what can the reader infer from paragraph 1

Next, the artist paints a background and allows this to dry thoroughly before adding the actual picture. Is hiding weak information in a complex presentation aid ethical? Of course, the fact that he would go so far as to murder Fortunato in the depraved manner which he does also suggests something awful about Montresor's state of mind and reliability! If loading fails, click here to try again, "A floor cloth that is painted on canvas will last years with little visible wear. Ciencias Politica y Ciencias de la Economia.pdf, In injury free and as a result of no longer taking any liberties in my training, Well begin by discussing safety measures for both the patient and the medical, Quality of design refers to the intention of the designers to include or exclude, The fulfillment of God's redemptive plan refers to______________________________. Answer choice (D) is incorrect, since paragraph 5 moves on to new details: painting the background and the actual picture. it is a story of true madness, but it would have been insane if montresor had put on the motley himself. "God so loved the world, that he gave his only son" In this sense, in what way can science restore or redeem the present world? D)The DO NOT CALL Registry has had no significant When stating the relation in a mapping. a. A specific friend? This sense of detachment is in itself unreliable. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. Are there some that seem humorous? The Reasoning Through Language Arts section in the updated GED focuses more on nonfiction passages. A), Computers and Technology, 31.08.2019 05:30. Analyzes how fortunato thinks montresor means that he is happy to see him because of his expertise; meeting is luckily because carnival presents an excellent time for murder. identify the steps of the pltw design process that you saw in the movie. How do you calculate the ideal gas law constant? Analyzes how brighthub education.com portrays the narrator's treasure as the knowledge of the perfect revenge. It's no surprise that exercise enhances energy. Which sentence shows a fundamental shift in Frances history? Analyzes how the narrator, like montresor, turns on pluto after several nights of intoxication, violence against his wife and the other pets. ". This can be done by hand stitching or by using a sewing machine. The rest of the sentence explicitly states that the floor cloth is an attractive rug that protects the floor. Answer choice (D) is tempting, but even though it mentions that many people use floor cloths today, it doesnt connect that statement to the past the way that answer choice (B) does. Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. Is he addressing a random audience? Why. = 15 ? deception is a symptom of antisocial personality disorder. Analyzes how the plot of "the cask of amontillado" is basic but does its job well. D. Is the best answer in my opinion. he shows no remorse or concern for his actions. Answer choice (D) is the best match for that type of meaning. Montressor knew that Fortunato had a weakness that he could use towards his advantage. When trying to decode Edgar Allen Poes work you must realize his background is puzzling and that his work is intimate with many facets and niches in his life. a first-hand account of the arguments that shaped the American Revolution. = 2 1/4. Therefore, The correct answer is option C. According to the author, research into several features can be valuable in identifying birds. 1. D. 3 following 6 answers 6 report abuse are you sure you want to delete this answer? answer choices A To highlight the narrator's conflict B To contrast the narrator's opinion with Jerry's opinion C To frame the story with the narrator's primary conflict D To show how the narrator's viewpoint changes Question 8 30 seconds Q. [ Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies In Ozymandias, the reader infer the following from the . When is the story being told? fortunatos costume is a jester costume to accentuate his joker/dumb attitude. Before painting, the artist will cut the fabric to the desired size and hem the edges. Fight-or-flight hormones are released. Opines that shmoop editorial team suggest that "this is ironic because hed have to be complete fool to think montresor is going to undo all those layers of bricks and let him out.". He uses most artists to show that there seems to be a certain process that the majority of artists follow. The reader can infer that VOA recruits people to investigate dangerous news stories. However, based on the research I made about his works, it seems like his works are famous for featuring dark themes, violence and psychologically unstable characters. Explains that edgar allan poe is one of the most celebrated literary authors of all time, known for writing suspenseful, dramatic short stories and a poet. Analyzes how the narrator, montresor, has conflicting viewpoints and actions with his story. Greater amounts of oxygen are supplied to your cells. You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that I gave utterance to a treat, seems to infer the narrator is addressing a person who already knows a lot about him as a person. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. he has a clear plan for revenge and in his mind justifies it. His house is well-appointed, and he describes leading Fortunato toward "several suites of rooms" to the vault in which his wine is stored. Analyzes how the character of montressor was so engrossed in the thought of taking revenge from his victim that he did not even define the precise reason behind his revenge. Floor cloths were used in the 18th century to protect wood floors from moisture in areas near an outside door, around the tub, or under the family table. C. Is a very possible answer. From paragraph 4 we can infer that (). 2. What evidence does the text provide that He also seems well educated, speaking eloquently and using Latin and French phrases in his speech. It seems as if revenge is just part of his nature. montresor is cold and ruthless, while fortunato is on the opposite end with his actions defying the narrators' narrative. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies" Weegy: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. You can go birding on your own or with a group of pals. Analyzes how poe uses imagery in "the cask of amontillado" to convey the setting of the story. Analyzes the symbolism of montresor's family crest and the dupe fortunado, which means, "fortune or the fortunate.". And millions of other answers 4U without ads. Greater amounts of oxygen are supplied to your cells. It reveals the authors point of view that two coats are better than one coat. G. abrasive. Common Sense is considered to be a foundational text because it presents All rights reserved. Comparing the Narration of The Cask of Amontillado and The Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe. Sealing with polyurethane or varnish does not make a difference in the final pliability of the finished floor cloth. What are two lines that specifically foreshadow the grisly event at the end of the tale? Accessed 4 Mar. The author speaks in the third person more appropriate to a fitness instructor speaking as a professional, 1460 views 47 From paragraphs 11 through 13, what can the reader infer about the narrator's relationship with his father? Describe the voice of the narrator in Girl. Examples of those works are The Tell-Tale Heart and The Black Cat, both of which involve narrators who are not of sound minds. However, the sentence that follows clears up any confusion, and clearly defines the support as the surface. Log in here. What is the primary purpose of paragraphs 1 and 2? When Montresor informs Fortunato that he has purchased a pipe of Amontillado, he says, "I was fearful of losing a bargain." the reader infer about Montresors social position and character Astudent must leave for campus in 10 mins or he will be late for class. Of the three, varnish requires more thought as to clean-up. Binoculars, for example, can assist you in bringing birds into focus. In The Cask of Amontillado, the main character Montresor seeks revenge on Fortunato. 1. During the question and answer period that followed, no one questioned the weak information. Thomas Paine's opinions on freedom and justice The artist applies at least two or three coats of sealant over the painted picture at 24-hour intervals. Analyzes poe's "the cask of amontillado." he was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder and realized he has no judgment of what is right or wrong. "The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could; but when he ventured upon insult vowed revenge" Montressor had to be sure not to raise suspicion of what he was going to do Fortunato. In the first couple paragraph you can see that Montessori holds grudges, he talks about people with pity. If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. This story makes me want to read more of Poes work because I like dark theme. In regards to Montresor as an unreliable narrator, there are several examples in the text to suggest that he is not being completely honest and transparent. Round 521,742 to the nearest thousand. around the world. , uld hide the weakest part of her argument in a complex presentation aid. Check out the link below to learn more about birding; This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Analyzes how the backdrop of carnival season lends the story its fantastic nature, a nature trumped only by the madness of montresor's revenge. She kept looking at the data trying to find a way around the weakness. How did Fortunato insult Montresor in "The Cask of Amontillado"? In 1791, the, But the French Republic had to fight wars against European, monarchies. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. (Girl) Describe the focus or in "the cask of amontillado," he describes the catacombs in great detail. c. my dad loves to cook however, he hates to do dishes. If he is celebrating the anniversary of gaining his revenge, or if he feels guilty about his crime, he does not speak of it directly, and his language does not reveal it. Others create designs or patterns that are comparable to those of the 18th century. What can the reader infer about Equiano's situation from the sentence that begins "When I recovered a little " in paragraph 1? He clearly lives on a spacious property and enjoys the privilege of having servantsindicators of wealth and status. Appreciation of her fine work, once the nausea subsides 4. On July 14, 1789, the people of Paris stormed the Bastille, an old fort, and royal prison, and rose in rebellion. Thankfully, at the end of her presentation, everyone applauded. There is even less reason to suspect that there is any suggestion of a comparison between the author of the passage (Samuel Johnson, by the way) and Browne; so you can eliminate answer (E). Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. While she was nervous during her presentation, she was confident that no one would notice what she did. Eliminate C)The DO NOT CALL Registry has been somewhat successful for its intended purpose. It's perfect for a pick-me-up English. It provides a criticism for a select group of artists. Making a floor cloth is too hard for most people to attempt. The theme of a literary work reflects why it was written and what the author hopes to convey on a The physical challenge primes your body. He tells the story from beginning to end with no diversions, no explanations, and no emotions. Instead of leaving you depleted, exercise invigorates. 1. B.Although beneficial, exercise can be dangerous. User: "Ozymandias:" What can the reader infer from the description of the scene below?"Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Polycrylic, varnish, and polyurethane are sealants that work well for floor cloths. Which does the word part -logue mean? In paragraph 1, the word coarse means F. inferior. He has been sold into slavery by people from his native country: Is what the can infer about Equiano's situation from the sentence that begins "When I recovered a little " in paragraph 1. ", "Floor cloths were used in the 18th century to protect wood floors from moisture in areas near an outside door, around the tub, or under the family table. They will help the reader shape his/her, Redemption is the restoration of freedom. Analyzes how edgar allan poe's use of imagery results in his stories being very poignant. You analyze an algorithm that solves a problem of size n = 10 in about 3.2 seconds, n = 20 in about 4.5, Read the following passage by James Horn in his book A Land and God Made It: Jamestown and the Birth of America . The Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Use your browser's back button to return to your test results. Birding, sometimes known as bird watching, is a growingly popular leisure activity. The miserable life of Poe can be measured through The Cask of Amontillado in which character named Montressor showed indifferent feeling towards his victim. Is the outcome ever in doubt? fortunato's pasion for good wine leaves him susceptible to flattery. The Case of Amontallido Poe's, The Cask of Amontillado is a story about fear and revenge. focalization in Girl. Once Montresor is in the vaults with Fortunato, he tells his enemy, "You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy, as once I was" (Poe 3). Each of the other answer choices is directly refuted by the passage. Embassy of France in the United States. Analyzes how montresor's fear of fortunato avenging any threat of revenge leads us to believe his plan is well thought out and executed. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. The reader can infer that difficult news stories are often not. Analyzes how trent lorcher thinks that fortunato is dressed as a fool because in reality he was one who fell for the well-set trap of death. Wholehearted support for her point-of-view 3. (Girl) The instructions in Girl The reader can infer that some governments try to control the publication of news stories. How do I determine the molecular shape of a molecule? It is important for the floor cloth to be water resistant so that it doesnt hold water next to the floor, causing damage to the wood, and this process begins with the first steps of its creation. The most striking thing about Montresor's voice is his outright confidence and determination. He also speaks at length about his coat of arms, suggesting that he comes from a well-respected clan. the miserable life of poe can be measured through "the cask of amontillado.". . Analyzes the symbolism in edgar allen poe's writing. Already a member? However, there is evidence to suggest that Montresor has recently fallen on hard Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more. Analyzes how montresor buys amontillado wine to use in his vengeful plan to murder fortunato, and meets his "friend" who wears a tight fitting parti-striped dress and head is surmounted by the conical cap and bells. You can search the site or browse some popular and recent study guides below. he prided himself on his connoisseurship. H. Notice the key use of the word Next, at the start of paragraph 5. What evidence does the text provide that Montresor is an unreliable narrator? His family is clearly an established name, judging from the catacombs filled with generations of Montresors. Though linoleum floors are mentioned in the second paragraph, there is nothing in the passage to support the idea that in order to prepare a floor cloth, linoleum floors must be replaced. Fight-or-flight hormones are released. The reason this is so important in this particular story, is because when a sane killer, Montresor, is allowed to tell the story from his point of view, the reader gets a unique, disturbing look into the calmness of his mind. According to R.J Russ poe tells a tale of revenge and humiliation ,the way this particular story symbolizes poes work that has a mind boggling ending. Analyzes the importance of first-person narration in edgar allen poe's "cask of amontillado". ? Yeats. (The Cask of Amontillado) What can unfortunately he is snowed in. He erected the Arc de Triomphe in tribute, to the French armies. Linoleum floors eventually replaced floor cloths in prevalence, but many people make floor cloths for their homes today or commission artists to create personalized floor cloths for them. What can the reader infer about Montessori's social position and character from hints in the next text? What details of the setting contribute to the horror of this story? Some artists add as many as ten coats of sealant. he's an unreliable character and is unsympathetic. -doing some research can help a person identify different birds. "What can the reader infer about Montresor's social position in "The Cask of Amontillado," and what evidence does the text provide that Montresor is an unreliable narrator?" Analyzes how fortunato's pride is that he knows a good and bad wine and can tell the difrence in wines. Highest polynomial complexity? How does your knowledge of the auditor and the occasion Mixed reviews; some appreciating the video, while others finding it distasteful 5. show more content, Who is the auditor, the You, addressed in the first paragraph vault of The Cask of Amontillado? Why are Edgar Allan Poes works so poignant and heavy when read? Analyzes how the brutality of the murder the narrator commits happens in the cellar of his house. Which of the following aqueous salt solutions would you expect to be neutral, e. ph=7. The words early years infer that there was a time in the past when floor cloths were used. (The Cask of Amontillado) Who is the auditor, the "You," addressed in the first paragraph of The . Poe uses several instances of foreshadowing in "The Cask of Amontillado." Therefore, if the words were to be swapped, the meaning would change from complete drying being something that HAS to occur prior to applying sealant, to complete drying being helpful, but non-essential before applying sealant. Cask of Amontillado? Q. The story follows Montresors plan for revenge and ends with the murder of Fortunato. Updated 289 days ago|5/19/2022 1:09:48 AM. person in particular? ', Analyzes how poe uses symbolism to try to answer questions in the short story "cask of amontillado". The story I chose was Edgar Allen Poes The Cask of Amontillado, I chose it because I have extended exposure to Edgar Allen Poes work and do not know the others as well as him. violent. Next Test: The Cask of Amontillado Questions: 1. He lives in a palazzo, he has servants, and his extensive catacombs suggest that he comes from a large, revered family. Montresor's comment seems to suggest that he has lost his wealth, respect, and happiness. C. The author probably exercises to enhance his/her energy level. story? -. However, there is evidence to suggest that Montresor has recently fallen on hard times and does not occupy the same social status as Fortunato. He allows the readers to step into his stories and permits them to feel as they have been taken into the story. ? Describes the works of lorcher trent and russ.rj in "the cask of amontillado. While not as knowledgeable in wine as Fortunato, he knows enough to feel at ease discussing its virtues. The author of The Cask of Amontillado, Edgar Allan Poe, lets us know in the opening sentence that the character telling the story, Montresor, vows revenge. the audience gets the reasons from the source, and is allowed to judge the murderer. Analyzes how the killer is the narrator and main character in "the cask of amontillado." what can the reader infer about the following passage "their density would not enable them to understand his sharper point of view" Log In To Your GradeSaver Account. Youre left with (C), which fits: The author complains about Brownes lack of clarity. 1. Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. they murder their enemies with no remorse towards them. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

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what can the reader infer from paragraph 1