Frames. Fits : Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Our Combat Contour grips are designed to enhance your gun control under challenging shooting conditions. MSA Marbles Knives, Axes, Grips & Parts, C16 Colt Police Positive Ivory-Like Grips, C16LM Colt Police Positive Special Large Ivory-Like Grips, C16M Colt Police Positive Ivory-Like Grips With Medallions, CB16 Colt Police Positive Ivory-Like "Barked" Grips, CB16M Colt Police Positive Ivory-Like "Barked" Grips With Medallions, FWI16-2 Colt Police Positive Fossilized Alaskan Walrus Ivory Grips, FWI16-3 Colt Police Positive Fossilized Alaskan Walrus Ivory Grips, G16 Colt Police Positive Grips, Fleur-de-lis Checkering, G16P Colt Police Positive Grips, Full Checkered, G16SPL Colt Police Positive Special Checkered Grips, Black, G16SPLTR Colt Police Positive Special Checkered Grips With Thumb Rest, J16 Colt Police Positive Imitation Jigged Bone Grips, J16M Colt Police Positive Imitation Jig Bone Grips with Medallions, MI16-1 Colt Police Positive Siberian Mammoth Ivory Grips, MI16-2 Colt Police Positive Siberian Mammoth Ivory Grips, MI16-3 Colt Police Positive Siberian Mammoth Ivory Grips, RCG16 Colt Police Positive Walnut Grips, With Medallions, RCG16L Colt Police Positive Special, Large Walnut Grips W/Medallions, RJBH16 Colt Police Positive Imitation Jigged Buffalo Horn Grips, RJBH16M Colt Police Positive Imitation Jigged Buffalo Horn Grips, Medallions, RRH16 Colt Police Positive Reproduction Ram Horn Grips, RRH16M Colt Police Positive Reproduction Ram Horn Grips With Medallions, RW16 Colt Police Positive Royalwood Revolver Grips, RW16L Colt Police Positive Special Grips, Large With Medallions, S16L Colt Police Positive Special Stag-Like Grips, S16LM Colt Police Positive Special Stag-Like Grips With Medallions, S16M Colt Police Positive Stag-Like Grips With Medallions, VS16RSM Colt Police Positive Special Smooth Rosewood Grips, Medallions, WC16 Colt Police Positive Walnut Grips, Checkered Medallions, C173 Pietta 1873 SA Revolver Ivory-Like Grips, Smooth. About 25 years before Colt brought the curtain down on the Police Positive Special 1969 to be exact it was listed at $93.50 (blued). Grip Screw Nut Enlarge Image. . Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. The Police Positive .32 Or .38 Is Approximately 1 1/2+" Wide At The COLT POLICE POSITIVE SPECIAL GRIPS CHECKEREDWITH MOLDED IN MEDALLION LARGE, SQUARE BOTTOM FITS ALL COLT "D" FRAME REVOLVERS Includes Screw Set The Police Positive Special Is Appro Colt Police Positive Reproduction Ram Horn Grips .32 or .38 Does Not Fit Police Positive Special (Special is Larger). Most of todays grip makers only offer grips for the 1965 and later frame that has a short, stubby grip frame under the wood. Colt police positive special pistol grips graphite black plastic with screw New (Other) $35.00 Save up to 20% when you buy more or Best Offer get_a_grip_on_it (17,789) 96.4% Free shipping Sponsored COLT D FRAME GRIPS SILVER MEDALLIONS COLT MKV DIAMONDBACK DT SPECIAL AGENT VIPER Brand New $67.00 edealsunlimited (23,801) 100% Buy It Now Smith & Wesson Factory Grips S&W K, L-Frame Square Butt Checkered Dymondwood. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. By Fit-Rite - New, Mono Grip, Cobblestone Textue, Finger Grooves, Black Rubber, New Hogue, Grip Screw, New Factory Original (Thread Pitch 4-40), Trigger Assembly, Blued, Checkered Pad Used, Trigger Assembly, Nickel, Used Factory Original, Ejector Rod Bushing, New Factory Original, Ejector Rod Bushing, Used Factory Original. C $162.79 + C $33.78 shipping. Our Combat Contour grips are designed to enhance your gun control under challenging shooting conditions. In stock. Colt Police Positive Imitation Jig Bone Grips with Medallions, .32 or .38. All Types (1000+) Needless to say, these grips are extremely limited in their availability. C $85.04. COLT OFFICIAL POLICE & MARSHAL FACTORY CHECKERED WOOD ROUND BUTT GRIP NICE RARE, COLT EJECTOR ROD AGENT COBRA COMMANDO DETECTIVE SPC POLICE POSITIVE VIPER, Colt Service Grips I E Coltwood Army Special Official Police Python-J7d, COLT GRIP SCREW AGENT COBRA DETECTIVE SPECIAL POLICE POSITIVE FACTORY ORIGINAL, VINTAGE FACTORY COLT POLICE POSITIVE GRIPS SUPER RARE, FACTORY COLT GRIPS NEW RARE VINTAGE COLT Trooper Lawman Official Police Metr, Pachmayr Compac Grip Colt Agent, Cobra, Detective Special, Post 1971, - Pachmayr Compac Grip Colt Agent, Cobra, Detective Special, Post 1971, Vintage Colt Commando Factory Coltwood Grips. CONTACT US 901 N. Church Street. Our Combat Contour grips are designed to enhance your gun control under challenging shooting conditions. Please try a new zip code and search again. In today's market, the .32 version actually seems more desirable than the . Some sanding might be, Here is an example of our custom madeGENUINE BUFFALO HORNgrips. COLT POLICE POSITIVE GRIPS .32 or .38 DOES NOT FIT POLICE POSITIVE SPECIAL (Special is Larger) The Police Positive .32 Or .38 Is Approximately 1 1/2+" Wide At The Bottom. Toll Free: (800) 323-6144 , National Number: 630-260-0400, Colt .22 New Frontier Single Action Grips, Colt Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Grips, Colt Post '66 Cobra and Detective Special Grips, Imitation Ivories, Pearls, and Other Colors, Colt .380 Government & Mustang Plus II Grips. Kingston, NY 12401, 2023 Numrich Gun Parts Corporation. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. These were likely made for a Colt Police Positive Target, but they will also fit the Colt Police Positive and Colt Police Positive Special, pre-1928 narrow frame square butt. They can be fit to Colt Bisley Single Action models. Made of Polyurethane, these grips are aged to the right look and will at character to your '58 Remington. Chip on 1 grip, Colt Early Police Positive Grips with Screw. The Police Positive .32 Or .38 Is Approximately 1 1/2+" Wide At The Bottom. The Grips are made to close specifications as to assure a good fit to y, Get the feel of an Old West Gentleman or High Rolling Gambler with these Fleur de Lys Grips for your Cimarron Thunderer (made by Ubert). See each listing for international shipping options and costs. Every Hogue product from handgun grips to long gun stocks to specialty knives to gear and accessories is built in the spirit of fine craftsmanship, attention to detail and complete dedication to the legacy of founder Guy Hogue, carried into the next generation by his sons Aaron and . The Polic COLT POLICE POSITIVE REVOLVER ROYALWOOD GRIPS .32 or .38 Does Not Fit Police Positive Special (Special is Larger). C $73.55 + C $84.11 shipping. Handgun Grip for a Colt Python handgun (P1130713) Sold Out. Fits : Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda American Elk Grips Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda American Elk Grips, Fits : Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda, Fits : Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Python, Official Police, and 2021 AnacondaFinger Position Rosewood Checkered Grips Python, Official Police, and 2021 AnacondaFinger Position Rosewood Checkered Grips. By comparison, the larger blued Official Police was going for $110, while the also-heftier competition Model 10 was bringing S&W a somewhat friendlier $76.50. Shown below are the stag horn Colt Police Positive Revolver Standard Grips with narrow butt 1 - 9/16 inches (Item 36-S), Colt Police Positive Specialmodel grips (Item 38-S) and Colt Police Positive Targetgrips in Faux Walnut(Item 39). The set pictured are of genuine gutta-percha (hard rubber), made for the , Our reproduction products in hard urethane plastic for the Colt Single Action Army 2nd/3rd Generation. Sorry, there are no results in your area. Numrich Gun Parts Corporation We make archery grips, knife handles, gun stocks, and pistol grips. It also makes each pair of grips unique. We use high speed CNC machining centers, lasers, Zuckerman duplicators, and robotics to make our parts accurately and efficiently. (302), Vintage Franzite Target Grips for Colt I and E Frame -Official Police, Vintage Colt E I Frame Grips Official Police Officer's Model Coltwood Plastic #2, Pachmayr Black Rubber Revolver Compac Non-Slip Pistol Grip for Various Handguns, - Pachmayr Black Rubber Revolver Compac Non-Slip Pistol Grip for Various Handguns, VINTAGE COLT DETECTIVE SPECIAL RUBBER PACHMAYR GRIPS D FRAME LOT X3 1 FACTORY, Original Colt Detective Special Agent Cobra Long Rd Butt Checkered Walnut grips, Revolver grip screw with nut for Colt Police Positive Special service grips, Mustang Combat Grips for Colt python or Official Police models.
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